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I Sell Fate Through A System

In a remote alleyway stands a store. No one truly understands what it is selling, but people traverse it anyway. "I hear the place fulfills your wildest dreams," says a female who wants to remain unnamed. "People who enter never wish to leave." "The store-owner is a jerk—the prices are expensive, the staff is rude and you serve yourself," another male explains, "what, I'm still going though." "I'm just here to look at the cute girls," says—well, his opinion doesn't matter, anyway. "Listen, whatever you do, don't mess with the immortal siblings there. Who that is? The store-owner and his sister, of course! Why we call them that?" The person shudders. "Because we couldn't think of a fiercer name yet." Within the store, an inconspicuous youth sits at the counter. In his head rings a cold voice, "Quest completed, ask Host to prepare for the next one." "Eh, but I don't wanna." "Quest issued, asking Host to check." "Meh, I don't like it, give me something else." "Non-compliance will lead to death." "Sure, I'd love to see you try." "...Please just do the quest." Welcome to the Store of Fates! Dear customer, would you like to change your destiny too? .................................................................................. For chapters not yet released here, news of updates and future merch, character art, and discussions with either readers or writers, please follow this link: or write me on Rafuk#5512.
Hyowha · 1.3M Views

Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

[Check out my new book 500th Time Reborn. A World Only Know By Women: The Karma System] Love holds no boundaries. Not even the space of time or the passing of an eternity will ever change that. There is a Spark inside of all of us that will never forget. A world devoid of magic is invaded by 9 gods and dungeons. A warring world sees peace for the first time in decades, but the strife is traded for the quest to gain ultimate power from a dungeon core. While the humans race to gain power, the gods secretly pit the nations against each other. Kiada, a tank, is the first to ever complete a dungeon and receive the prize, but the prize is not as was advertised. Kiada gets a system called The Blood Servant System, but with it, she will all gain leadership of one of the four Guilds in her city, becoming a Guild Master. Follow Kiada journey to find new friends and find out who she really is. The world that was hidden from her is revealed as she gains blood servants, builds up the guilds from the ground up, collects Guild members, looks for artifacts, sells goods and tries to stop the gods before they destroy the world. SPECIAL THANK FOR HELPING WITH THIS NOVEL: Grangel- always full of great new ideas! EvilGod- Always there to catch my mistakes and full of great ideas! To get more chapters each week, vote! Seraexecjia did my cover! check out his work! Join discord for nitro and merch giveaways! link is in the synopsis! Enjoy the book!
Magic_ · 1.2M Views


IS IT WRONG TO TRY TO PICK UP GIRLS IN A DUNGEON? FAMILIA CHRONICLE: Episode Lyu FUJINO OMORI Translation by Dale DeLucia Cover art by NIRITSU This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. DUNGEON NI DEAI WO MOTOMERU NO WA MACHIGATTEIRUDAROUKA FAMILIA CHRONICLE episode RYU Copyright © 2017 Fujino Omori Illustrations copyright © 2017 NIRITSU All rights reserved. Original Japanese edition published in 2017 by SB Creative Corp. This English edition is published by arrangement with SB Creative Corp., Tokyo in care of Tuttle-Mori Agency, Inc., Tokyo. English translation © 2018 by Yen Press, LLC Yen Press, LLC supports the right to free expression and the value of copyright. The purpose of copyright is to encourage writers and artists to produce the creative works that enrich our culture. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book without permission is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), please contact the publisher. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights. Yen On 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10104 Visit us at First Yen On Edition: June 2018 Yen On is an imprint of Yen Press, LLC. The Yen On name and logo are trademarks of Yen Press, LLC. The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Ōmori, Fujino, author. | Niritsu, illustrator. | Yasuda, Suzuhito, designer. | DeLucia, Dale, translator. Title: Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon? familia chronicle episode Lyu / Fujino Omori ; illustration by Niritsu ; character design by Suzuhito Yasuda ; translation by Dale DeLucia. Other titles: Dungeon ni deai wo motomeru no wa machigatteirudarouka familia chronicle episode Ryu. English | Episode Ryu Description: First Yen On edition. | New York : Yen On, June 2018. Identifiers: LCCN 2018006599 | ISBN 9780316448253 (paperback) Subjects: CYAC: Fantasy. | Kidnapping—Fiction. | Adventure and adventurers—Fiction. Classification: LCC PZ7.1.O54 It 2018 | DDC [Fic]—dc23 LC record available at ISBNs: 978-0-316-44825-3 (paperback) 978-0-316-44826-0 (ebook) E3-20180524-JV-PC
IMPERIUM · 53.6K Views

Most Chaotic Gaming Video - MYSTORY Nr5

Most Chaotic Gaming Video - MYSTORY Nr5 A Chaotic Destiny2 Gaming Video Hello World, Hello Viewers! Welcome to this chaotic video! If you had headache after watching Inception you should get some medicine now. #atmodepth, #chaoticvideo, #destiny2 _______________ Insert Chaos Here _______________ For Lack Of Order 0:00 - CHAOTIC: #beginning Hello World! Welcome to the most chaotic Destiny2 video with The Whisper, Multiplayer and other random gameplay. 1:00 - DESTINY: #gameplay I am a simple gamer, I see game, I play! In this video I decided to make an intro but it toured you to be more than five intros. I have honestly lost the overview so this video is very chaotic! Enjoy if possible or like and subscribe if you can and have a nice day or don’t but I’d like it if this was possible. 10:00 - RANDOM: #weird This video is what the title says. Basically weird like all of my previous videos! I hope you can appreciate the weirdness. Be inspired if possible. 20:00 - DUNGEON: #quest Destiny2 has a new dungeon and it turns out to become some type of storyline in my videos that I have to level up to be able to not disgracefully fail at this mission. 30:00 - GUARDIAN: #ghost After me in the shape of my brave guardian was killed and revived by his ghost... I decided to respawn because I can. This is probably pointless but I will write more in the future. 40:00 - EPIC: #final After my video was filled with intros and weird scenes I decided to end it after forty minutes because I can’t make my video indefinitely long even if I wanted to. Ps. If you like to see more you could annihilate the subscribe button and the notifications bell of my YouTube channel. Yours Sincerely, ATMODEPTH X - About Section: My Personal Area This is a unified part of my posts containing lists of my links and tags! Keywords: This Is Self Explainig If You Are Alive videogame, videospiel, 电子游戏, видеоигра, ビデオゲーム, jeuvidéo, videojuego, βιντεοπαιχνίδι, वीडियो गेम, משחק וידאו All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money) Signature: #youtuber, #gaming, #blogging, #fun, #entertainment, #creativity #indiegamedev, #videos

A Pointless Gaming Video - MYSTORY Nr4

A Pointless Gaming Video - MYSTORY Nr4 For Lack Of Reasons Hello World, Hello Viewers! Welcome to this new video, I have a great message for you! This video is completely pointless but gaming. #atmodepth, #fourthvideo, #gameplay _______________ One Take Shot _______________ Destiny2 Gameplay 0:00 - FIRST: #hello Hello World! Welcome you amazing humanoids (if you are from space than hello you three fingered, grey, big eyed space beings). I hope you did not expect something other than me making a very random and basically pointless gaming video! I feel like the randomness of this video made me feel free but also very digital and I feel like a hologram (whatever this means). So I hope you enjoy the most edited one take shot video yet and hit all the buttons. 1:00 - ONETAKE: #video As I have mentioned this is my first video in which I am attempting to shoot a one take shot but this will not be relevant for you because I will edit it anyway. In this case I am writing this after I edited this video so I should say that I have edited it but you know what I man… Or maybe not. 10:00 - TALKING: #speaking Seriously? So this video and blog post will contain some more random talking so feel free to reply with tons of comments even if you see this post in the future. I also decided to improvise even more in this video so you might notice a little difference or not (which is more likely because I usually never use a real script). 15:00 - DESTINY: #gameplay Of course I did again play the great designed game Destiny2 because I like to and I can. Feel free to do something that helps me making better content so I can make more, get more views and become immortal… Or at least invincible. 20:00 - GAMING: #entertainment Here is also some gaming stuff. If you search for something relevant here… … Keep searching and tell me if you found it. So I know where I did hide it. 25:00 - FINAL: #endgame This is actually the ending of this post because I am not a novel writer so please feel free to watch my next video and stay alive so you can make me happy by existing. If you know how to be funny please send me a message. Ps. Please let me know if you have found my charisma, I think I might have lost it somewhere before I was born. Yours Sincerely, ATMODEPTH X - About Section: My Personal Area These are unified compact lists of my links and tags! Keywords: This Is Self Explainig If You Are Human Or Me videogame, videospiel, destiny2, gameplay, newupdate, entertainment, onetakeshot, gaming, weird, edit All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money) Signature: #youtuber, #gaming, #blogging, #fun, #entertainment, #creativity #indiegamedev, #videos

Epic Noob Fails At Warzone - MYSTORY Nr10

Epic Noob Fails At Warzone - MYSTORY Nr10 Call Of Duty Warzone Fails By Me Hello World, Hello Viewers! Warzone Battle Royale is very epic when I try to not fail. But I did what I am best at. #warzone, #battleroyale, #fail #videogame, #freegame, #modernwarfare, #online #callofduty, #gameplay _______________ Warzone Gameplay _______________ Funny Gaming Video 0:00 - WARZONE Hello World! In this video and post I decided to try to fail at Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Warzone because I can. Actually I tried to play it but I failed and I was very well entertained. 1:00 - CALLOFDUTY I did try to do my first proper gameplay of Warzone the free online game. I was actually happy that my weird tactic worked well. 10:00 - FREEONLINEGAME I hope that you can give my little online brand some subscriptions and likes and tons of comments. I am trying to scale this to professional level. Thank you if you help me and thank you if you don’t too. 15:00 - BATTLEROYALE Modern Warfare in the Warzone mode is very online. Whatever this means. Hopefully… Whatever I mean. 20:00 - MODERNWARFARE Battle Royale is also very online… Ok, I will stop with these type of jokes… Or maybe not. 25:00 - NEWSEASON After all I am happy to have made this video and post because it is a milestone. It is my first tenth video and blog post! Yours Sincerely, ATMODEPTH X - About Section This is a compact list of my stuff! All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money) Signature: ATMODEPTH gaming, fun, creative
ATMODEPTH · 3.3K Views

First Time Cs Go Player Video - MYSTORY Nr13

First Time Cs Go Player Video - MYSTORY Nr13 Counter Strike Global Offensive Gameplay Hello World, Hello Viewers! I tried the classic game Counter Strike Global Offensive. A new free game gameplay. #csgo, #firstgameplay, #noob #freefpsgame, #sourceengine, #video, #gaming #gameplay, #counterstrike _______________ Counter Strike Global Offensive _______________ Exploring Some Exodus And Destiny 0:00 - COUNTERSTRIKE Hello World! In this blog post and video I tried the legendary free source engine game Counter Strike Global Offensive the first time properly. I mean that I did try it before but I never really tried to go pro… Which is a joke because I am far from being professional. 1:00 - GLOBALOFFENSIVE In fact this whole post and gameplay revolves around my first steps in this game and my attempts to not fail. I also want to mention that I would be glad for some feedback and if you could tell me what you want me to play else. 10:00 - SOURCEENGINE The game was of course made with the epic Source Engine. In some modes people get the chance to jump high like on the Moon which I think is simply more epic than not jumping for reasons I cannot further explain. 20:00 - GAMEPLAY I personally like the fact that Counter Strike has a Battle Royale mode that I will for sure also try if I find some other players. However in this gameplay I tried some normal modes and training with Bots and the training mission. 30:00 - GAMING In fact this was my first longer gameplay of Cs Go in 2020 and I must say that it was actually amazingly fun. For some reasons it seems that people are not evil against noobs. 35:00 - VIDEO If you like the blog post and the video I always like to get feedback and comments and everything that is nice to have. I hope you have a great or amazing day or week! Yours Sincerely, ATMODEPTH X - About Section This is a compact list of my default text and stuff! All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money) Signature: ATMODEPTH gaming, fun, creative

Tingling Asmr Gaming Parody - MYSTORY Nr18

Tingling Asmr Gaming Parody - MYSTORY Nr18 Gaming Asmr Video But Funny And Weird Hello World, Hello Viewers! The Asmr cult has gotten another worthy member. I decided to record a video to give you the best electric tingles that you can imagine. #asmr, #gaming, #video #parody, #online, #tingles, #clips #new, #audio _______________ Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response _______________ I Can Not Have Tingles So I Give You Some 0:00 - ASMR Hello World! Because I have to cringe I cannot have tingles when getting exposed to serious doses of Asmr. This destiny brought me to the conclusion that I only have one chance! I must Asmr you my viewers, please stay subscribed… 1:00 - TRIGGERS I wanted to play some games but it was night so I wanted to do something that I wanted to do since last week. I whistled in my microphone with the expectation of triggering the best premium tingles that someone can have. 10:00 - TINGLES The best outcome for this post would be if someone who is susceptible to Asmr gets their tingles and if everyone else if fairly entertained by my non-existing competence. I hope you get relaxed if possible. 20:00 - GAMES In the end I tried to combine the free online game Destiny2, CounterstrikeGo and some Doom2016 gameplay for the perfect mix. I need more attention. 25:00 - VIDEO I also used my classic tinfoil hat to protect myself from the mind control rays that are sent to us from the Vega galaxy. This is Sparta! 30:00 - NEW This is a new video and blog post so keep asmr and be cool! Or not if you want. Yours Sincerely, ATMODEPTH X - About Section This is a compact list of my links and other stuff! All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money) Signature: ATMODEPTH gaming, fun, creative
ATMODEPTH · 5.9K Views

Destiny2 New Exodus Quest Playthrough - MYSTORY Nr11

Destiny2 New Exodus Quest Playthrough - MYSTORY Nr11 Exotic Quest Update For Exodus Hello World, Hello Viewers! A new Destiny2 Season Of The Arrivals exodus quest gameplay. The preparation for the epic new exotic quests and events. #destiny2, #exoticquest, #exodusquest #seasonofthearrivals, #newupdate, #content, #dlc #addon, #thedarkness _______________ Pyramids Are Coming _______________ The Darkness Of Destiny2 0:00 - DESTINY Hello World! Here is a new post of me playing the new epic exotic exodus preparation quests! This new content update added the pyramid ships to the locations of Titan, Mercury and Mars and it is very exotic. Io already was infested with the pyramid ships since my last video about a previous content update. 1:00 - TITAN I started to try to do the first quest on Titan and I had to do the weekly challenges to get the quest step. This was easy on some of the locations and took a bit longer on other ones. This was also surprisingly epic. 10:00 - IO I also had to do a trip to Io. I think this was because the developers wanted to show us the beauty of these locations before removing them to the vault temporarily. 15:00 - MERCURY On the epic planet Mercury I decided to do a little side adventure together with the mission that I had to do to get the next quest step. 20:00 - MARS On Mars I had to destroy enormous amounts of the Thrall enemies and they did hide from me. I wonder why… But at some point they stormed the surface of the nice red planet and I was able to get all my points that I needed. 25:00 - ARRIVALS I hope that this video and post can get some views and likes and stuff that is important for scaling my little nice project here. Have a nice century! Yours Sincerely, ATMODEPTH X - About Section This is a compact list of my text stuff! All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money) Signature: ATMODEPTH gaming, fun, creative
ATMODEPTH · 3.1K Views

No Kill Warzone Stimulus Gameplay - MYSTORY Nr17

No Kill Warzone Stimulus Gameplay - MYSTORY Nr17 Modern Warfare Battle Royale Stimulus Mode Hello World, Hello Viewers! The free Call of Duty online multiplayer Warzone game is fun in the new mode. I basically did not get many frags but in the end it got some. #warzone, #stimulus, #battleroyale #callofduty, #modernwarfare, #gameplay, #clips #video, #new _______________ Modern Warfare Warzone _______________ Stimulus Starts After Ten Minutes 0:00 - TEAMS Hello World! As I updated the Warzone game I saw there was a new mode called Stimulus. I started with a little warmup with teams and proceeded to try the Stimulus mode where players can respawn if they have enough money in their virtual wallet. 1:00 - BATTLEROYALE This gameplay is full of Battle Royale and fails and me being very weird and if you like it I would be happy if you could give me some likes and subs. 5:00 - NEWVIDEO The new video stared with some normal gameplay and continued with more random clips. I love to make videos and I love to cut and edit them but this time I did not edit stuff and I need your feedback on this. So let me know if you like the hardcore edited videos or if you prefer this style. 10:00 - STIMULUS After ten minutes I stared the epic Stimulus mode and it was very interesting. I like the new mode and it is a different attempt to the Battle Royale style games than in the games I tried before. My experience in Battle Royale games is of course limited. 15:00 - WARZONE Call Of Duty Warzone is a good game for randomness like I like it. Feel free to be confused or not. Modern Warfare Warzone will be expanded in the future as far as I know and I am curious to make more videos. 20:00 - CALLOFDUTY With this video and blog post I also wanted to thank everyone for following me. I am consistently gaining followers on most of the platforms I use and this is epic! Thank you humans! Have a great watch! Yours Sincerely, ATMODEPTH X - About Section This is a compact list of my standard default text and things! All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money) Signature: ATMODEPTH gaming, fun, creative
ATMODEPTH · 3.2K Views
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