Zalthu decided to come clean with the whole situation, "I am not sure I am the person you think I am."
The duke shot him a questionable look then said, "Zalthu from Blackoak. Slayer of monsters. Finder of trinkets. Here to collect on his promised bounty from an elf named Kristos. Are you not that Zalthu?"
Zalthu confusion was beyond measure, then he replied, "I guess I am the person you think I am. How do you know me?"
The duke stood up and walked around the table toward them both as he said, "You are the man I have been looking for." He pulled the silver laced clock from his pocket and held it up for everyone to see. "It is a beautiful clock, isn't it? It is not a family heirloom as you were led to believe. No, it is a means to an end. I needed to find someone that was capable of handling themselves in a nasty situation. A man or woman capable of some dirty work. This clock was the solution." He placed the clock down on the table and folded his hands in front of him. Then in a fluster he said, "Oh my goodness, forgive me. In my excitement I forgot to introduce myself. I am Barlow Cantiberry also known as the Protector of the East. For several years a General of the king's army during the war. It is a pleasure to meet you."
Zalthu responded, "I am Zalthu. Former 3rd Division, Night battalion."
"A military man. Of course, you are. Our boys train only the best. Don't they?"
Zalthu wasn't going to get lost in talk of his military days, "I am not trying to throw this pleasant conversation into the wrong direction, but your man gave me an empty promise of 400 gold. Then skipped town. Needless to say, I am a little upset able it."
The duke smiled and nodded, "Ah yes. That certainly wasn't my idea. I will compensate you. Kristos is not what you would call an honorable man. But his trickery brought you to me. So, I guess it somehow worked out." The duke waved to one of his assistants and said, "Bring him in."
The assistant nodded and left the room. The duke did not stop there, he turned back to Zalthu and said, "Tell me, Zalthu. While we are waiting, what is your weapon of choice?"
"Normally, my own two fists. But other than that, I use daggers."
The duke smiled with a devilish grin and said, "Really? That is even more interesting. How did you accomplish that?"
"Accomplish what?"
"Grak was a minion of the Blood Tyrant. Huge hulking monster of an orc. They say he killed over one people in combat to gain that title. He wore the Blood Tyrant's mark and killed in his name. Then he killed another hundred to get out from under the Blood Tyrant's thumb. All who saw him called him an unstoppable force on the battlefield… and you killed him." The duke paused for a moment then he added, "With daggers?"
The truth was a different story. Zalthu remained silent. He was afraid he would not receive his pay if the duke knew the truth. Finally, Zalthu replied, "My methods are my own. Is there a problem with that?"
The duke shook his head, "Not at all. It just makes the method far more impressive."
Just then a door to the right opened as two wolf guards brought in a chopping block. They placed it on the floor nearby and handed the duke an executioner's axe. Zalthu and Lochnier realized they were in extreme danger. They were about to be executed. Lochnier said, "We should probably go. This isn't what we came here for."
Just then two wolf guards brought a man into the room with a bag over his head. The gaged man was struggling against them, so the wolf guards hit him with a club to calm him down. The duke never took his eyes off of Zalthu. He was gauging his reaction. The two wolf guards tied the man to the chopping block and pulled the bag off his head. It was Kristos. He was bloodied, bruised, and crying. He was now tied to the chopping block that he would die on. Needless to say, he was panicking.
The duke held out the executioner's axe to Zalthu. Then he said, "You want gold? It's yours. You want revenge? It's yours. Name your price?"
Zalthu took the axe from the duke. Several wolf guards moved him to make sure he wasn't going to harm the duke. But the duke waved them off. Zalthu had the axe, he was in complete control of the situation. He walked over to the crying Kristos and said, "Remember what you said Kristos. You said, if you screw this up your head would roll… Looks like you screwed the wrong person."
Kristos started to cry again then through his gag he said, "Sorry…" It was muffled, but Zalthu heard it clear enough. Zalthu raised the axe but before he could exact his revenge, he saw Lochnier out of the corner of his eye. Lochnier's face was of complete horror. This brought the whole situation into light. What was he doing? Zalthu thought about it for a second. Was this the revenge he wanted?
Zalthu swung the axe down with all of his might. He cut the ropes pinning Kristos to the chopping block. Kristos fell backwards in shock. He stood up to run away but one of the wolf guards grabbed him. Zalthu pulled the axe free of the chopping block and handed it back to the duke. He said, "I have my own version of justice. If you don't mind."
The duke held his free hand in the direction of Kristos and said, "As you wish."
Zalthu cracked his knuckles and delivered a massive punch to Kristos's face. Several hits later, Zalthu stepped back and kicked Kristos in the balls. He crumpled to the floor in pain. Zalthu smiled and walked back to stand next to Lochnier. The duke handed the axe to one of his wolf guards and said, "Fascinating. I think you belong here, Zalthu." The wolf guards took the axe, chopping block, and Kristos out of the room. Then the duke said, "I have a project you can help me with. No need for a lot of details."
The duke returned to his chair and sat down. Zalthu and Lochnier followed him and waited. The duke said, "The Blood Tyrant has sparked a revolution in Edosa. The fighting will soon threaten my city. That is unacceptable to me. Despite having no love for the Edosian people, we are going to help they quell this uprising. We will weaken the Blood Tyrant's army and end the fighting before it gets worse. Questions?"
Lochnier had a lot of questions, but only one he could say out loud, "Why us?"
"Killing a minion of the Blood Tyrant is no easy task." The duke pointed to Zalthu and continued, "Your friend Zalthu already killed one. That makes him the only man in Yarm that has completed such a feat. And the perfect man for the job. My associates and I certainly have our doubts, but I believe in long shots. Wouldn't you argue?"
Just then one of the duke's assistants brought in large bag and placed it on the table nearby. As the assistant left, Zalthu pulled the strings on the bag and opened it to see a massive pile of gold inside. The duke nodded said, "That is only a taste of the riches I can bring you, my friend. All you have to do is say yes."
Zalthu closed the bag and scratched his chin. There was a lot to consider. He glanced back at Lochnier but got no answer from him. Then he turned back to the duke said, "Deal."
The duke clapped his hands and shouted with excitement, "Spectacular! I thought you would. I can always spot a man with his eye not the ball." The duke waved over a man in blue and white robes as he shook Zalthu's hand. "My Court Wizard will bring you in on the details. I will see you when the job is done."
Zalthu smiled as the duke got up and left the room. This new guy didn't seem to carry the same enthusiastic attitude. He said, "I am the Duke's Court Wizard Haydis. Listen up, I am only telling you this once." Haydis pulled out a map and laid it on the table. He pointed to the south of Cantiberry and said, "In the middle of Lake Mellom floats a small outlaw town known as Haven. It is nothing but a pile of broken ships tethered in place with anchors. They placed this town directly on the border of Yarm and Edosa to evade capture. When the authorities come, Outlaws of Edosa can hide on the Yarm side. And vice versa, Outlaws of Yarm can hide on the Edosian side."
Zalthu smiled, "That's kind of smart…"
Haydis interrupted him, "Don't talk, listen. Haven has been allowed to exist near Cantiberry for years because of the duke's… lenience. However, it would seem one of the Blood Tyrant's minions has taken up residence there. Her name is Valoris. She is a spy. Do not take her lightly. She sits in Haven, day in and day out hemorrhaging information about Cantiberry to the Blood Tyrant. That is unacceptable. The less the Blood Tyrant knows about us the better. Your job is to go to Haven, kill Valoris, and bring back her head. Questions?"
Zalthu didn't need much time to think. He asked, "How much are we getting paid for this?"
Haydis pointed to the bag of gold and said, "You got 400 for the first kill. You will get a 400 for the second."
"Is she worth more if we bring her back alive?"
"No," Haydis smirked a bit then he said, "I won't lie to you like the duke does… You are not the first we have sent to kill Valoris. Several brave and talented warriors have taken this task before you. None have returned. So, to answer your question, no, you will not get extra for bringing her back alive."
"How will we know it is her? What does she look like?"
Haydis let out a long sigh, then pointed to his face. "Minions of the Blood Tyrant all wear his blood mark on their face. Red blood stain on the left or right eye. It should make her easy enough to spot. Now, are there any MORE questions?"
Zalthu could see Haydis was exhausted of this whole conversation. He turned to Lochnier half expecting him to have a question of his own. He had none. Zalthu did a half salute to Haydis and said, "No more questions. See you soon." With that said, Haydis waved to the wolf guards. Within seconds, two wolf guards surrounded Lochnier and Zalthu escorted them back out the same way they came in. Once back outside the main gate the wolf guards returned their weapons and let them go.
The sun was starting to hang lower in the sky as Zalthu walked away from the castle. For the first time in his life, he had a new sense of purpose. He had a job. Someone willing to pay for his skills. Be them terrible skills or not. Lochnier was less excited as he followed behind him.
Once out of ear shot of the wolf guards Lochnier said, "What in the name of the divines have you gotten us into Zalthu?!"
Zalthu grinned at him and replied, "I know right, 400 gold per job? Have you ever seen that much gold in your life? This is almost unbelievable."
"Job?!" Lochnier said with an impressive emphasis. Then he continued, "Zalthu, forget about the gold for two seconds. The duke is a killer! He wanted you to kill… NO, execute a man right in front of everyone in his banquet hall! The banquet hall! The place that he eats, drinks, and hosts parties. At this point, I don't have to cast detect evil to see it. And you are working for him? Have you lost your mind?"
They walked back to the main block of town. Zalthu thought about it for a second then he said, "Maybe, I know you have been working for the church your entire life, but this is the first time someone has paid me to do something before. I am not stealing for myself… I am providing a service that someone actually wants. Is that weird?"
"Yes, absolutely. Ladi, working for the duke is a death sentence. I give you less than a month and you will be on that chopping block crying for your life."
After some thought, Zalthu made one last attempt to convince Lochnier. He said, "Look around you, Lochnier." Around the town square, people were walking here and there continuing with their lives. Zalthu continued, "Imagine each and every person here dead on the ground. Valoris isn't just a paycheck for us. She is a minion of the Blood Tyrant, and she is threat to these people's lives. She will bring war to Cantiberry and have everyone killed. You still think we are in the wrong here?"
Lochnier sarcastically replied, "Yeah, we are killing people for gold. How could we be in the wrong?"
"No, no, no, we are killing BAD people for gold." Zalthu corrected him. "It is just like the army does in every battle. Just consider this job as protecting the people of Cantiberry. If you can't see it that way, then don't. You don't have to come with me if you don't want to. It's your call." Zalthu opened the large coin bag he just received, reached inside, and gave Lochnier a handful of gold coins and finished by saying, "It was good seeing you again, my friend. Take care of yourself."
With that said, Zalthu walked away. It was not a tearful goodbye. However, Zalthu was not going to force Lochnier to do anything he didn't want to do. Zalthu made his way through the crowd to the weapon shop. Once inside he used his newfound fortune to buy some new steel kukris. He had tossed his old iron daggers in the wood while chasing Darrick. Unlike his old weapons these kukris were designed to be thrown. Just like the ones he used in the military. Zalthu took a moment to swing them around for a bit. They were clearly razor sharp. Perfect for the job at hand.
After equipping his new kukris, Zalthu left the weapon shop and returned to the stable master. He took his horse and left town. It was getting late, normally Zalthu would be making his way to the local tavern for some drink and bar fights. But not today. For the first time, Zalthu was on a mission of purpose. Instead, he took a few drinks from his flask and climbed on his horse. He headed southwest, back the way he came. The same road that lead toward Ava's farm. Zalthu knew Haven was not an easy town to break into. The town was defended with water on all sides. They would see anyone coming a mile away. Zalthu was going to need a plan.
As Zalthu thought about his method of attack. He heard hooves on the path behind him. He did not turn around to look. He knew who it was. He had heard Ricky's hooves before. Within a few seconds Lochnier rode up next to him on the mule. Lochnier didn't say anything for a moment then he said, "Do we have a plan? Without a plan we are better off dead."
"Oh, I have a plan." Zalthu said with the upmost confidence. "Just watch and see."
Arriving at Ava's farm, Zalthu knocked on the farmhouse door. Ava opened the door and jumped into Zalthu's arms shouting, "You came back!" Zalthu just stood there waiting for the hugging part to be over. It wasn't going to be easy this time. Ava shouted, "Dad, come here! Zalthu and Lochnier are here!" Zalthu was dying on the inside.
When Ava was done hugging him, Zalthu said, "I am glad that is over."
A balding man with gray hair and farmer's cloths came to the door with a big smile on his face. He greeted Zalthu with a handshake and said, "So, you are the man that saved my little girl's life? I can't thank you enough, I am indebted to you."
Ava's father pulled Zalthu in for a hug. Zalthu stopped him by putting his free hand on the old man's chest. Then he said, "Good, then this will be easier. We are here on business. I couldn't help by notice your farm is really close to Lake Mellom. Do you ever go fishing there? And by fishing, I mean like on a boat?"
Ava's father nodded, "Yes, of course we do. We have a rowboat down there by the shore."
"Thanks, we are going to borrow it." Zalthu backed away from the door and made a quick wave goodbye. Lochnier and Ava's father exchanged conversation for a little bit. Zalthu did not stick around to listen to it. Hugs and greetings are for friends. Zalthu had very little room in his life for either. He walked around the barn over to the waterfront. The sun was setting behind him giving he a good view of Haven. It was so far away that it looked like one big ship. Soon enough Lochnier joined him by the shore. Zalthu glanced at him and said, "A city on the water. Home of thieves and outlaws. How have I not heard of this place?" Lochnier did not respond, instead he pulled out a telescope and examined Haven more closely. Zalthu continued by saying, "If Valoris is watching Cantiberry then she will see us coming. Approaching from the north is a death trap. We approach from this angle, and we will look like any other outlaw."
"And the setting sun will be our cover! Good thinking." Lochnier patted Zalthu on the shoulder and said, "You actually put thought into this. I like it."
Zalthu didn't intend for it to happen this way. It just happened to work along with his plan. But if Lochnier was going to give him credit for it, he was going to take it. Zalthu flipped over the boat sitting on the shore nearby. Lochnier picked up the oars and they set sail.
Lochnier and Zalthu switched out with the chore of rowing. It was an exhausting method of travel. As the sun disappeared below the horizon, they quickly found themselves in the dark on the open water. Luckily the torches from Haven lit the way. It was a beacon in the night. The closer they got the louder the singing became. In the city or outlaws, night was a time of celebration. Music could be heard while people sang along. Once close enough, Zalthu could even see people dancing on the deck of the ships.
Lochnier stopped rowing for a second and said, "I know this is water under the bridge and all that. But how exactly did you kill Grak?"
Zalthu grinned and replied, "I didn't. His fellow bandits killed him. I just pushed them in the right direction."
Lochnier could not believe his ears. "Wait, what? Are you telling me that you took credit for killing a minion of the Blood Tyrant? Now we are going to kill another one and you didn't even kill the first one?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
Lochnier waited for better response, but none came. Then he said, "Now, are you going to tell me the plan or not?"
A look of confusion washed over Zalthu's face. Then he said, "This is the plan. Borrow a boat, arrive from the west. What else is there?"
Lochnier slapped his forehead in frustration, "Are you serious? Your plan was to get here?! What about after that? You didn't bother to think about how we are going to blend in? Or maybe how we are going to find Valoris? Or maybe how an exit strategy so we can leave after killing someone on a floating city of outlaws?"
"Nope. I think by now should have figured out I am a one step at a time kind of person. I figured we would just act like we belong here."
Lochnier got up and switched places with Zalthu. He started to take off his fancy plate armor as he said, "I guess we will improvise. I can't be wearing this if we are supposed to look like outlaws." Lochnier stripped down to his white shirt and tan pants. He kept his hammer, shield, and talisman. Just in case things were to get out of hand.
Zalthu spoke up, "Let me do the talking. I think I know my way around outlaw talk." As he said that, the bow boat touched the side of one of the boats. Lochnier tied off a rope holding the boat in place with a quick release. They would need it to get out if here.
They both climbed up to the deck of the ship. The whole city was just a collection of ships tied together with rope and walkways. The largest ship had a huge boathouse on it. It was dead center of all the other boats. It was set up to look like a town hall or something. Most of the surrounding ships were smaller and had broken masses or railings were missing. Each of them needed repairs, but the boathouse looked nice and well kept. There were several drunken outlaws hanging out talking on a deck nearby.
With his first few steps, Zalthu started walking toward the boathouse. However, a moment later someone popped up out of the deck of the ship they were standing one. His head was the only thing visible. Both Lochnier and Zalthu froze seeing the man's face. He turned to look at them and shouted, "EH! Why you stompin all over me ship makin all dat noise?"
Zalthu switched into outlaw mode and replied, "Sorry mate. We were jus passin through."
The man continued to talk as they moved on to the nearby walkway, "Damn right, steppin off my ship. I have half a mind to box you in da flapper."
Zalthu slowly walked toward the center ship. Taking walkway from ship to ship. Each one had voice singing or talking below deck. Every once in a while, Zalthu would see someone walking the opposite way. Zalthu just nodded and smiled at them. They would just continue walking. It was like Zalthu said. They belong here. Several torches lit up the outside of the large boathouse. That was their destination. The floorboards slowly shifted from the waves in motion. It took a moment to get used to it.
After several more walkways they were on the deck of the largest ship. Zalthu walked around to the front entrance and peaked inside the double doors. Inside the boathouse there were tables and chairs set up like a tavern. There was no bar or bartender. Just a dozen drunk and rowdy people sitting around singing and having fun. Several of the compatriots were sleep or dead. One of them had a knife in his throat. Lochnier took a moment to cover his face with his hand. This was the most deadly and unruly tavern he had ever seen. Of course, it was. In the lawless town of Haven, the outlaws keep the peace. So, there was none.
Zalthu scanned the room for someone that might have information for sale. At one table there was a pony keg, and two or three passed out sailors on the floor below it. The only one still sitting at the table was a red-haired dwarf with her hair tied up and three empty mugs in front of her. From the looks of this woman, Zalthu could tell she drank all of them under the table. Zalthu elbowed Lochnier and said, "I found your dream girl."
Zalthu and Lochnier calmly strolled into the makeshift bar. Zalthu pushed one of the passed-out sailors off the chair across from the dwarf. He sat down and looked her in the eye. Before he could say anything, she said in a drunken stagger, "Sorry maties, you can't sit ere… if you can't hold your drink."
"I can hold my own." Zalthu boasted, "In truth, I hope you like the floor, because you are going to be joining your friends soon."
The drunken dwarf pointed her thumb to her chest and replied, "Is da a challenge?! No one can out drink the Mad Ginger! Let's show this one how we do it boys!" With cheers from the surrounding outlaws, they got up from their tables and surrounded Zalthu and the Mad Ginger. A pair of halfling pirates filled the drinks to prepare the drinking game.
Lochnier didn't like being surrounded by all these outlaws. He stood back but remained nearby with his arms crossed. He didn't approve of engaging in a drinking game. He also wasn't going to blow their cover by bringing it up. So, he just waited while keeping his eyes pealed for any funny business. It seemed like a jolly crowd, at least for now.
Zalthu and the Mad Ginger took turns drinking entire mugs of beer. She would drink one, then Zalthu would follow suit. This was a part of the game. They would take turns until one of them was under the table. After his third beer Zalthu casually mentioned, "You're not bad at this game. Before you get too drunk and pass out, mind if I ask a few questions?"
The Mad Ginger finished her fourth beer and slammed the mug down on the table. The she took a breath and said, "I like you laddi, you can ask all the questions you want… as long as you don't ask me about Valoris."
Zalthu was surprised. Was this red-haired dwarf a mind reader? Zalthu maintained his composure as he replied, "Maybe I will, maybe I won't. How did you know her?"
The Mad Ginger laughed and slapped one of her fellow outlaws on the back. "Because ladi, it's a small boat… or town… whatever you want to call it. Everyone knows everyone here." Her dialect was getting worse the more she drank. "You can't take a shit without everyone knowing what color it is. When two new faces show up. Everyone knows." She glanced up to Lochnier then back to Zalthu.
Zalthu did not follow up her fourth drink. He realized their cover was blown from the start. He shot a look of concern to Lochnier. Then Zalthu casually picked up his mug of beer and said, "So, our cards are on the table. What now?"
The Mad Ginger smiled and replied, "Now we play a different kind of game. The one where we kill you and divide up your stuff amongst ma crew." With that said, the Mad Ginger put her fingers in her mouth and whistled really loud. "Get em boys!" Suddenly the windows and doors along the walls were pulled shut. A pair of outlaws shut the double doors while another outlaw dropped a huge wooden plank into place locking the main entrance. Clearly, they had done this before. All the exits were sealed.
In the same instant, the outlaws on Zalthu's left and right grabbed his arms attempting to restrain him. Zalthu quickly threw his beer in the eyes of the one on the left blinding him. Then he mashed the mug over the head of the outlaw in the right. He stood up from his chair as they both released him. Zalthu stepped back to Lochnier's position. Lochnier already had his hammer and shield out and ready to fight. The outlaws all pulled weapons of their own. They had an assortment of weapons. Swords, knives, and one even had a spell book. Each of them moved to attack. The only one that didn't was the Mad Ginger. She just sat at the table laughing.
Zalthu reached into his bag and shouted at Lochnier, "Cover your eyes!" Lochnier raised his shield in compliance. Before any of the outlaws could attack, Zalthu pulled out one of Darrick's arrows and quickly slabbed himself in the chest. The tip of the arrow did not pierce his tunic but instead emitted a blinding flash of light that stopped all the outlaws in their tracks. Zalthu dropped the arrow and pulled his kukris from his back sheaths. It was time to get to work.
Lochnier and Zalthu made quick work of the blinded outlaws. One strike to the head from Lochnier's hammer was more than enough to put a man out of commission. Zalthu was equally as deadly with his freshly sharpened blades. After cutting down three or four of them the blinded outlaws started backing away. Others dropped their weapons and ran away blindly tripping over chairs and tables. One pulled a pistol and blindly fired in a Zalthu's direction. Lochnier moved quickly and blocked the shot with his shield. The Mad Ginger was staggering around rubbing her eyes then she screamed, "Valoris! Help!"
From out of the corner of his eye Zalthu saw a shadow moving in the rafters, but it was too late. The shadow jumped down planting a foot into Lochnier's back. After knocking him to the ground, the shadow did a flip backward landing on a table. Zalthu locked eyes with her for a fraction of a second. It was a half-elf woman with braided long black hair, squinted blue eyes of a killing machine, and a black leather outfit with at least four or five daggers attached to it. But most of all, Zalthu noticed the red stain across her left eye. The mark of the Blood Tyrant. It was her. She had finally shown her face.
Valoris pulled a throwing knife from her vest and tossed it at Zalthu's face. With one quick motion he dodged the blade then retaliated with a throw of his own. Just as Zalthu's kukri got to her, she slapped it out of the air with her bare hand. The kukri stuck in the wall nearby. Lochnier quickly rolled over to defend himself with his shield. As he did, Valoris kicked off the wall and climbed back up into the rafters. She darted back into the shadows and disappeared.
Lochnier scrambled to his feet and said, "Was that her?!" He back up with his shield up ready to deflect any incoming attacks. Zalthu looked down at the handle and red stain on Lochnier's back. He was bleeding. When Valoris had kicked him in the back, she had also buried a dagger in him. Zalthu grabbed the handle of the knife and pulled. Lochnier groaned from the pain then shouted, "What in the divines are you doing?!"
"Heal yourself, I got this." Zalthu stepped around Lochnier and retrieved his kukri from the wall. The blinded outlaws were beginning to get their sight back. One picked up a spell book and started casting. Within seconds, she materialized a fireball out of thin air. It flew across the room and stuck Zalthu in the chest. Magical fire hurt just as much as regular fire. Zalthu pushed over a table to use as a shield as he snuffed out his flaming clothes. Then he shouted, "Oh you want to play like that?!"
Zalthu could hear the female caster start to summon another fireball. He picked up the table and used it as a shield. The fireball crashed into the table with a powerful thud. Then Zalthu threw the table at her with all his might. The flaming table didn't make it very far as it crashed to the ground throwing sparks everywhere.
As the flames burned, Zalthu picked up a half-empty bottle of liquor and tossed it on the flaming table. The flames shot up into the air illuminating the entire room. Zalthu surveyed the rafters looking for Valoris, but he could not see her.
A formerly stunned outlaw picked up his sword and readied himself to attack. Zalthu picked up a chair and shouted, "Oh yeah! Bar fight!" He closed the gap between them and shattered the chair into pieces over the outlaw's head. From the rafters a knife flew down and caught Zalthu in the shoulder. A gift from Valoris no doubt. Zalthu reeled from the pain, but it did not stop him. He was in fight mode. He dropped his kukris and grabbed the outlaw by the neck and crotch. With little effort Zalthu lifted him up over his head. The outlaw screamed as Zalthu laughed manically.
The female caster who was watching the chaos unfolded, backed away began casting a new spell. Zalthu carried the screaming outlaw across the room and tossed him onto the caster before she could get her spell off. He then turned his attention to the Mad Ginger, who was still recovering from the blinding light. She reached down for a broken bottle on the floor to use as a makeshift shank. In a moment Zalthu ran over to the Mad Ginger and kicked the broken bottle away. Still on her knees, the Mad Ginger put her hands up and said, "Wait wait! Ya wouldn't kill an unarmed woman would ya?"
Another dagger flew from the rafters. This one barely missed Zalthu's head. It stuck into the floor nearby. Zalthu looked up to the rafters then back to the Mad Ginger. He grabbed her by the shirt and helped her up. Then he punched her in the face knocking her to the ground again. Zalthu said, "No, but I would punch a stupid drunk."
The Mad Ginger took the hit pretty well. She wiped blood from her nose and said, "Is that all you got big boy?"
It was not. Zalthu threw another punch knocking the Mad Ginger unconscious. Zalthu turned around to see the fire in the middle of the room was getting bigger. Smoke was now becoming a problem. At some point, the second bandit struggling to get to his feet while still holding his testicles. Seeing Zalthu approach, he attempted open the window. Before Zalthu could get there Valoris jumped out of the rafter and landed on his back. She wrapped her arm around his neck putting him into a sleeper hold. Zalthu grabbed her arm in an attempt to free himself. Then he said, "Ran out of daggers?"
Zalthu and Valoris struggled for a bit. Then Valoris replied, "No, I just found one," as pulled the dagger from Zalthu's shoulder and stabbed him in the ribs several times. This was only fueled his rage. Zalthu let go of her arm and grabbed her long black hair. He bent over and used her hair to pull Valoris off his back and onto the ground. Zalthu was winded from being strangled, while Valoris was still ready to fight. She struggled to her feet, but Zalthu still had her by the hair. She used the dagger to cut her hair and get away from Zalthu's grip. Zalthu tossed her chunk of hair into the fire and grabbed an axe off the ground left behind by one of her dead henchmen.
Zalthu and Valoris were both breathing hard from the smoke. Several of her men were dead, the Mad Ginger was out cold, and the boathouse was on fire, but Valoris was not ready to throw in the towel. She did another kick off the wall and jumped back into the smoke-filled rafters. Zalthu held his knife wound with one hand said shouted, "This trick was getting old fast!" In this brief moment of silence, they could hear the outlaws outside furiously trying to get into the boathouse. They would be another problem to deal with. Lochnier made his way across the room to heal Zalthu's wound. However, he never made it.
As Lochnier approached Valoris jumped out of the rafters and grabbed him from behind. Valoris put one hand around Lochnier's head and put a knife to his throat. She turned her blade so Zalthu could see. Then she shouted, "ENOUGH! Alright shit for brains, drop the axe or I will kill your friend. His life is in your hands."
Zalthu took a few steps back and dropped his weapons. Then in one quick motion he picked up the unconscienced body of the Mad Ginger. He put one hand on her head, mirroring Valoris, then smiled and said, "Ha, ha, two can play at this game. Drop your weapons or the Mad Ginger becomes the Dead Ginger."
Valoris laughed, "Are you kidding me? I don't even know her. I could care less if she dies."
Zalthu lied, "Good, because I barely know that piece of shit dwarf. You kill him and I will kill her then we can finish this fight just you and me!"
While Valoris maintained a serious face, a look of horror washed over Lochnier. He hoped this was a bluff. He shouted, "Wait, wait, wait, can't we talk about this without bloodshed? I mean we are all the same here. Come on Lass, we all want the same things. Right?"
Valoris tightened her grip on Lochnier and shouted, "Shut up, your heroic story ends right here. It's about to turn into a bloody tale."
Zalthu started to laugh then he added, "Heroic stories require heroes. There are no heroes here." He pointed to the Mad Ginger and said, "She is an outlaw. I'm a thief and a criminal." Zalthu pointed to Valoris and continued, "You're a follower of the Blood Tyrant, and the dwarf is a traitor to his own order. So, skip the hero talk. We are all monsters here."
For the first time, Valoris started to question herself. Could he be telling the truth? Lochnier took the opportunity to say, "Listen lass, we never wanted a fight. We never wanted to hurt anyone. Truly. How about we put the weapons down and hammer out a solution? We are not unreasonable people. If we can't do that then maybe, we could at least put the fires out! We are standing inside of a burning ship!"
Valoris glanced at the flames then back to Zalthu. For a fleeting moment, she wanted to believe them. Sweat started to run down Lochnier's face as he pulled out his talisman and held it to Valoris's arm. He began to chant as the flash of light erupted from his hand. Valoris watched as the cut on her arm healed before her eyes. Lochnier put the talisman down and said again, "No one here wants to die in a blazing inferno. Not you… not us. Not today. Come on, lass."
Feeling the heat from the fire, Valoris had to make a quick decision. They could keep fighting and die of smoke inhalation, or she could trust them. A difficult call, either way. She released her hold on Lochnier and said, "Okay, then help me with the door." Lochnier and Valoris ran over to the double doors and lifted the wooden plank out of the way. Upon doing so outlaws started flooding in. Valoris pointed to the fire and shouted, "Get buckets. Water! Put the fire out before it spreads to the other boats!"
The outlaws followed her orders and begun battling the fire. Zalthu picked up the Mad Ginger and carried her outside like you would a small child. Once he was far enough away from the boathouse, he put her down on the deck of another ship. It was at this point Zalthu noticed the damage he had received. He was still bleeding from the knife wounds. His pants and leather tunic were burned from the intense heat of the fire. He also dropped both of his kukris inside, so he was unarmed again.
Seeing that Valoris was watching him, Zalthu checked the Mad Ginger's pulse. "She is still breathing. She will live." Zalthu glanced back at Valoris just as she smiled at him.
"I guess I made the right choice trusting you guys." Valoris said as she pulled out a red bandana and wrapped it around her head. She covered her left eye and said, "The Blood Tyrant can see through my eye. This is the only way to keep him in the dark. Believe me, it is better if he doesn't know about you."
Lochnier agreed, "I don't know anything about the Blood Tyrant, but I would have to agree with you, lassi." He laughed and patted Valoris on the back. Valoris smiled back at him. For a brief moment she believed she had made the right decision.