The weather had turned. Little drops of rain started to fall. It felt good. The cool rain was nice after being in that hot building. Zalthu checked their surroundings. Most of the outlaws were focused on putting the fire out inside the boathouse. Valoris was talking with Lochnier and had let her guard down. She reached up to fix her hair. He had a small window of opportunity to complete the mission. Unfortunately, Zalthu was unarmed. He had dropped his weapons during the fight. He would have to steal her dagger. Or… there was always option B.
Reaching into his bag and pulled out two of Darrick's arrows. He held one in each hand and attempted to stab her with them. One in each hand, he swung with his left and right, attempting to catch her. Valoris saw the whole thing out of the corner of her eye. In an instant she was ready to fight again. She blocked Zalthu's right hand with her arm but missed the left hand. He stabbed her in the back with the arrow. It exploded into blue smoke.
Valoris let out a groan then she started to tense up. It was a paralyzing arrow. She had just enough time to make a sad face at Zalthu and say, "You… dirtbag." Her whole body went stiff like a statue. Zalthu took her dagger and put it in his holster. She wouldn't be needing it anymore.
Zalthu picked up her froze body and said, "Let's go!" Without missing a beat Lochnier ran to their rowboat. It was only a matter of time before the outlaws saw what they had done.
Lochnier climbed down into the rowboat first as Zalthu lowed Valoris down to him. Zalthu jumped in the boat and started rowing a quicky as possible. They only made it a short distance away when someone shouted, "Hey, where's Valoris?!"
This only motivated Zalthu to row faster. It was pitch black on the open water, but so long as they were rowing away from the lights of Haven, they were getting away. Zalthu soon ran himself out of breath. He was exhausted. Lochnier grabbed the oars from him and took over rowing. Zalthu sat back and watched Haven become smaller and smaller. He examined the paralyzed body of Valoris. It was dark but he could still see her. Back arched. Arms were still held up. The one thing he focused on was the sad look on her face. Zalthu reached over and touched her face with his finger. It did not move. She was like a stone statue.
A sudden feeling of regret came over Zalthu. In a life-or-death situation Valoris trusted them to not attack her. Zalthu had betrayed that trust. Like all the people that had betrayed him in his life. He was just like them now. Then with a flip of a switch, Zalthu was over it as Lochnier said, "What you doin?"
"Nothing, just checking on our captive." Zalthu said as he leaned away from Valoris's frozen body. "I know we are not getting extra for bringing her back alive, but we should. Think about all the information she has about the Tyrant. She seems to know how the blood mark on her eye works. She knew that she could block the Tyrant's vision by covering it. She probably has more information than that. It is hard to talk when you are dead."
Lochnier was starting to breath harder as he rowed. He still continued the conversation, "I agree, ladi. If the duke is just going to kill her, maybe we could ask her some question before we turn her in. You know, ask her questions without her killing us. Preferably."
The rain was starting to pick up. They would be to shore soon. Zalthu held his knife wound as he spoke, "Yeah, but I have a feeling she isn't going to like us when she wakes up. After all, we captured her… and in a way, we are indirectly killing her. Like Darrick." In a moment of clarity Zalthu suddenly realized something. He continued, "If Darrick had taken you back to St. Lysette, what would have happened to you?"
"The Cardinal would have questioned me. Then torture. Then death. In that order." Lochnier said it without a hint of doubt in his voice.
"The duke will do the same to her. I guess we are the bounty hunters now."
"Eww, Zalthu… don't say that. Are you suggesting we are just as bad as Darrick?"
"No, I was just… thinking. I am sure she understands. In this world you are either eating or being eaten."
Within a few minutes the rowboat reached shore. Zalthu picked up Valoris and carried her to the barn. Lochnier opened the barn door and stepped inside. On a nearby haybale there was an old glass lantern. It was already lit. That is odd. Lochnier turned to his right just as his vision was overwhelmed by a massive creature. Startled Lochnier reached for his hammer but stopped as soon as he realized who he was looking at. It was Gree. The minotaur was sitting against a pillar with his tree truck club nearby.
"Hello." Gree said with his deep growly voice.
Lochnier picked up the lantern and waved it towards Gree and said, "By the gods! Gree! You scared the life out of me. What are you doing here?"
"Ava said Gree stay. Gree too big for house. Gree stays in barn with chicken."
Zalthu put the paralyzed Valoris next to Gree's leg and said, "Good, you can keep an eye on this for us." As he did this, Lochnier saw Zalthu's knife wound and the fresh blood stain that was slowly dripping down his back to the floor.
Lochnier pulled his talisman and stepped forward. "Mate, why didn't you tell me you were wounded?"
"It wasn't important at the time."
Lochnier chanted his prayer and began healing Zalthu's wound. A flash of light erupted from Lochnier's hand as the wound closed itself. The blood stain was still there but the wound was closed at least. Lochnier put his talisman down and collapsed on the floor. Zalthu bent down to check on him. Lochnier was breathing hard and exhausted. Zalthu picked up his old friend and carried him over to a large pile of hay. Lochnier finally spoke, "Healing magic takes it out of ya… I can only do it so many times in one day. I guess I found my limit." Lochnier laughed a bit at his own realization.
Zalthu smiled at him and replied, "Don't worry. Get some sleep. I will watch her." Zalthu collected some horse blankets and returned to Lochnier. But before Zalthu could cover him up, Lochnier was fast asleep. Zalthu patted him on the head as he slept. The mission would have been a complete failure without Lochnier.
Suddenly, Zalthu heard a woman's groan from behind him. He returned to Gree in the open area of the barn. Valoris had fallen over. She was starting to regain control of her body. Gree was watching her slowly start to crawl. Before she got too far away, Gree picked her up with one arm and placed her on his lap. Valoris opened her mouth and closed it over and over again.
She was slowly regaining control of her body. After a few more minutes, she spoke, "Asshole…" Valoris said with decent clarity. Zalthu smiled and grabbed a bundle of rope off a nearby pillar. He brought it back and started wrapping her up. Hands and feet mostly. Gree moved his hands so Zalthu could get the rope around her but he held her in place so she would not move too much. Then Zalthu stepped back and waited for her to speak again. Valoris tested the ropes on her hands, they were on tight. She wasn't getting them off easily. Valoris surveyed the room for weak points. Then she said, "Nice minotaur you have here. Did you pay for it? Or did it come with the barn?"
"He is a friend." Zalthu grabbed a bale of hay and put it about six feet away from her. He sat down on it and said, "Look around take in the view. The fact that you can, means we haven't completed our mission yet." Valoris shot him a confused look, then Zalthu continued, "Our orders are to bring back your head."
"I would be lying if I said I was surprised. I can imagine not a lot of people like me that much."
Zalthu started by saying, "So, I am going to throw a few questions at you. If I believe you are lying, then I will tell the minotaur to rip your head off. Our mission will be accomplished, and we can go collect our pay from the duke in the morning. So, what I am trying to say is, being honest with me will only help extend your life. Understand?"
Valoris smirked at him and replied, "Fuck you… that is me being honest."
"Well, that's a start. How long have you worked for your boss, the Blood Tyrant?"
"Two weeks and he is not my boss. He is a monster and a killing machine."
"You don't get along very well?"
"I tried to kill him."
Zalthu thought about it for a second then he said, "Okay, we are only just getting started and I am confused. If you tried to kill him, why would you work for him?"
"It's a long story. You have time?"
Zalthu made himself comfortable on the bale of hay. "I am not going to sleep, so I have all night. Start from the beginning and make it good."
Valoris made herself comfortable too. She said, "I wasn't ready to tell anyone my life story. But okay here we go. I was born in a Borje. That is a little town in Edosa. We were a poor family so when I was old enough, they sent me away to join the Edosian Elite Guard. That is Edosian military if you are unfamiliar. At that point in my life, I would have done anything to get away from my parents." Valoris took a moment. Thinking about her parents Valoris paused for a moment.
Zalthu could see the pain on her face. He added, "I was military too. Not military in Edosa. I was military here in Yarm for four years. 3rd Division, Night battalion. What was your job in the military?"
"8th batt, Scouts." Valoris said with a smile. "We used to go out into field for days at a time. Recon, information collection, assassinations, you know, fun stuff like that. Bear in mind I have spent my fair share of times face down in the dirt. But that is military life. It is to be expected. Then out of nowhere, a revolution kicked off. Emperor Shu ordered everyone to deploy. Inside our own country. Crazy talk. Nobody saw this coming. We get orders to go to the town of Welter and kill the Blood Tyrant."
"Why does he call himself the Blood Tyrant?"
"He doesn't. That not his real name. It is just the name that we called him. No one knows who he is or what his name really is."
"Why call him the Blood Tyrant though?"
"He can use blood magic. And he is taking over the land like a Tyrant. Hence the name. It's pretty straight forward, I don't know why I should have to explain it. Anyways, we get the order to kill the Tyrant. Everyone marched to Welter. Infantry and cavalry units make a big frontal assault. But really, it's a ploy so everyone else can sneak in the back. We crept into his castle. We all know what to do. We are professionals. Then one by one he killed… everyone."
"Just like that?"
"It was the strangest thing. Normally the battles you read about in history book tell you about a leader with a powerful army. The Blood Tyrant is the reverse. His army is strong, but he is the backbone of the fighting force. One by one he dismantled my entire unit. After an hour, I realized I was the only one left. I hid on top of a bookshelf. Finally, when he walked by… I took my shot. I stabbed him in the back. I slipped between his plate armor and buried my 9-inch blade all the way up to the hilt. It was a fatal blow."
"And… that didn't kill him?"
"No. It didn't even faze him. He turned around and started to strangle the life out of me. He picked me up by the neck with one hand. I thought I was dead, but he stopped. He laughed at my feeble attempt to kill him. Then he offered me a chance to serve him."
"And you said yes?"
"I said yes with the hopes that I could get away. But he had other things in mind." Valoris raised her bound hands and lifted her bandana so Zalthu could see the red mark on her left eye. "We call it the blood mark. It is blood magic of some kind. He puts it on the face of all his servants. He can see through your marked eye. Anyone who wears the blood mark has a direct link to the Blood Tyrant."
"Neat. How do you get it off?"
"Not sure. I asked around the Blood Tyrant's orc army. They weren't much help. One orc said if you die it disappears. I can imagine the Blood Tyrant could remove it if he wanted to. It is his magic after all. Other than that, I heard rumors that if you killed one hundred people the mark falls off. I heard stories of orcs escaping that way. Of course, that is a rumor."
Zalthu remembered back to the other day. His conversation at the bandit camp. Marius had mentioned Grak killed one hundred people to earn his freedom. Was this just a coincidence or where these storied linked? Then Zalthu said one word, "Grak?"
Valoris's pointy ears perked up when he said that name. "Yes, I think I have heard of him. How have you heard of him?"
At this point Zalthu realized everything she had told him was true. She had been through a lot. She watched her hometown burn. She saw her whole unit killed. She became a slave to the man that destroyed them both. Valoris had no reason to lie to protect the Blood Tyrant. She hated him as much as everyone else. Possibly more.
Zalthu and Valoris exchanged stories for a while. Zalthu talked about his military days and things leading up to the events of today. Valoris talked about the same. Sone enough, Valoris heard snoring coming from her left. She turned to see Gree had fallen fast asleep. Valoris stood up and moved over to the dirt floor. Her hands and feet were still bound but she did not complain. She hopped over and leaned against a pillar and continued their conversation. Seeing her hop around with her legs tied up made Zalthu laughed in his head.
Standing up from the haybale, Zalthu pulled out his dagger and walked over to Valoris. She was concerned at first, but after Zalthu cut the ropes off her feet so she could sit more comfortably. Valoris sat down and gave him a judgmental look. "This is dangerous. Not for me."
"I think you are smart enough not to run away from me. I will capture you again."
Valoris crossed her legs and said with a sultry voice, "Who said anything about running? I could kill you with just my legs. It would be silent too."
Zalthu pointed to Gree and said, "Silent enough not to wake up a sleeping minotaur that is five feet away? Now you are overestimating your skills… or underestimating mine." Valoris shot him another smile. Zalthu was starting to get more comfortable with her. "By the way, when we fought, and I threw my kukri at you. You slapped it out of the air with your bare hand. That was very impressive. I was fully erect when you did that. Where did you learn how to do that?"
Valoris was delighted at the complement. She replied, "You liked that huh? I could show you how to do it but that would require the arm ropes removed."
Zalthu shook his head, "Oh no, not going to happen. If you are half as deadly with your arm as you are with your legs, then I am not going to take the chance."
Valoris sat up in a seductive pose and said, "Maybe I could convince you to take a different kind of lesson from me. I have other skills that are just as impressive."
"Oh really? Combat or bedroom related?"
Zalthu could see where this was going. Valoris was smart enough to use every trick in the book to get away. She would tempt him with anything and everything. All she had to do was find his weak point. Zalthu nodded and said, "No thanks. I prefer my women like I do my combat… survivable."
Valoris frowned at that comment. Not because she was insulted so much as it decreased her chances of escape. "I guess you are not the standard man. You wouldn't find a hard case like myself attractive."
"Oh I am." Zalthu said with a smile, "I am your typical avoid pain and seek pleasure kind of guy. I just know if I cut your hands free there would be… problems. Someone could get their feelings hurt."
Valoris accepted his answer with a sad face and glanced out the window. She said, "Sun is coming up. We are running out of time."
Before Zalthu could respond, Valoris threw her bound hands over her head rolling backward to land on her knees. She quickly jumped to her feet and sprinted towards the pig pen. Zalthu stood up and started to chase her, but she was fully committed. Valoris jumped and kicked off the fence and dove headfirst out the window. Just like that she was gone. The window as so small, Zalthu was too big to fit. She chose this exit for this reason alone. Zalthu shouted, "Lochnier! She's running!"
Lochnier awoke from his peaceful sleep and grabbed his weapons. Zalthu did not wait for him. He ran to the barn door and threw it open. Running around the side of the barn he spotted her. Valoris was struggling to get over the fence. Despite choosing her exit wisely, Valoris's headfirst dive landed her in deep mud. She was completed covered in it. It was a pig pen after all. Zalthu closed the gap between them as Valoris finally climbed out. She grabbed the fence post with her muddy bound hands and threw a furious kick in his direction.
Zalthu blocked the kick with his forearm and grabbed her around the waist. He attempted to carry her away, as he did Valoris clubbed him in the face with her bound hands. This only fueled his rage. Zalthu walked over and tossed Valoris into the horse trough. A huge explosion of water followed by Valoris's scream as landed in the fridge water. Zalthu grabbed her around the neck and forced her head underwater. Valoris kick and struggled but Zalthu did not let go.
After a few seconds, Zalthu lifted her out of the water to get a breath. He held her at the water's surface for a second then he said, "If you wanted a bath, you could have just asked."
"Fuck you!" Valoris retorted as she gasped for air. That was enough air for now, Zalthu only let her have a few breaths then he put her head back in the water.
By this time Lochnier made it outside in time to see Zalthu drowning Valoris in the horse trough. He shouted, "By the gods, Zalthu! What are you doing?!"
Zalthu glanced at Lochnier and replied, "Nothing! Valoris was thirsty!" Once again, Zalthu lifted her out of the water to get a breath. This time Valoris did not have anything to say. She just sat there breathing heavily. Zalthu let go of her neck and said, "Feel better now?"
Valoris caught her breath replied, "Shut up. I am not stupid you know." She took a few more breaths and added, "If the duke wanted you to bring back my head, then he doesn't care if I am dead or alive. He will just kill me himself. Either way I am already dead. So, you might as well kill me now."
Lochnier put his shield and hammer away. He walked over to the horse trough and said, "Relax, lass. The duke is a monster, but he is not a killer." Lochnier thought about what he just said and what he had seen from the duke's actions then he rephrased himself, "Okay, the duke might be a killer. But he isn't unreasonable."
Valoris was not comforted by Lochnier's words. She tried again to get out of her bindings but failed. Zalthu grabbed her hands and pulled her out of the water. Then he said, "So much for good conversation."
A few hours later, Lochnier and Zalthu returned to Cantiberry with Valoris in tow. She rode on the back of the horse tied to the saddle with both hands and feet bound. She was gagged and both of her eyes were covered. They weren't taking any chances this time around. Some of the people walking up and down the streets gawk and stare at them. Zalthu had been awake all night, he was too tired to notice them. Lochnier suddenly tensed up. He said, "Eyes peeled, matie."
With a small head shake, Zalthu scanned the area. Nearby Darrick the bounty hunter was leaning against wall near the alchemist shop. Darrick smiled at them and ran his finger under his chin in a decapitating motion. Zalthu and Lochnier continued walking on their path. Darrick did not attack or say a single word. He just wanted them to know that they were both dead men.
When Darrick was out of sight, Zalthu said, "While we are in this town, we are under the protection of the wolf guards. He won't try anything." Lochnier didn't respond. He wore an upset look that even Zalthu could identify.
Suddenly Valoris said, "Last chance to change your mind?"
Both Zalthu and Lochnier quickly turned to see she had somehow gotten her gag off. She was still tied up and blind folded. Lochnier just laughed. Zalthu answered her, "Too late for any of that. Best thing you can do is convince the duke that you are more valuable alive."
"Yeah, that sounds easy enough. Maybe we will be friends." Valoris said sarcastically. Most people in her situation would be scared, crying, or begging for their lives. Valoris wasn't. Not only was she calm and cool, but she was sarcastic and fearless. In a different world Zalthu would have liked to get to know her. But it wasn't going to happen. Zalthu shook his head to try and wake himself up. He was exhausted. Luckily for him, the trip was almost over.
Reaching the castle gate, the wolf guards gave them a look of indifference. The same as last time, the doorman stood at the ready. He seemed surprised to see them. "Back so soon?" Zalthu nodded but didn't say anything. The doorman could tell he had been through much to get here. He pulled out his scroll and continued, "Please state your name and purpose."
"I am Zalthu, this is Lochnier, and the one on the horse is…"
She cut him off, "I am Valoris, minion of the Blood Tyrant." She said it almost with a sense of pride.
Hearing her name, the doorman's eye grew twice in size. He pointed with his thump to the guard on his left and said, "Guards! Restrain her!" From Zalthu's perspective it was a ridiculous request. She was already restrained. Several wolf guards surrounded Valoris and held weapon to her chest back and sides. They cut the ropes tying her to the horse and carried her inside. Surprisingly, Valoris did not struggle. Not that it would have helped. She was in the hands of the duke now. The large gate doors opened as they carried her away.
The doorman waved Zalthu and Lochnier inside and said, "No need to take the side entrance. You can head right in." Zalthu and Lochnier stepped inside only to be stopped by one of the wolf guards. He led them over to the armory and performed the weapons search. Once again, Zalthu and Lochnier were without weapons. The wolf guard escorted them to the banquet hall where two wolf guards stood on either side of Valoris. She was still tied up and blindfolded.
Everyone waited quietly as the duke and Court Wizard Haydis entered the room. The duke had the biggest smile on his face. Haydis was not as happy. Seeing a minion of the Blood Tyrant clearly killed his mood. The duke said, "Once again, you arrive much sooner than expected. And even more unexpected… you brought her back alive. A minion of the Blood Tyrant right here in my honorable house, Fantastic."
Zalthu nodded and looked at Valoris as he said, "We already questioned her a bit. She has a lot of information on the Blood Tyrant. Information she does mind sharing."
"What have you learned?"
Zalthu continued, "She is ex-military, Edosian Elite Guard, she tried to kill the Blood Tyrant but failed…"
Haydis spoke up interrupting Zalthu, "If I may interject sire." Haydis glanced at the duke then continued, "I am sure she would weave a dramatic and elaborate tale about how she became a pawn of the Tyrant to anyone who is willing to listen. In truth, she only speaks to save her own life. If I may be allowed to perform the interrogation myself, I would surely be capable of omitting the desired results. Instead of her feeble lies."
Valoris turned her head so she could hear him better. Then she finally spoke, "Who is that?"
Lochnier was standing close enough to hear her words. While the duke and Haydis spoke about the situation and how to handle it, Lochnier leaned into Valoris and said, "Quiet lass, that is the Court Wizard Haydis."
Valoris started to smile and replied, "I think I know how I am going to save my own life. Thank you, Lochnier."
"How so?"
"I know him. Not his face… I have heard his voice before."
Lochnier turned back to the duke and Haydis as they discussed how they were going to torture Valoris. He cut in and said, "Excuse me, sire duke… I am not really sure what we are supposed to call you. But Valoris has something to say."
The duke and Haydis stopped talking and turned to back to Valoris and the others. Valoris said calmly, "I know you consider me a pawn of the Blood Tyrant therefore I and completely untrustworthy. But for some reason you trust you Court Wizard. Haydis and I are the same. Isn't that right Haydis?"
Everyone tossed around some confused looks. The duke glanced at Haydis then back to Valoris. Was she lying? Was Haydis lying? Valoris just smiled. She had just thrown everything into question. Haydis had the most confused look on his face as he stared at Valoris. Finally, he said, "I guess I have carried on this charade long enough." He waved his wand over his face casting a dispel of some kind. Within seconds the illusion spell disappeared revealing Haydis's blood mark.
The duke took a step away from Haydis and glared at him. "What is the meaning of this? Haydis?!"
Haydis shot a disappointed look at the duke and said, "This was not my intention." Then Haydis turned to Valoris and said, "I am more disappointed at you, Valoris. Had you left it to me, I could have saved your life. Now you are enemies of both sides."
The duke snapped his fingers as several wolf guards stepped away from the walls and approached Haydis. Haydis opened his spell book and shouted, "Relentless Force!" A huge cyclone of air surrounded him pushing the wolf guards away. The wind even pushed back the duke as he fell back to the side of the room. Two wolf guards surrounded to duke to protect him. Zalthu and Lochnier quickly took cover under the table. They were unarmed and out matched but they crept under the table toward Haydis's position.
Haydis mutter an incantation then raised his wand and fired a blue beam of light hitting Valoris in the chest. Valoris seemed to shrivel from the blast. Haydis said, "It is about time you took a more fitting form." The cyclone was quickly wearing off. It was a powerful short-term spell. Wolf guards were pushing against the dying wind towards his position. In a second, Haydis burst into a flash of blue light. His cloths, spell book, and wand all dropped to the ground. Out of the neck of his robe a small white bird flew up into the rafters. It dodged several of the large wooden beams and darted out the first open window.
The cyclone disappeared completely leaving only knocked over chairs and in its wake. The duke stood up and punched the two guards out of the way. Then he said, "And they wonder why I have trust issues. Check his cloths." One of the wolf guards walked over and stabbed Haydis's cloths with a spear. He kicked the robe to reveal nothing was inside them. Haydis was gone. The duke looked up to the window and said, "Twelve years. Twelve years of service and this is all the thanks I get? Confounded magic."
Lochnier and Zalthu climbed out from under the table. While Lochnier listened to the duke rant about Haydis, Zalthu paid little attention to him. He wanted to check on Valoris. She was gone. Just like Haydis, she was nothing but a pile of clothes. Her black leather outfit, ropes, and blindfold were in a pile on the floor where she once stood. Zalthu picked up her clothes and discovered a small rat in one of Valoris's boots. Zalthu turned the boot on its side as the rat came crawling out. The rat had long black fur and blue eyes. The Rat and Zalthu stared at each other for a few seconds until Zalthu asked, "Valoris?"
Rats don't have much vocal capacity. Valoris just squeaked a bit in his hand. Zalthu smiled at her and said, "Well, at least you don't have the blood mark anymore." Zalthu held Valoris and flicked her ear with his finger. She clearly did not enjoy it. Zalthu took a moment to consider the irony. Against her will Valoris had turned on the Edosians and became a spy. Once again, she turned on the Blood Tyrant to become a rat. Life is funny sometimes.
The duke finished ranting about Haydis's treachery as he approached Zalthu and Valoris. He glanced at the rat and said, "Haydis is a master of all kinds of magic. Transformation magic was always his favorite. It would seem that I have been wrong about a great many things. Mainly who I can and cannot trust. Surprisingly, I have you to thank for this." The duke walked back towards the door he entered from. Then he snapped his fingers and said, "Come Valoris. We will find a way to dispel you." A servant ran over to Zalthu and took Valoris from his hand. The servant carefully carried Valoris to the back room.
The duke smiled and nodded to Zalthu and Lochnier. "Despite the disastrous outcome of today, you both have done very well. Treat yourselves to the guest quarters." The duke clapped his hands as two more servants came out of the back room. Then the duke said, "We will discuss your payment and our next move tomorrow." The duke left the banquet hall and followed Valoris into the back room. Zalthu was a bit disturbed that he just feed a mouse to a lion, but that was certainly not his concern. He was exhausted.
The servants led Lochnier and Zalthu up the stairs and down a set of hallways. Very lavish carpets and beautiful painting donned every floor and wall. Finally, the servant came to a stop by a large wooden door and said, "If you need anything at all, there will be a servant waiting for you outside. Do not hesitate to ask." The servant opened the door to reveal a very nicely decorated bedroom. The entire room was larger than a small house with a bed that could easily sleep three people.
"I am going to need some drink. Mead, beer, hard liquor, whatever you got." Zalthu said as he walked over to the bed and started to take off his armor and equipment. He did not take the time to enjoy the luxury of the room. He started to strip off his armor and said, "If Lochnier snores, can I get a servant to come in and punch him for me?"
The servant gawked at his request for a moment then said, "No, I am sorry. This bedroom is for you. Your friend Lochnier will have his own room across the hall. However, if you choose to sleep in the same room, we can make the arrangement."
Zalthu did not respond. Lochnier opened up the door across the hallway and started unloading his gear. A moment later, a servant showed up to Zalthu's door with three bottles of alcohol on a silver tray. Zalthu returned to the door and inspected the booze. The servant said, "These are the finest stock that we have available in…"
Zalthu cut off the servant by grabbing all three bottles and slamming the door shut. He was too tired to talk. It was time to drink. Zalthu sat on the bed while kicking off the rest of his clothes and chugging the first bottle. He didn't even read the label. Didn't matter. After the first bottle was empty Zalthu let out a loud burp and fell over backwards on the bed. It was very soft. Almost too soft. He was probably laying on a thousand feathers or more. Zalthu grab the covers and folded them over himself. Sleep was coming. He wondered if Valoris was just as tired. Then sleep became him.
A knock. The sound bounced around Zalthu's mind like an empty room. Another knock. What could this be? The knocking seemed to echo in his mind forever. It took him a few seconds to realize where he was. He was still in the bedroom in the duke's castle. As Zalthu became more lucid, he pushed the blankets off of himself and stood up. The bottles of alcohol he left in the bed dropped to the floor with a loud crash. Zalthu barely noticed.
Upon walking to the door, Zalthu pulled the latch on the door and opened it just a crack. Outside he could see a woman in a long white dress standing in the hallway. She had a glowing aura about her that lite up the hallway. Seeing Zalthu's face she smiled and raised her arms wide, "Rejoice! Today is the day that thou is ascended. Body and soul lifted to new heights. Pulled from the wretched earth and…" Zalthu let the door slowly open. As he did this the lady in white noticed Zalthu's complete lack of clothing. She turned her head to not look at him directly, "By the divines! Thou'st is naked! Has thou no clothes to wear?!"
Zalthu did not panic or show any form of emotion whatsoever. He rubbed his eyes and said, "You woke me up for this? What do you want?"
The woman refocused herself and raised her arms again. "Fret not, for mine words might pique thine interest. Most illustrious seeker of glory, thou hast been found truly worthy by the divines to usher in change. But before one should act, think well upon this matter..."
Zalthu was barely listening to the woman's rant. Taking a look left and right out in the hallway, Zalthu noticed there was no one in the area. No servants running here and there. The castle was empty. It was just himself and the rambling lady in white. Zalthu glanced down and quickly realized she was not standing on the floor. She was floating. Zalthu couldn't quite understand what she was, or why she was here. Clearly, she was some kind of magic user. After a few more seconds, she stopped talking. Without a word, Zalthu slammed the door as a gust of wind hit the woman in the face.
Zalthu returned to the bed and grabbed the last unbroken bottle of alcohol. As he did, the lady in white entered the room. She did not open the door, she floated through the door as if she was a ghost. The glowing aura of the lady in white lite up the room. Zalthu squinted his eyes at the light and climbed back under the covers and attempted to go back to sleep. The lady sat there for a moment waiting for Zalthu's response. None came. She gave Zalthu a look of despair as she said, "Of what meaning is thine anguish? I wish only to provide guidance on your rightful path. Is it true that you are done with me?"
"Yes, sleep now. Bye." Zalthu grabbed more blankets and covered his head, so he didn't have to see her.
She replied, "If that is thine truest heart's desire. Far thee well…"
The lady started to fade away. After a second, Zalthu pulled covers back and said, "Wait a minute, if you are here to grant my desires, I have a few things in mind."
The lady scolded him, "Ah, I beg pardon! If thou'st is referring to sexual gratification, the answer is a stern NO." Zalthu did not respond. The light faded as her physical body disappeared into nothingness. Zalthu pulled the covers over his head again. She had nothing that he wanted to hear. He just wanted to be left alone.
Another knock. The sound once again bounced around Zalthu's mind. This time Zalthu did not wait to become more lucid, he threw the blankets off of himself and charged the door. Zalthu pulled the latch and threw the door wide open. He shouted, "What in the hells do you want from me!"
Outside the door, there were two servants a young male and a female. The female servant screamed and ran away. Apparently, the sight of a yelling, naked, half-orc was too much for her to handle. The remaining servant said, "Excuse me sir, the duke requests your attention in his war room." Zalthu just stared at him with the fire of a thousand suns in his eyes. He was still not fully awake yet. The young servant nervously said, "Umm, should I tell him you are busy?"
Realizing he was not dreaming, Zalthu replied, "Yeah… no. I umm. I mean, I will be ready in a minute." The servant nodded and smiled as Zalthu shut the door. For the first time Zalthu looked up to the window. The sun was setting. He had slept all day or possibly longer. Zalthu opened the second bottle of alcohol, drank a bit of it, then filled up his personal flask. He would need it for later. After that, he put his clothes and weapon holster on and returned to the door. Outside the young male servant was happy to see he was wearing clothes now.
They walked together down the hallway. Zalthu tried to get a layout of the building, but it was so massive. It was difficult to get his bearings. After a few more hallways and a flight of stairs Zalthu could hear the duke talking to someone. "Darkness rises from the east. The revolution threatens to engulf all of Edosa. As we speak lives are being lost. I have called for aid, but King Davarius will not move troops toward the border for fear of breaking the Three Nations Treaty. If any of our troops cross the border, we will be deemed the aggressor. Much to my distain, he would rather wait until they call for assistance or their forces step into our lands." Zalthu stepped into the room to see a large table covered with papers and a map of the world. The duke was talking to someone but there was no one in the room but him. The duke saw Zalthu and smiled. He continued his speech, "Cantiberry is less than a 20 minutes' walk from the border. Exposed and vulnerable. We can't wait for death to come knocking at our door. That is why I have hired, non-military freelancers, like Zalthu here, to assist in the problem."
In the room was a man in full iron armor. It was not any kind of armor Zalthu recognized. He was standing against the wall not looking at the duke or Zalthu. Interesting. Zalthu ignored the man for now, he walked over to the war table and inspected the detail of the map. It was very nice with high detail including terrain and rivers. Zalthu nodded his head toward the man in full plate armor and asked the duke, "Were you talking to this guy?" The duke raised an eyebrow and pointed his hand down to a chair nearby. Zalthu leaned around the table to see a small black rat sitting on a chair chewing on a piece of cheese. "She is still a rat? I thought you were going to dispel her?"
The duke gave Zalthu a disparaging look and said, "Yes indeed. Haydis's spell is most resilient. We had three magic users living here in the castle as of yesterday. Haydis and his two apprentices. Both of them fled the castle the same time Haydis did. Apparently, they were afraid of the repercussions they would receive from their master's deception. So, I called in my old friend, Cornix."
The duke picked up Valoris and pet her with one hand. Then he continued, "Unlike normal spells that have a set duration, Cornix says the spell's lingering effect is not fading. He believes Valoris's transformation is permanent. An evil spell that Haydis should have used on himself."
Lochnier entered the war room behind Zalthu and slapped him on the back, "Morning sunshine! What did I miss?"
Zalthu sat down in a nearby chair and said, "Not much. Just that we worked our asses off to return Valoris, now she is completely worthless to us."
"On the contrary, she has already proven her worth." The duke stepped closer to the table and placed Valoris on the map. The duke said, "Valoris, are you interested in helping us stop the revolution in Edosa?" Valoris quickly ran over to the corner of the map where a piece of paper lay. This paper only had two words written on it. YES and NO. Valoris stood on the word yes. The duke asked, "Valoris, can you please show us the location of the Blood Tyrant's secret blacksmith?" Valoris stepped off the paper and back to the map she walked over to the northeast of the Edosa's capital city. She stopped on the dot labeled Ganzia.
Zalthu smiled and said, "Smart little rodent isn't she."