While she would still maintain a firm stance on issues, she decided she was going ease up on her cold demeanor.
Following on that pledge, she descended from her throne calling them to follow her into the private garden for a walk, initially surprised they obeyed.
Annaisha swore that she saw an amused look in her mother's eyes when she was presenting Alec McCloud before her and it was rare for her to invite anyone to her private garden because that was her place of solitude where she went whenever she wanted to get away from the hectic nature of the court.
She knew about that place as she had once snuck in there to hide from a minor god who had been bugging her to date him seeing that she was her mom's advisor and confidant, he had hoped to climb the ladder of authority through her to improve his position. Her mom graciously allowed her to hide there as any unwanted guests would become lost forever running in circles. Thus, the part of the garden where she hid, was given the nickname "The Maze Of Confusion".
Coming to a table for three, Hahaoya had them sit down to a delicious meal. I know what you are thinking, he was incorporeal so he would not be able to eat. But Annaisha during their journey had given him a temporary blessing that gave him a corporeal form, so he could feel, hear, touch, taste and be seen. This new corporeal form resembled his physical form in the real world.
Hahaoya asked him what he wanted so much that he was still holding on to his old life when he could have a new one in a different world with everything he ever desired e.g. wealth, status, property, consorts etc
He told her that all he wanted was enough power to save himself, urging her to trust him. To get her to agree, he offered to allow her observe what he did with the power he would be given. Should it be unsatisfactory to her, she could take his powers.
She readily agreed, her curiousity rising rapidly. It had been a long time since a mortal was permitted to wield the power of the gods, Alec McCloud seemed so confident in himself that she had to see what he would do.
The Process
He took a female manequin and infusing it with Earth magic to give flesh, and wind magic to give breath etc. Hayami and Annaisha provided clothing and accessories; Hayami opting to her look like Annaisha much to her annoyance.
Chiako wanting to join in on the fun after seeing Hayami's antics, decided to mess with Alec McCloud, he went down to Earth. Going to the very same hospital Alec McCloud was placed in, he stole blood specifically Alec McCloud's blood type of A+.
Coming back there, he placed the blood into the new creation when they were not looking.
Hahaoya gifted him i.e. Alec McCloud the ability to create. Thus, he brought her to life.
The first words out of her mouth were "Hello father", directed at Alec McCloud.
She was his first creation so he felt he could termed her father which he did not mind, the next thing she did was to walk straight to him and embrace him, thanking him for "birthing" her. It was then he realized with a sinking feeling that someone among them had done something fishy that resulted in this outcome, he would deal this later as he had his suspicions as to who was behind it.
Not one to shy away, he named her Kagami because she was an replica of him though Asian. She was now known as Kagami McCloud.
He prepared to himself to leave for Earth to carry out his mission, asking Hahaoya's permission to do so. She approved it wholeheartedly, impressed by what he did, but told him that he would need another body to walk around freely on Earth, since his original body was incapacitated.
He would also have to change his name and physical appearance in order to avoid confusion such as being accused of impersonation by authorities when the hospital records were checked for identity verification.
For his accomplishments prior and in the present, Hahaoya renames him Satoshi.
He henceforth became known as Satoshi McCloud, a distant cousin of Alec McCloud from his maternal side. He is also given a new body by Hahaoya before he is let go, Annaisha and Kagami accompanied him. Hahaoya also warned him not to do anything rash due his temper, seeing that it could be fatal for people around him if he did anything in anger, as a lot had changed about him, which she would explain when he returned.
They were easily let through security and background checks by hospital management thanks to Chiako altering the records to reflect the new change.
Seeing himself on Oxygen/drips in the ICU brought back that sour feeling. He asked himself same questions that he asked himself when he met Annaisha:
1. Who was responsible for his current state?
2. Who wanted to kill him?
3. Why?, because as far as he knew he had no enemies except for.....?
As he asked himself, he felt deep rage building up inside him, whoever did this unjust thing to him was going to pay, but he remembered Hahaoya's warning of changes within him that would be fatal for persons around him if he did anything in anger. He calmed down with that thought.
It left him wondering why she would say that, like Annaisha before her she was being cryptic, thereby leaving him with another question; what had changed him that he needed a warning to control his temper?
Getting answers from his two companions was futile no matter the number of attempts he made to get it out of them. Not even crying nor the promise to give them a gift of their choosing worked to persuade them to give up details, he put it down to the assumption that Hahaoya may have given them a similar warning not tell him anything on the matter until she allowed it. Their deflective attitude when he brought it up told him he was right.
Brushing those thoughts away he decided it was time to centre himself and focus on the reason why they were in the first place, i.e. to save Alec McCloud and he knew he had to hurry up because surely whoever was behind this would come back to finish the job.
Going into the ICU while the others were on the lookout for trouble, Satoshi McCloud took an amorphous form and deepened his voice so that it sounded disembodied and coming from everywhere, as he feared what might happen if he and his past self saw each other, until he remembered that the Alec McCloud was just a shell of him who could not react to anything.
Thinking to himself(note: he now views himself as a separate entity from Alec McCloud), he remembered that he brought Kagami McCloud his daughter to life, this one here was not dead as Ankoku had not yet come to claim him. So he could go on living if he was given an extra life.
Possession of his body was ruled out as he was not sure what changes he had never gone thanks to Annaisha and Hahaoya's meddling with his physiology, hence he did not know how his body would react to a foreign body i.e. him in his new form taking over control. Puppeteering was also out of the question as he did not want his body to be zombified while he controlled it to take his revenge. To him in his opinion, such method was first of all unnecessary, then unnatural, unsettling to the human mental system and then most of all it was unappealing to the eyes; moreso he was not Ankoku whose speciality that was.
To make the transfer look more natural, he set up a bed next to Alec McCloud along with an IV which he hypnotized a female young trainee nurse assigned to Alec McCloud to set up for him. He silently thanked his luck for remembering to use a mind wipe spell to make the surrounding human population in the hospital not remember a thing, because he could not stop time indefinitely. The transfer manifested as a green liquid flowing through the IV from Satoshi McCloud to Alec McCloud.
Soon after, Alec McCloud opened his eyes for the first time since he had the accident, regaining consciousness. Not wanting to waste time, Satoshi McCloud had him dressed up with the young nurse's aid before handing him over to Annaisha and Kagami. They wanted to complain that he spent over four hours performing a small task that could be accomplished with a simple snap of his fingers, but the serious look on his face shut them up.
His instruction to them was to take care of him while he went to do something about the people who tried to kill his charge, he spoke each sentence with anger in his deep voice that was rising by the minute. He face was a stoic mask but his blue eyes burned with fierce fury.
Kagami McCloud was frozen with fear at what she was witnessing, her father was very angry at someone for what they did to him, even if it was not meant for her, she could not say she was not shaken. She took a step back wanting to be far from him till his anger cooled, at the same time she gestured Annaisha to try and calm him down. Seeing the fright on Kagami McCloud's face, she quickly closed the distance between her and Satoshi McCloud, embracing him while he still shook with anger.
Holding him tightly to herself and not letting go, she told him that she understood his plight, saying he was right to immense amounts of anger for what happened to him, but at the moment it was not his place to seek justice for the crime. Instead, it was Alec McCloud's turn to seek answers for what happened to him, he had saved him and that was all he was allowed to do for now. The next step was for him to lend aid to Alec McCloud then watch as he figured out the truth for himself, observing what he would do with what he found, if not Satoshi McCloud saving him would automatically become a waste.
Kagami McCloud stepped forward after recovering her wits, hugging him from behind, begging him to calm down. After an hour he calmed down.
Taking Alec McCloud with them they vanished from the hospital reappearing in front of a gas station and subsequently taking a car to an unmarked guest house.
On impulse, he decided to buy the unmarked guesthouse. Therefore the guesthouse now belonged to him and with the acquisition the services of all the staff of the establishment. Under the new management, it was henceforth known as Satoshi's Intercontinental Lodge.
He also took the young trainee nurse he controlled earlier with him, assigning her to care for Alex McCloud till he recovered, promising to take care of her salary and allowances.
Observing the situation, Hahaoya smiled telling her companions that Satoshi McCloud was gradually adjusting to his new life as a god with his first successful intervention. Ryoto told her that even though it had subsided thanks to Annaisha and Kagami soothing him, he could still feel Satoshi McCloud's anger as a god of war. He continued saying that it would not go away till he dealt with the culprits behind the attack on him, he stated that he feared that while nobody was looking Satoshi McCloud could go rogue, therefore, the easiest thing to do was to tell him what he wanted to know in order for him to deal with it once and for all.