Chereads / Lewd Overlord / Chapter 6 - Eden Corporation

Chapter 6 - Eden Corporation

"Alright...So you're gonna stay close to me okay? Don't escape my sight. I have to go to my boss and report my findings." Snowflake said.

"Right right. I won't escape your sight." I sighed and crossed my arms.

We walked up the stairs to the second floor and where the Survey Corporation was stationed. I looked around and noticed the people were scared of me. I continued to walk beside Snowflake and we soon reached the office of the Commander of the Survey Corporation.

Snowflake walked inside and noticed the Commander's disapproving look. "Commander?"

"24 people. That's how many people your friend there has killed. Do you know who exactly is that?" The commander spoke.

"Th-This is Seraphim...Crimson. Look commander I know what it looks like, but I promise you she isn't the aggressor! She saved me from a group of hunters and even took me out to breakfast and shopping! Granted I was the one who paid." Snowflake said.

"It doesn't change the fact that she's an Overlord and the strongest one at that. Do you know how much trouble you've put yourself in?" The commander said.

"I'm sorry...but I actually have something to report." Snowflake said then walked forward and took her notebook out of her satchel then placed it on the commander's desk. She opened the notebook and noticed her commander's surprised face. "This is the information I have on her. She was generous enough to tell me things about her."

"Y-You collected this data..?!" She asked looking at Snowflake.

Snowflake nodded and took her badge off. "I know it doesn't compensate for the dangers I brought upon you, but it can be put to good use."

I rose an eyebrow and watched her.

"What are you doing? If you were able to document this, imagine what more you can document. We need someone like you in our corporation." Her commander said.

"What..? But i-"

"Looking at her now, she doesn't seem to pose any threat. I mean if she was here to kill us then wouldn't she have killed all of us by now? To be fair, she was provoked outside." Her commander shrugged and looked at us.

Snowflake looked at me and smiled then looked back at her commander then smiled. "So I can keep my job?"

"You are our best member in the Survey Corporation, so yes. You can keep your job ONLY IF, you continue to keep a close eye on her." Her commander said and nodded.

"Oh don't worry, her eyes are gonna stay very close to me..~" I smirked.

Snowflake blushed and covered her face with her hands. "I'll see you later commander!!" She rushed out of the room.

"Wait! You forgot your-"

"I'll give it to her." I smiled and took the notebook off the desk then walked out of the office.

I used my aura senses to quickly locate Snowflake and highlighted her. I teleported to her and sat beside her. "You forgot this."

Snowflake squealed and recoiled back on the bench, looking at me frightened. She noticed it was just me and exhaled. "Sorry you scared me. I wasn't expecting you to teleport to me.."

I smiled and grabbed her satchel and put it inside. "Tell me more about your Eden Corporation."

"Well there are six factions of the corporation. You have the Survey Corporation, the Medic Corporation, the Culinary Corporation, the Battle Corporation, the Weaponry Corporation, and finally the Protection Corporation. You already met Scarlet who is the Commander of the Battle Corporation. You beat her so easily despite her being the strongest member of the Eden Corporation." Snowflake said.

"Mhm, and I already met Felice of the Culinary Corporation as well." I nodded. "Only three more to meet hm? Take me to them."

Snowflake looked at me and stood up. "Come on, I'll take you to meet them."

I nodded and stood up then followed Snowflake outside. She led me to another department known as the Medic Corporation. It was a large hospital-esque building with a green medic symbol on the main building.

"The Medic Corporation, this is where all your medical needs will be provided. All of our doctors and nurses have been trained with high level White Arts to deal with any situation." Snowflake explained.

I nodded and followed her inside. "Who's the leader here?"

"A powerful Bishop from Church Valliway. She's a Fallen Angel known as the Ten Hound Breaker." Snowflake explained.

"Ten Hound Breaker? Just who is she?" I asked.

"Her name is Asuka." Snowflake answered then stopped walking. She pointed at Asuka.

I looked at the woman she pointed at. She had long white hair with a black cross hair accessory on the front of her head. She had black angel wings on her head, and wore silver and black armor. She had her eyes closed as she stood in front of a doctor, talking to him.

"Asuka!" Snowflake waved to gain her attention.

Asuka looked over and spotted us. She smiled and bowed at the doctor then made her way toward us. "If it isn't the Survey Corps Leader and the Overlord who couldn't defeat the Rulers of the Human Realm."

"Eh? I could have totally destroyed them! It's just...that woman.." I said then had a flashback and grunted. "I'll admit...The Human Realm has too many powerhouses plus I can't defeat a True Hero so easily."

"I heard they defeated and killed the Anti-God from their Realm. Pretty impressive to create Eternal Peace within their Realm. What business do you have here?" Asuka asked.

"My business? Well I am here to essentially enslave your realm, but I will spare the Eden Corporation because apparently from what I witnessed...the Eden Corps has some of the most beautiful women in this Realm." I said.

Asuka blushed a bit and giggled softly. "So you wish to enslave us with sweet nothings?"

"She killed 24 people earlier and took down Scarlet alone! Come on though, Asuka. She doesn't pose a threat toward us. We can probably work with her. After all we do have enemies we can't take care of normally." Snowflake said.

Asuka crossed her arms and looked at me up and down. "I don't sense any malicious intent within her at the moment, but how do you know she won't pull a 180 on us and just outright kill us when she doesn't need us anymore?"

"I asked that the first few days we met, but she reassured me in a sense. Also working with an Overlord sounds pretty fun as well." Snowflake smiled.

"Working with an Overlord who tried to destroy the Human Realm with a self-righteous immortal and Anti-God is very taboo. I don't know how your commander gave you the pass, but my commander won't allow it." Asuka said.

"And yet, you're still here." I said and crossed my arms. I walked closer to Asuka and leaned down, whispering something in her ear.

Asuka's face turned as red as a tomato. "Wh-Wha...Seriously?"

I nodded and chuckled seductively. "Have we ourselves a deal?"

Asuka huffed and looked away. "Under one condition. You have to help out with the Eden Corporation's tasks. You will get paid, we will grant you a home on base and you get to freely destroy anything that isn't our ally."

"Looks like we have ourselves a deal." I smiled.

Asuka began to walk away. "I have work to be done. I will see you two some other time."

Snowflake waved and looked at me. "What did you say to her?"

I walked to Snowflake and whispered in her ear what I said to Asuka.

"You WHA-" Snowflake started then I covered her mouth.

"Keep it down or else you won't be rewarded." I said.

Snowflake mumbled and blushed as she looked at me. I chuckled softly and let her go.


Snowflake and I walked to another department of the Eden Corporation together then I noticed the building. It was a massive weaponry and armory shop with two statues of warriors holding spears.

"This is the Weaponry Corporation. They work with arming us with weapons and armor for our missions. The Leader of the Weaponry Corporation is a powerful blacksmith who has been across different Realms learning her craft. She claims to be the daughter of two powerful beings of the Human Realm. One was a Ruler and the other was a Miko." Snowflake explained.

"A Ruler and Miko you say? I am familiar with those titles." I said and remembered a Martial Arts Master and a Shrine Maiden from the Human Realm. "She must be the adoptive daughter of them."

We continued inside the building and immediately I was hit with the smell of coal and iron. The sounds of metal banging against the molten iron rang in my ears. As we ventured deeper into the department, Snowflake pointed at a woman who was working on making a new weapon.

The woman was rather tall, nearing my height which is 5'9. She had tanned skin, abs of steel, and wore a set of barbarian armor. Her hair was white and she wore it in a low ponytail. Her eyes shined a bright gold through her goggles. She also had dragon horns and tail. Her tail swayed as she worked.

"Tohra!" Snowflake called out.

Tohra heard Snowflake then halted on her work. She looked up and sighed then put down her hammer and took off her goggles. "The Famous Khiarok..."

Snowflake smiled at Tohra and hurried toward her then tripped over a pile of rare ore. She grunted as she fell on the ground.

I snickered a bit then crossed my arms. I looked at Tohra then smirked. "Hey...I know you."

Tohra looked at me then grunted. She readied her weapon that was on her side and glared at me. "You...I will make you pay for what you did to my family!"

Tohra dashed toward me and slashed down at me. I let the weapon hit me and watched it shatter upon contact with my arm. She looked surprised then groaned as she was blown away by a gust of wind I created by blowing air at her. Tohra hit her back against the wall and her equipment fell onto the floor.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Seraphim isn't our enemy here!" Snowflake said then quickly got up.

"Are you kidding?! This is the woman my parents fought in the Human Realm! The same woman who has conquered many Realms! The same woman who has destroyed the Creators of their Realms! Are you serious right now, Khiarok?!"

"I'm dead serious! She saved me from hunters and took me out for breakfast and shopping!" Snowflake said.

"And you paid." I said, crossing my arms.

"And I paid yes, but the point is she isn't necessarily all evil. She even agreed to work with us." Snowflake said.

Tohra glared at me once again then stood up straight. "No matter what good you can do for our Corporation, I will never truly trust you. Because of you, Hisumi nearly died and Shangqiu was nearly destroyed!"

"And yet she managed to defeat me somehow. And your precious homeland is still intact. Your parents however. There's no telling where the Council are now." I said then shrugged. "But you're right. I have come here to conquer Valera."


"But, I won't attack your precious Eden Corporation. They've already given me the green light to help you all out. As an Overlord I still have the desire to destroy and conquer so how about this. I help your corporation go from a city wide organization to worldwide and even universal and you become one of my wives in my harem." I said.

"Excuse me, what?! You want me to marry you?" Tohra asked. "Are you insane?!"

"Yes, and I find this deal rather reasonable. You gain universal power with my help, in return you satisfy my every need and desire. I know you dragons are capable of generating-"

"Shut up!" Tohra yelled. Her face was a deep red from being flustered and embarrassed. "I will think on this because this is a lot to take in. In the meantime, BOTH of you GET OUT!"

I chuckled and grabbed Snowflake's hand then made my way out with her. "That went smoothly."

"I didn't know you had history with Tohru although she does talk about you a lot. The Human Realm was really on the final battle huh." Snowflake asked, wrapping her tail around my arm.

"I joined the war during the endgame. The Heroes were gaining power quickly. All I had to work with was the power Qiao Zhi acquired. Terminus also was-"

"T-Terminus?" Snowflake said.

"You know him?" I asked.

"Terminus is omnipresent. We have our own version of Terminus named Choshek. He is one of the many incarnations of Terminus. You say the heroes of the Human Realm defeated Terminus?" Snowflake asked.

"Yes. He's dead." I answered.

"That means the incarnations are pretty weakened. Since Terminus is dead, is the Hero of Origin.." Snowflake asked.

"They are one in the same. Terminus has disappeared which means the Hero of Origin has finally been granted Eternal Peaceful Rest. That's why the Infinity Council is travelling to different Realms to bring peace to the Omniverse." I said.

"Infinity Council?" Snowflake asked.

"Looks like I have a lot to explain." I said. "Let's take a break from the Eden Corporation and talk about this over lunch."

"Okay." Snowflake said.