Chereads / Lewd Overlord / Chapter 9 - Trouble on the Prairie

Chapter 9 - Trouble on the Prairie

A few days had passed and we finally made it to the Prairie of Floragrance. Snowflake and I traversed the prairie to find the first city we needed to go to. As we traversed, I noticed a young woman and man running from a pack of white dire wolves. Snowflake noticed them as well then exclaimed when the wolves howled and charged at us because of the duo.

"Move! Move! Watch out!" The woman screamed.

I watched the young woman run past us then looked ahead. The young male was tripped by one of the wolves and they surrounded him, prepared to kill him.

"Ishido!" The girl yelled.

I watched and grunted. I had already committed a heroic act which does throw everything off balance, but something in me wanted to save him. As one of the wolves went for a killing bite, I fired a beam at the wolf and disintegrated it into nothing. The male looked shocked and looked back at me.

I lowered my hand then my heart thumped. I grunted and gripped my chest. I chuckled softly. "Another heroic act..."

"Seraphim!" Snowflake said and held my arm, checking on me. "Are you alright?"

'What's going on with me..? Why am I playing hero..?' I thought to myself. 'I am an Overlord! I can't be a hero!'

"Kokoro!" Ishido yelled and ran toward her.

Kokoro ran to Ishido then hugged him. "She saved you..."

Ishido nodded and looked at me. "An Overlord...saved me."

I watched Ishido and Kokoro. 'Have I really gone soft..?'

The wolves howled and began to emit corrupted aura. I watched them and sighed softly. I stomped on the ground and dark energy spikes impaled each of them then they let out pained yelps then began to disappear into ashes.

"She...She killed them in one hit." Kokoro said.

Kokoro was a young woman, a year younger than Snowflake who had bright brown eyes, short brown hair in a bob style and wore a Shrine Maiden outfit.

Ishido was a young man with messy black hair, his bangs covered his right eye and his left eye was a bright blue color. He donned a soldier's outfit and carried a short sword with him.

Kokoro let go of Ishido then bowed toward me. "Thank you, Overlord."

I looked at Kokoro then smiled, crossing my arms. "You're welcome, mortal."

'Having someone express gratitude towards me..doesn't feel half bad.' I thought to myself.

Snowflake noticed my smile then smiled as well. She hopped next to me and placed her hands on her hips. "Hellooo!~ My name is Khiarok from the Eden Corporation! I am the Leader of the Survey Corporation!~"

"Ehh?! Eden Corporation?! You're from there as well?!" Kokoro asked and smiled. "I am Kokoro Fray from the Protection Corporation."

"And I am Ishido Fray, Kokoro's younger brother. I too am from the Protection Corporation." Ishido said. He was a bit more soft spoken and reserved while Kokoro was energetic and animated.

"As you know, I am Seraphim Crimson. I am an Overlord, so you two should be grateful that I even allowed myself to save your pathetic lives." I said.

I didn't really mean what at said. These two were in grave danger. Ishido could've died if I hadn't jumped in. Within the few days I've spent with Snowflake, she has really shown me that there's more to life than just destruction.

I watched as Kokoro excitedly talked to Snowflake, swinging her arms about in a circular motion with excitement. I smiled and looked at Ishido.

Ishido noticed my glance then looked away.

I walked toward him. "There's no need to be shy, mortal. I will not bring harm to you."

"M-Mmph.." Ishido softly grunted. "It's not that I think you'll kill me...It is just strange for an Overlord to be heroic."

I crossed my arms then chuckled softly. I sighed softly and narrowed my eyes to the ground. "It is strange isn't it..."

Ishido stared at me and my soft smile. His cheeks slightly became rosy. "I-I just want to say that you are a gorgeous woman."

I looked at Ishido and was a bit taken back by his compliment. "Thank you. I do like to keep my appearance in constant check. Granted, my hair can get a little too long and it's pretty hard to keep my chest from hurting at times. That's why I have Snowflake message them when we are alone."

"Snowflake?" Ishido asked then pointed at Snowflake.

I nodded and looked at Snowflake. "She's my wife. One of them anyway."

Snowflake's ears flicked and she looked at me then smiled. She hurried over to me and wrapped her tail around my arm. "Sera, Kokoro says she knows where Ataraxia and Mona are~ We should follow them."

I looked at Kokoro then nodded. "Lead the way."

"Alrighty!~ Everyone abord the Koko Train!~" Kokoro said then marched forward.


Ataraxia dodged one of the Corrupted Soldier's attacks then parried another. She changed the mode of her Cross to Attack Mode then it changed into a spear. She slashed in a circle then a golden ring formed after her attack. The ring began to spin then it dispersed into golden energy particles. The Corrupted Soldiers all fell to their knees and turned into ashes.

Mona hopped in her Mecha's arms and pointed at the Corrupted Knights. "Venerus! Plasma Flash!"

"At your command." Venerus said then aimed the two cannons on her back at the Corrupted Knights then began to charge up for the Plasma Flash. Purple lightning crackled around the cannons then she fired two supercharged energy beams at the Corrupted Knights then an explosion happened.

Ataraxia sighed and looked around. "Kokoro and Ishido are still nowhere to be found. I worry that I may never find my dear adolescents. They are so young and full of potential."

"We will find them, Mama Ataraxia." Mona said as Venerus carried her back to the ground.

Mona hopped out of Venerus's arms then held Ataraxia's hand. Neither she nor Ataraxia had grown a year older since the war in the Human Realm. It is the blessing of being an Infinity Council. Blessed with eternal youth and always in your prime once you reach it.

The two began to continue searching around for Kokoro and Ishido.


Snowflake dodged an attack from a Skeleton Lord then took a throwing knife out of her satchel then threw it perfectly at its head, killing it on the spot. The throwing knife materialized back in Snowflake's hand then she put it away.

Kokoro waved her stave in the air from side to side, boosting our power and abilities. Ishido appeared in front of a Corrupted Soldier then slashed through him and exhaled, smoke coming from his nose. A barrage of slashes struck the Corrupted Soldier then his body turned into ashes.

"Iaijutsu. That is very impressive, but allow me to show you what you can do with it at full power." I said then summoned a katana.

The Corrupted Royal Knight bellowed then dashed toward me. She slashed at me, but I parried her attack then slashed upwards, knocking her in the air. I warped in front of her then slashed at her and a vortex of slashes struck her body.

I knocked her back to the ground then teleported to the ground and slowed down time. I slashed, unleashing a cutting wave at her then slashed through her. I reverted time back to normal and the Corrupted Royal Knight was hit with the cutting wave as well as another vortex of slashes. A Speed Clone I left behind teleported in front of her then I teleported behind her. The two of us rapidly struck her with slashes then my clone blew her away with a strike to the gut.

I teleported in front of the Corrupted Royal Knight then knocked her to the sky with another slash then warped to the side of her then struck her with an axe kick, knocking her to the ground. She bounced off the ground then I slashed twice, striking her with both cutting waves. I warped behind her and grabbed her cape then tossed her back in the air.

"Dimension Slice: 25%." I said then vanished.

A barrage of slashes hit the Corrupted Royal Knight then I reappeared, sheathing my katana and cuts within Reality began to open and sucked in the Corrupted Royal Knight. The open holes soon closed and returned reality back to normal.

"What...the hell..? I didn't learn anything! That was purely a flex!" Ishido bellowed and pointed at me.

I shrugged and smiled. "Hey, I love showing off. That wasn't even 1% of my true power. But as you saw, with True Iaijutsu, you can cut through reality itself. If you keep practicing you'll probably become as good as I am. Ha! No you won't, but hey you have potential."

Ishido watched me then gave a slight smile at me. "A Heroic Overlord...The Seraphim I was told about seemed like some tyrant. She's strong and yet so caring.."

Snowflake finished writing a few notes down in her journal then sighed. "New Enemy Data Collected and more info recorded about allies. I have also been able to complete 45% of this Prairie."

"You surely work fast." I said.

"Yeah I-" Snowflake started then heard a roar.

I used my Clairaudience to listen to what was going on. I heard the same roar as last time, but this time people were screaming for help. "A village of people within the prairie. They need some help."

'No, you've already done enough damage to the balance. You can not help them.' I thought to myself.

"That's the Ivy Garden Village! We need to hurry!" Kokoro said then ran off.

"Wait!" I called out. I grunted and curled my fists. "Fuck...Fuck it! We ball."

I ran after Kokoro then felt a shift in reality. Time began to slow down for me.

"So you've decided to be a hero. The most feared Overlord...has truly gone soft." A voice said.

'I have gone soft, but I will be an Overlord in my own way! Your rules will no longer bind me to YOUR reality, Sephiran!' I thought to myself.

"No longer will I succumb to YOUR reality!" I bellowed and broke out of Sephiran's Reality Trap Spell.

I ran toward the village and my eyes shined brightly. A massive Corrupted Dragon began to fire energy beams at the village, killing anyone caught within it. I flew toward the dragon and bellowed. I sliced the head off the dragon with ease and it began to turn into ashes.

"In one hit..!" Kokoro said in awe. "No one can rival her strength..!"

Ishido was also amazed at my strength. "She saved the village in just a few seconds..!"

I didn't feel my body hurting after performing a heroic act. I had truly broken out of his spell and could conquer Valera in my own way using the Eden Corporation.

"So you chose to be a hero and a villain? That doesn't work well with the balance of the Omniverse." Sephiran's voice said as he watched from his domain.

"I am not a true hero. I am doing this for the Eden Corporation's reputation and for my wives. If anyone catches wind that I am working with the Eden Corporation, they will automatically be branded villains so this works out in a sense." I said. I suddenly remembered something. "Crap...I forgot about my date with Felice a few days ago. She's probably pissed.."

"Sera!" Snowflake called out to me.

I looked down at Snowflake then descended to the ground, toward her. "Snowflake, are you hurt?"

"Not at all. I'm glad you're okay even though I don't have to be worried...I am worried about what happens if you keep playing hero." Snowflake said.

"Well, it won't matter soon enough. I've finally understood my role. I can't truly be a hero, but I can help boost your reputation for the Eden Corporation. This will allow you all to be able to expand further out." I said.

"Oh! So your heroic deeds do have purpose!" Snowflake smiled.

"Ack- What do you mean by that?" I scolded and pinched Snowflake's nose.

Snowflake whined and tried to make me release her nose. She stopped whining after hearing someone clapping. She looked to that direction and noticed a male with short blonde hair, green eyes, and a powerful build.

"General Duke!" Snowflake said.

"If it isn't the Overlord and Eden Corporation. Who expected such a team up? These must be some very dire times huh." Duke said and smirked. "You understand that working with an Overlord is a universal offense that will lead in death right?"

"Lay a finger on her and I'll make sure that will be your last action you commit." I said and my eyes shined.

"You believe I'm scared of you, Seraphim? After your recent actions, you have gon-"

I gave Duke a stare that pierced through his soul. "If you keep talking...I will fuck you up."

Duke got quiet as he stared into my eyes. He grew intimidated then backed away. "This won't be the last you'll be hearing from me! I'll make sure the entire Realm knows of this!"

He ran off and retreated back to where he came from.

"Tail tucked between his legs like a bitch." I said then looked at Snowflake then fixed her hair. "No one will lay a finger on you."

Snowflake blushed and smiled at me. "Don't worry, I'll be okay. Anyway, we should check up on the villagers. They seemed to have taken heavy damage."

"Okay." I nodded.


Ataraxia and Mona stopped at a village that was recently just attacked. As they wandered into the village, they noticed me and immediately got into battle mode.

Ataraxia propelled herself toward me then went for the immediate attack. I dodged her attack then gazed upon Ataraxia as she gazed upon me. I smirked then went for an attack at the same time she did. We knocked each other away.

"Well well...Hello, my prize~" I said.

"I thought I saw the last of you in the Human Realm. Now you're here causing trouble! I'll put an end to you-"

"Wait! Wait!" Kokoro yelled and got between us. "Lady Ataraxia, Seraphim isn't our enemy! She saved us from a pack of dire wolves and saved this village from a corrupted dragon!"

Ataraxia looked at me then calmed down. She could tell Kokoro wasn't lying. "I see-"

"Nah, now we have to fight." I smirked and my eyes shined. "I want to make you mine more than ever now! Ataraxia! Number III of the Infinity Council! I challenge you directly to a fight!"

Ataraxia looked at me then smiled. "Oh? You wish to challenge me to a one on one?"

"No! You and Mona! I will make you my wife and Mona will become my step-daughter and I will help you care for her and- I'm getting off track, that battle we had in the Human Realm didn't satisfy me. I need destruction!" I bellowed.

"Alright, I'm game. If I lose, I will marry you and become your wife." Ataraxia said.

"Mama!" Mona said in shock.

"Wha- Just like that?!" Kokoro asked.

"Great.." I smirked.

To Be Continued....