Chapter 4 - 03

With her arms crossed, she asks, "How is this going to cheer me up?"

"Well, have a look about. The flowers are gorgeous, the air smells fresh, the birds are chirping, and the sun is shining brilliantly in the shadow that we're in," he said as he showed her around the school garden. "Don't you think it's a lovely day outside?" he said, smiling.

"Well, it's nice outdoors," she shrugged, her arms crossed, "but I'm still not pleased; I simply don't see the purpose."

"Snap out of it, this isn't the Alyssa I know. The real Alyssa is always cheerful and can turn anyone's frown upside down. I'm sure any guy would be lucky enough to admire and be your boyfriend," he says shaking her.

"Okay, okay, stop shaking me. You're going to make me puke," she said, raising her hand. "If only your words were true, I know I'm not the type the boys want."

"I'm not going to stand here and listen to you talk bad about yourself, Alyssa Miller; you're charming, charismatic, friendly, and fun to be around," he continued.

She sat down on the beautiful meadows with Clydesdale, who sat just next to her, and stared at him with puppy eyes.

"Did you know, La Meissa University is known to the world's oldest cherry bloom, which continues to enchant visitors on campus. The cherry blossom tree has been around for almost a century, and anyone who comes to see it will be fascinated by its urban history." She ask with neutral smile. "Whoever comes here, whether it's a group of friends or a couple, will spend an eternity with each other, but it won't be long before they're charmed to meet again in this very tree. You'll regret and be held back by your own words if you say "I love you" to the person you're with because you know the person, you're with is leaving too soon and that you were enchanted to meet once and will never be the same again." She regretfully explained him the story of the cherry blossom tree as she sighs and looks at him sadly.

"How did you find out about this?" he inquires.

"Oh, I was in the library and read about the school's history," she explained. "Actually, there's more secret tale about the school that they don't want the students to know, which is why I chose to examine it myself; who knows, maybe they're hiding a dead body around here or other urban legends," she said.

"OK, Ms. Sherlock, don't get ahead of yourself. Besides, who ever conceals a dead corpse on school grounds?" he asks, shrugging.

"Who knows, maybe a student, teacher, or staff member; you never know," she shrugged.

"OK, maybe we've got enough fresh air; why don't we go back inside?" he said, nervously laughing as he gently stood her up.

"Are you afraid that someone is storing a dead body here?" she taunted him. "Come on now, you don't honestly believe that. I was just kidding, that's all lol" she chuckled as she rolled her eyes.

"For your knowledge, I'm not afraid, and it's not humorous at all to be talking about dead people," he stated solemnly as he pushed her farther inside.

"All right, all right, I'll stop," she murmured as she stopped laughing.

They meet Pixie Ivory Leonor, a.k.a. Clydesdale girlfriend, after entering. Pixie dashed over to her boyfriend and fiercely held him.

Pixie, still clutching Clydesdale, asks, "Hey, sweetie, where have you been?"

"Oh, we were just at the school garden," Clydesdale explains, pointing to Alyssa. "Alyssa and I were just hanging out because we haven't chatted in a long." Alyssa gave Pixie a friendly wave.

"So, you're the girl that my little honey bunch was talking about," she exclaimed cheerfully as they exchanged handshakes. "Nice to meet you Alyssa, my name is Pixie Ivory Leonor, but you can call me Pixie."

"Hello, Pixie. My name is Alyssa Miller, but you can call me Lys or anything you like. That's great with me," Alyssa replied with a grin as she shook her hand and introduced herself.

"Now that you two have met, why don't you guys hang around for a bit and get to know each other better?" Clydesdale proposed with a smile, "since I want you two to get along."

"Sure, it would be fantastic," Alyssa answered enthusiastically.

Pixie screamed, "What a terrific idea, sweetheart!" She linked her arms around Alyssa and continued, "I'll show you all the exciting places me and my pals hang out."

"All right, fine. You two have fun while I catch up on basketball practice," he rapidly responded as he turned around to wave farewell.

Pixie let go of Alyssa's arm and rolled her eyes, saying, "Just to be clear, we're not friends." She turned to face her and said, displeased. "I just did it because you and my boyfriend are friends; just because you two are friends doesn't mean we have to be friends."

"I know you were just faking since your acting back there was horrible if you were going to be an innocent girlfriend. Try a bit harder next time," Alyssa stated with a grin as she crossed her arms and walked away.

Pixie stomps her feet impatiently, grumbling. Pixie blood was boiling behind Alyssa's back, so she simply laughed quietly and crossed her arms as she walked back to her room, satisfied.

DORM 01-11-15

Her friends crowded her with updates when she arrived to her room, wondering about all that had occurred to her while she was with Clydesdale.

Camille asked, nudging her elbow and grinning, "So, how did your date go?"

"It wasn't a date; it was simply a friendly date," she adds, blushing.

Jelyn said, "So, did he embrace you?"

"Rather than hugging me, he shook me because he needed me to wake up since I was dragging myself down," she explained.

Elvira raises her brow, "Was there anything noteworthy that happened?"

"It was meeting her girlfriend, ugh, I can't stand her. She's so plastic," she added, rolling her eyes.

Christine asked, coming in closer to the group, "Why, what happened?"

"All right, so here's what happened," she continued.