Chapter 7 - 06

*The following morning*

A loud thud in her room startled Alyssa, who slowly opened her eyes to see Camille holding a frying pan and a spatula, which she continued to smash in their ears until they woke up.

"Would you please stop that! People are trying to sleep, and you're here disturbing their bedtime," Alyssa said, half sleeping.

"You girls need to wake up! It's school time, and we don't want to be late on our first day of the semester!" Camille said as she yanked them out of their mattresses.

"But," Alyssa grumbled, still half sleeping, "I want to sleep more."

Jelyn grumbled, "I need my beauty sleep, and if I don't get it, I get grouchy."

"You may sleep in the classroom," Camille replied, tapping her shoes at us. "But right now, we really need to wake up because we have a flag ceremony to catch up on, remember?"

"I need to get ready, I forgot that we have a flag ceremony every morning. Jelyn, get ready! I hope Clydesdale and the rest of the boys are there," Alyssa screamed for Jelyn as she rushed into the bathroom to change. After a few minutes, she emerged in her uniform, looking beautiful.

"Wow, that was quick; I suppose I should've said Clydesdale sooner if this was the reason for her getting up so early," Camille sarcastically observed as she entered the bathroom to change.

"Where is my bag?! Has anybody seen my bag!" Alyssa said as she searched everywhere, looking a hot mess. "Dang it! Where is it?" she yelled as she pondered.

While gathering her belongings and uniform, Jelyn said, "Have you checked your closet, sometimes it's in there."

Alyssa hastily searched her closet and discovered her bag, laughing foolishly. "I found it! Thank you, Jelyn!" she said.

"No problem," Jelyn said. "Has anyone seen my lip gloss? I promise, I just placed it under my desk," she inquired as she continued to search beneath her desk.

"Check your handbag! You always have it in there, you never take it out!" Camille said as she emerged from the restroom, her uniform still on and her hair still drying.

"Found it! Thank you, Camille," Jelyn said as she thanked Camille and dashed inside the restroom.

Camille ponders as she puts on her cosmetics, "Have you awakened up Abegail and Anne yet? They should be ready by now."

"No, I haven't. I'll go wake them up right now otherwise we'll be late for the flag ceremony," Alyssa said, standing up and heading to the girls' room.

"Hey, folks, you ready? We're about to depart, it's flag ceremony today and we don't want to be late," she remarked as she peered through the door as she walked to check on the females. "Guys, you here," she whispered hesitantly as she began to look about inside.

She became concerned about the girls and searched the room for them with no success. She was ready to leave when she came across a message with the girls' photos and a Scorpion sign painted in blood smears. She screamed in terror and hurried out of the room, screaming and panicked. Fortunately, she ran across Camille, who was concerned and perplexed.

"Hey, hey, is everything alright? I was ready to grab you since you were taking too long. Are you okay? You seem pale," Camille said, her face anxious and puzzled.

"I-I" Alyssa stutters, still terrified by what she's seen and unable to comprehend what's going on, as Jelyn appears, anxious and concerned.

"What happened to Alyssa? Is she all right?" she asked Camille as she kneeled down to be at their level.

"I'm not sure what happened; she simply came in running towards me when she came out of Anne and Abegail's room, and the next thing I knew she was sobbing and afraid," Camille stated, her voice trembling.

"What's inside Anne and Abegail's chamber must have scared Alyssa," Jelyn speculates as she mulls over the situation.

Camille inquires, "Shall we explore what it was?"

*Beep* *Beep* "Maybe later," Jelyn remarked as she checked the time on her wristwatch. "We're about to be late for the flag ceremony."

"Oh, oh. You're right, we should get moving, and after the flag ceremony, let's get Alyssa to the infirmary, she must have been terrified," Camille said as she gently led Alyssa out of their room.

N: 'At the gym,'

Flag ceremony in the morning

1. Gold Dust Crew will undertake a morning exercise.

2. Performing the LMU Hymn

3. Greetings in the Morning

4. Examining school uniforms and corporate attire

5. The University Donator will be introduced by the principal and given a tour of the campus.

They enter the gymnasium without seeing the principle, exhaled with relief, and looked for a seat. Fortunately, Clydesdale and his mates signaled them to join them.

"Hey, ladies," Jordan commented, "it's a good thing you arrive on time otherwise you'll be disciplined. fortunately for you, the principle isn't here yet."

"Tell me about it," Camille sarcastically remarked, rolling her eyes. "If I didn't wake them up early, we'd be late getting over here."

"What happened to Alyssa? She seems to have seen a ghost or something," Clydesdale inquires.

"What happened was that I ordered her to go fetch Anne and Abegail from their room, but she was taking too long, so I had to go get her instead, and when I got there, she ran in crying and scared by what she saw inside," Camille revealed.

"Did you look into what scared her?" Clydesdale inquires, arching an eyebrow at them.

"We were going to, if it hadn't been for the early flag ceremony, we would've gotten to investigate," Camilled grumbled as she crossed her arms.

"How about we investigate after the flag ceremony?" Jordan suggests.

"I mean, we could," Jelyn remarked, "but we have a class."

"Oh, right," Clydesdale remarked, "but we could still do it after class; we only have three subjects in the morning after which we may examine."

"However, guys are not permitted in the girls' dormitories, and if the head mistress discovers you in the ladies' dormitory, you will be suspended," Jelyn pointed out.

"If they disguise up as girls, they won't be caught," Camille added, a sneaky smirk on her face.

Photo owned by:

"Oh, no, no," Clydesdale said, panicking and shaking his head.

"Oh, come on," Camille pleaded, "I thought you were going to accompany us to investigate, you were the one who proposed it, and now you're backing out."

"I'm not backing out, I mean, I'm joining you, but I'm not going to disguise myself as a lady," Clydesdale said.

Following the flag ceremony, the females rapidly changed the lads behind the gymnasium building into girls.

"Our dresses don't even match; Jordan looks like a nanny, and I look like a queen bee," Clydesdale grumbled as he stretched his skirt more. "Why does Jordan have to wear his hair long but I don't? " He continued.

"Oh, stop whining; this is the only clothing I have right now," Camille explained. "Jordan looks great with long hair, but you don't look well with long hair," Camille continued.

Jelyn remarked, "You don't hear Jordan whining."

"It's because he doesn't have a choice," Clydesdale cynically said.

"All right, stop. Let's focus on examining the problem here; this is why you two are dressed up," Camille said, raising her voice and frowning at them.

Both of them mumbled while crossing their arms and looked in separate directions.

"If he didn't grumble so much, we wouldn't be in this situation," Jelyn said.

Clydesdale said, "Hey! I heard that!"

"Let's just get to our rooms," Camille said as she rolled her eyes and palmed her face, separating Jelyn and Clydesdale.