That was exactly what the queen did, she shot at both of them forcing them into a corner .
Meanwhile, King Patrick and his two sons were looking for the mechanism which would trigger the secret door and open it. Each room in the castle had it's own secret door which led to secret passageways inside the castle walls.
They searched high and low; running their hands on the walls, clicking buttons, twisting statues and emptying bookshelves. They basically turned the whole room completely upside down.
Finally, Matthew found the trigger. It was a little metal duck that had a light bulb on its butt . The duck was sitting on the table all along and until now they all thought it was just an ornament.
The walls parted and they all rushed into the passageway with the queen being the last one to enter.
The walls closed and they all heaved a sigh of relief.
"What do we do now?" asked Henry.
"We're getting you boys, out of the castle " King Patrick replied.
"Aren't you coming with us?"
"No, we're not. Your mother and I need to stay, to protect our kingdom."
"In that case , I'm staying with you." Matthew argued.
"No son, you need to take care of your brother."
"No buts. Matthew look at me." said the queen forcing her son to look at her." Promise me , you'll take care of your brother."
"Mother I....."
"Promise me!"
"Okay.....I will." Matthew finally agreed.
"No! I'm not leaving without you two!"Henry protested.
"Henry, you're all grown up now. You need to man up and stop acting like a child." King Patrick scolded Henry.
Henry was feeling aggrieved and angry. He looked down glaring at the floor while silent tears slid out of his eyes.
"It's going to be okay." His brother comforted and hugged him.
Henry nodded, completely burying his head in his brother's shoulders and the whole family came together in one last group hug before separating.