It was like every other highschool the good old stressful occasions you know the one with lectures, stacks and stacks of homework, millions of books to read and the bullies ohh how could I forget the bullies, you know the rich and good looking ones those that steal your clothes in the locker room while you're bathing ,spill beach in your lunch ,beat you up in locker room and constantly tormenting your miserable life. And that was how life was for Emmie.
Emmie's POV
"Hey Durk" one girl said screaming from the other side of the hall, 'oh no my best friend asked me to quickly get his books from his locker and now am too late, these girls ain't letting me go now without a fight', "ain't I talking to you" one mean girls screamed now getting closer I tried to make a run for it but I was too late, Becky shoved my shoulder to the the right and I fell to the ground with great force hitting my head on floor really hard "let go of me" and I quickly spoke out, "ohh is that imp letting out a moan hahahaha" the other laughed out loud. This is what happened to me most of the time, Becky was apparently in love with my best friend he was all I got in this school Kendall high.
I was friends with Becky beforehand she was kinda nice to me the very first day I came into Kendall high, although she was one of popular girls we still got time to hang out she was their for me till an incident happened.
I was standing by the locker room trying to get some books for class while Becky was standing behind me when a boy with long dark hair walked pass us "wow Emmie don't you think his really one of the cutest guys in school, just looking at his thick black hair can get any girl dazed by him" and that's when he got my attention .She said those words with the slyest smile that I ever saw she was really acting weird.
Since Becky had made friends with me nothing particularly out of the ordinary happened she was always nice to me, she usually invited me to eat along with her rich friends and sometimes I would watch her practice her cheerleading stuff while I sat around the corner reading. Becky's parents where really rich and all out going and even though Becky had all these wealthy stuff I always tried to keep my distance from her because I didn't want to get into any trouble. Her other friends where just like her they played a lot of pranks and chased a lot of boys but for me I knew that was nerdy and Becky only wanted to keep me as an amusement. But she was really interested in his boy and after recalling all my past events with him I didn't see anything good with the boy I thought that this boy seemed to have more of a dark behavior and he always wore black and he was super annoying.
I remembered when I decided to buy a guitar for my sister's birthday party, when I got inside a music shop and closed the door behind me and took few steps towards the man on the registrar. When I walked forward I and greeted the man in my native language Chinese.
When he responded to me I asked him about a guitar that would be great for a birthday party and he directly me to the guitar room.
The moment I got inside I soon forgot why had entered in the shop in first place because the room was wide and was so many guitars lined up I place it looked amazing. My eye suddenly caught sight of a guitar while looking around the shop and I picked it and attempted to play it. Suddenly I heard a voice instantly from the far end of the room it sounded like the voice had belonged to a boy, he said "wrong" who said that to me I looked over behind me to find a boy standing at far end of the room and in a minute the boy was before me staring at my very face I tried to ignore him and I played the guitar again and the boy said those words again and why was this stranger even talking to me "and you played it wrong again" 'damm it' who was he and why he even speaking to me. I looked downward towards the guitar and attempted again and to my very surprise again he said it "wrong" I got agitated right now I couldn't help but feel madly unhappy by the way he was this annoying with the way he corrected my musical attempts and how he was this annoying with his words "Who are yo..." And before I could speak he had his hands over my lips. In the second we got in contact I smacked his hands away from my face.
I said to him " what are you even doin.." and again he covered my mouth again. I thought that this boy must be really insane and mentally drained. Why was this stranger acting like this towards me .
I wanted to push him away when I heard a loud bang behind the door before us. The strange boy swiftly held me and pushed me behind the wall while some men that entered were masked and to looked like robbers. When they entered in guitar room looking at both of us like they seemly wanted to kill us. The boy stepped in front of me without a hint of fear. The rober looked at him he shouted " lay on the floor with your hands in the air". I was extremely scared at that moment I wanted to run out of this shop this instant but that was impossible everything was happening so fast that I couldn't recollect myself. I was scared to death right now not knowing what would become of me in the next second. The unknown boy was just standing there looking at them sheepishly while I was standing there affaid of what was to come. The strange boy smirked and said " well it seems like we are about to get robed so I should probably lay on the floor now" he got in front of me with his back behind mine and with a smile on his face "hmmm..' or probably not" he let out a sly smile and with those final words he attacked them. He kicked one of them in the jaws while a punch landed on cheek of the other. Then he spone the other men against some shefs. The strange boy looked good in fighting off those men than anything that I have even seen. His long black hair moved swiftly along with him as he had beaten up the men who has come to robe the music shop. The fight ended for some time with the strange boy defecting other four robbers who had quickly entered to after a supposedly loud noise. Immediately without wasting much time he caught up with me with his hands placed on mine he held me closely in his arms as he ran ran outside the shop. The police was already outside when we came out. The boy dropped me to the ground and the moment I turned to look at him he was gone. But that was a year ago. I never saw him since then and now he was schooling here.
I didn't bother talking to him in school. I really didn't pay much attention to him when I found out that he was schooling here since I didn't like the vibe that he was emitting. So I ignored Becky's comments I left for class since I was the nerdyist person in the entire school, it was was obvious that she was infatuated. I looked at him and I knew he was different I didn't know him at the time but I knew that he didn't dress like the other boys nor did he chase girls around.Then I saw her walking towards him in a haste, I signed. She later went to talk to him but he didn't reply her much, he was such a loner.
Later that same day I saw him walking towards the music shop so I thought that it was a great idea to follow him and see what he was up to so as to thank him. So I Followed him inside. I haven't been to the music shop since that last incident. I had even forgotten about the strange boy with long hair reaching his shoulders to and hazel eyes.i walked in with my hand to my chest and I was super scared.
I didn't even know him well enough and now I was following him around. With a closer look at the door leading to the guitar room I halted at it and placed my hand at the door and opened it in wonder at what I will see next. But when I got in I didn't sight him. He wasn't inside. And just when I decided to step in for a closer look. The unknown boy jump out and scared the crap out of me. I jump out in fear and God was I ready for a fight. "Ahhha.. what are you doin..." and I couldn't even finish my sentence because I was shocked to death He walked closer to me with a smirk. Even with the stupidest look on his face. He laughed out loud "ohhhh ohh haaahaha look at you silly girl are you scared.. hahaha". He was now making fun of me making me look like a loser now and with hesitantion I stood at my feet and stared at him displeased, "no am not.." I said to to him while I stood boldly while the hints of fear that had danced on my face disappeared, "scared of you! me not at all.. just so you know I just followed you to..." My words caught short when i saw that he was no longer listening to my blabbering, rather he walked past me and picked up a guitar and he turned to me and said, "so you admit that you where stalking me heyy.." what was he did he really think that I didn't have a life or that I was bent on stalking him, no I wasn't stalking him. I just thought it would be right for me to thank him for beating up the robbers and apparently he thought that I was stalking him. What did he even take me for, "listen to me, I wasn't stalking you I was..." When I was trying to make a point he yet again interrupted me, without letting me speak with a supposedly sheepish smile on his face which annoyed me the more, "you was.. what ehhe what could you possibly want from me, I know that am breathtakingly handsome so no wonder you couldn't control yourself ehhe" the words that where coming out of his mouth again made me even more agitated by every pasting minute and the urge to smark my hand across his face increased and my anger moved me to slam my hand across a table. "And no I will never find you handsome whereas I find you extremely annoying and that's it, so I going home" I quickly got my bag and headed for the door. I turned the knob and left the shop with an angry look on my face. I couldn't believe that he annoyed me this bad and now I didn't even feel like thanking him anymore.
That same day when I came back home. I was resting on my bed when I heard a tap at my window and it was weird because I wondered what could possibly make noise and I got up from my bed and walked towards the window I instantly sighted something that made my hand fly to my mouth and behold it was that annoying strange boy again and he was my window. This boy must be some kind of ghost that the gods decided to Summon to punish me from my sins. This person was annoying the out of me and now he was at my window.
Now he even knocked louder than ever and I was affaid that the noise might wake someone up. So I quickly got up from the bed and went nearer the window while using my hands to motion him to leave my window. But he was persistent and this time out of hesitance I opened the window and he jumped in.
What was this boy even do in my room at 10 PM. And how did he even locate my house in the first place, "what are doing here, how did you know that I even lived here did you follow me" I wispered to avoid waking someone in our house. He stood up and began to walk around my room with interest picking up my things and staring at the ceiling. The person must have lost his mind or something and he thinks that he can just get into my room anytime he likes and just start looking around. "I won't ask you again". He stopped in his tracks and looked over at me "I just stopped by to say hi, ain't you going to ask me my name am mirex by way ain't you amazed to see.." and while the idiot was talking I swiftly grabbed a pillow and hit him right on the head with so much anger written on my face to the point where I couldn't find words to explain my agitation. "Get the hell out of my room, what to you even want huh, get lost or else..." I was pretty sure that my threats would move him to get the hell out of my room before someone comes in. But despite that he still had no hint of fear on his face apparently he wasn't going to move from his spot. "or else what, you would probably scream for the entire neighborhood and they would come in here, well if that happens then they would think that you must have sneaked your boyfriend here at night". This was the moment that I was pretty sure that this boy was trying to get me insane right now and it was obvious that he wanted me to be in trouble. I stared at him with outermost disgust "what do you even what from me now ehhe why are you here" I was hoping for an answer from him since he didn't seem interested in me but the pictures on the walls while he said "well I should ask you since you've been stalking me but I was hoping to know why you followed me today". He turned his face and stared at me for a second before returning his gaze to the wall pictures "well if you must know I just saw you and wanted to thank you for your help the last time and that all". He paid absolutely no attention to my statement and continued looking at the pictures "and why are you staring at the pictures huh you pervert I think that you should be on your way now". Turning to face me, he had this uncertain look on his face "nothing, it's just that you so familiar in the..". I started hearing footsteps while he was talking "hey hey I think that you need to leave right now someone is coming you need to..". so I quickly pushed him near the window and as soon as he climbed off someone opened the door "hey Emmie is everything ok I thought.." I signed in relief, "no mom everything's fine I was just closing the window.." I really hoped that she didn't suspect a thing "ok get some sleep now".
And once she left I felt really thanked any God that was out there. But my greatest thought was who was that boy and way was he here and how did he even know my house, I guess that he must have followed me on my way home.
After that night we became friends, we would laugh and cry together and in school we are just inseparable he would usually come over to my mom's shop and help around and lots of girls really came around him and because of his facial appearance we got a lot of customers. I was really happy about that. We usually made big sales when he came along.
We started hanging out sometimes even In school and Becky noticed the development she confronted me about it and told her that I and mirex where just friends and encouraged her to speak with him but she was adamant. she became even more annoyed she called me a backstabbing bitch and by the passing day until she concluded that I was dating mirex which I found annoying. Why couldn't people understand that I couldn't see him that way.
While I was praying for mirex to come and save me again like he always does. Becky pulled my hair and shoved me to a wall and I fell, her other friends joined her to beat me up I knew that I was I weakling but that beating didn't hurt me, it was my emotions that was hurt. Up to this day we never talked she kept on chasing mirex and hurting me, the tormenting the beatings it all increased sometimes they were suspended from school but because they were rich they were not expelled, I by no means suffered it all, he was jealous of me and mirex but I wasn't dating him as they all believed sometimes I even begged him to ask her out even once just so she could get off my back, we were just friends besides he wasn't my type he was too rough and he wore black clothes most of time and it was not to my liking.
Up till today becky and I are sworn enemies. My thoughts were interrupted when someone yelled stop from behind me and immediately my eyes beamed with hope, it was him "hey losers what do you think your doing trying to beat my best friend in the hallways are you dumb" he silently walked forward and picked me up at them and hurried towards me, "let go of her" he walked towards me and yanked me upwards forcefully. He dragged my hand and we both ran to our class with those girls staring at him in a daze.
We quickly ran to our class and started panting on our seats the class was pretty noisy the teacher hadn't come in, I was a loser, this boy had saved my butt again and I felt useless I turned to desks and wept, he quickly looked my direction and smiled, " ohh emmie don't be such a baby you see that's why you gotta be bold don't let those losers pick on you haa" I quickly looked up," am such a loser and a weakling I can't even ward off few girls" I scoffed, he said " ohh Seb don't mind the them you know you really don't have to be strong and a gymnast to stand your ground 'beef ' " and I started to laugh " don't call me that ". We both giggled for sometime, " Don't be too sad hey we can get to the arcade today huh" and before he could finish speaking the music teacher came in so the class commerced.