Chereads / Anime Stories Morn kunthea+ meng lu+ my cat / Chapter 408 - Hunter Firearms / 7

Chapter 408 - Hunter Firearms / 7


エピソード 7: 学んだことをまとめる

ナキサがクローンを大量に作ると,顔に光が当たった生徒達が出口だと思って突進したが,それは木の地面の下に大きな穴が開いた罠だったです. そして,滑り台が彼らを渓谷の底に落ちさせ,有刺鉄線が彼らを突き刺しそうになって彼らを怖がらせましたが,黒いスーツの間と石の後ろに観察された上級生の網ヤウンが彼らを助け,彼らを引き上げてブラシをかけました 試験は不合格となり,彼らの名前が挙があります. 次のグループにいるナキサは,目に見えないものの,出口を感じることができますが,彼が注意しなければならない罠であり,ダンジョンに遭遇したとき,すぐに逃げなければならないと想像し,たくさんの木片が転がってきたとき, 高い丘から転落したが,生徒たちは木片に当たったため逃げ出すことができ,試験が不合格で目隠しがずれたときに次のグループに気をつけろと叫んでいたです. そして,90近くのホールには,それを縛る網や泥,砂などのトラップがすべてあり,ナキサのクローンですらコストがかかり,彼はほとんど疲れ果てています. 彼は実際,非常に賢いと彼が見ている2人の謎の男子学生が忍を学ぶための特別なテクニックである上部の壁を歩くことを選択していることに気づき,学生のグループに並ぶ彼らを追いかけます. それは可能ですが,残っている生徒は 20 人だけです. ナキサは少し考えた,腕がきつくて後ずさりするのが難しかったので,カエルの上に飛び跳ねる体勢も使っていた,今度は障壁が前に進んでいて,制限時間になると穴に落ちそうになる 下です. ナキサは叫び声を上げて座り込み,振動のような蹴りの勢いで倒れ込み,何人かの生徒が彼に続いたが,出場者のうちローリングテストに合格したのはわずか7人だったです. ナキサは目を緩めたが,足が震えて気を失いそうになったとき,他の3人の生徒が気を失っているのを見たです.

Hunter Firearms

Episode 7: Gather what you learned

When Nakisa creates a lot of clones, because the group of students rushed forward when they saw the light shining in their face, thinking it was an exit, but that was a trap with a big hole under the wood ground. And the slide made them fall to the bottom of the ravine, the barbed wire almost piercing them, terrifying them, but the Senior students' nets Yaun, which were observed between the black suit and behind stones, helped them and took them up and brush up on their names as the exam fails. Nakisa, who is in the next group, though invisible and can feel the way out, is a trap he must be careful of, and he imagines that when he runs into a dungeon, he has to escape quickly and when many pieces of wood roll fell from a high hill and he was able to escape because the students were hit by a piece of wood, shouting to the next group to be careful when their blindfolds slipped when the exam failed. And almost 90 holes have all the traps with nets to tie them, mud, sand, etc., and even Nakisa's clone costs a lot, making him almost exhausted. He actually recognizes two mysterious male students who he sees as very smart, choose to walk on the top wall, which is a special technique for learning Nin, and he also follows them, who line up for a group of students. That can do it, and there are only 20 students left. Nakisa thought for a moment, he also used the jumping position to sit on his frog because his arms were so tight and it was difficult to step back, now the barrier wall was moving forward, pushing them almost to fall into the pit when time count down. Nakisa screamed and sat down with the force of the kick down like a passing vibration, and some students followed him, but only seven of the contestants passed the rolling test. Nakisa loosened his eyes, his legs trembling and almost fainting, seeing that three other students had passed out.

Hunter Firearms

Episode 7 : ប្រមូលផ្តុំអ្វីដែលបានរៀន

នៅពេលដែល Nakisaបង្កើតជាCloneជាច្រើនពីព្រោះក្រុមសិស្សដែលសំរុករត់ទៅមុខនៅពេលដែលពួកគេឃើញពន្លឺដែលចាំងចំមុខរបស់ពួកគេគិតថាជាច្រកចេញប៉ុន្តែនោះជាអន្ទាក់ដែលមានរណ្តៅដ៏ធំមួយនៅក្រោមឈើដែលរអិលបានធ្វើពួកគេធ្លាក់ចុះទៅក្រោមជិតដ៏ជ្រោះបន្លារដែកស្ទើរតែចាក់ពួកគេធ្វើអោយពួកគេភ័យក្លាយជាខ្លាំងប៉ុន្តែមានសំណាញ់យ័ន្តក្រណាត់របស់សិស្សច្បងដែលអង្កេតនៅចន្លោះថ្មឈុយខ្មៅបានជួយពួកគេហើយនិងយកជក់គួសឈូតលើឈ្មោះរបស់ពួកគេដែលប្រលងធ្លាក់។ Nakisaដែលនៅក្រុមក្រោយទោះបីជាមិនអាចមើលឃើញបានក៏អាចមានអារម្មណ៏ផ្លូវចេញនោះគឺជាអន្ទាក់ដែលគាត់ត្រូវប្រយ័ត្នហើយគាត់ស្រមៃដល់ពេលដែលរត់ចូលក្នុងរុន្ធវង្វេងនោះគាត់ត្រូវគេចយ៉ាងលឿននិងពេលដែលកំណាត់ឈើជាច្រើនរមៀលធ្លាក់ចុះពីទួលខ្ពស់ហើយគាត់ក៏អាចហក់ក្រឡាប់គេចផុតដោយសារតែសិស្សត្រូវកំណាត់់ឈើកិននោះបានស្រែកអោយក្រុមក្រោយប្រយ័ត្នពេលដែលក្រណាត់ភ្នែករបស់ពួកគេរបូតនៅពេលដែលប្រលងធ្លាក់។ ហើយរុន្ធស្ទើរតែជិត៩០រុន្ធមានអន្ទាក់ទាំងអស់ដែលមានសំណាញ់ចងពួកគេភក់ខ្សាច់ជាដើមហើយសូម្បីតែCloneរបស់Nakisaក៏ចំនាយអស់ច្រើនធ្វើអោយគាត់ស្ទើរតែអស់កំលាំងពីខ្លួន។ គាត់ពិតជាទទួលស្គាល់សិស្សប្រុសអាថកំបាំងពីរនាក់ដែលគាត់មើលមិនឃើញឆ្លាតខ្លាំងដែលជ្រើសការដើរលើជញ្ជាំងផ្នែកខាងលើដែលជាតិចណិចពិសេសក្នុងការរៀនNinហើយគាត់ក៏ធ្វើតាមពួកគេដែលដើរជាជួរសំរាប់ក្រុមសិស្សមួយជំនួនដែលអាចធ្វើវាបានប៉ុននោះហើយសិស្សក៏នៅសល់២០នាក់នោះទេ។ Nakisaគិតបន្តិចគាត់ក៏បានប្រើក្បាច់លោតអង្គុយកង្កែបរបស់គាត់ដោយសារតែដៃរបស់គាត់ចងរឹតខ្លាំងហើយឈានជើងទៅក្រោយពិបាកដែលពេលនេះរនាំងថ្មគឺរំកិលទៅមុខរុញពួកគេជិតធ្លាក់ចូលក្នុងរណ្តៅនៅពេលជិតអស់នារីដែលកំណត់។ Nakisaស្រែកអស់មួយទំហឹងអង្គុយហក់បានចំងាយឆ្ងាយដោយកំលាំងជើងអុកទៅក្រោមមួយទំហឹងដូចជារំញ័រដែលឆ្លងផុតហើយក៏មានសិស្សធ្វើតាមគាត់វិញប៉ុន្តែឆ្លងផុយតែ៧នាក់ដែលប្រលងជាប់រួតផុតពីការរមៀលថ្ម។ Nakisaស្រាយចំនងភ្នែកដែលជើងរបស់គាត់ញ័រជាខ្លាំងនិងស្ទើរតែសន្លប់ដែលឃើញសិស្សប្រលងជាប់៣នាក់ទៀតបានសន្លប់បាត់ទៅហើយ។