Chapter 6 - Chapter 4

Tuska could barely sleep that night, but still managed to get a few hours in

"So Tuska, you now have the power of Zeus"

"Something like that I guess, not sure"

"That's so cool, you're like a God"

"Sure I guess"


"Ahem, Tusk, you shouldn't summon Zeus right away"

"Then when should I"

"Glad you asked.. so from today on we will start.. sword training"

"woo hoo"

"Alright Master"

"So first things first, I want you two to do 1000 sword swings"

"Will do Master"

"What's up with you and 1000"

So they trained, now Tokira already had practice with a sword, so he had to show Tuska the ropes

"So you grip it here"


"Then you swing this way"

"Got it"


"Old man, you're back early"

"Well the meeting was postponed"

"The Truth meeting right"

"Yeah them"


The Truth meeting is a meeting full of the world's best martial artists, it consists of 5 people, unbeatable in their speciality, these specialties consist of




Hand to Hand

Swordsmanship - Old man/Senchi


"Man, I heard those meetings are boring"

"They sure are"

"What was it about"

"Can't tell ya, we never know until we get there, and the administration tells us"

"If you guys are the best, why take orders"

"Well they're the ones who pay us, so there's no point in arguing against them"


"Yeah, more importantly what are you doing to my grandson"

"Oh nothing too dangerous, just push ups, light sparring.. bare hand bear hunting.."

"What was that last part"


"You're in luck, I don't have my sword"

"Even if you did, we both know who'd win"


"Anyway what are they doing now"

"I told them to do 1000 sword swings"

"I understand why you haven't shown Tokira, but why haven't you shown Tuska, actual techniques"

"You know why, at his current body condition, he'd die if he even tried any of them"

"So that's why you gave him Zeus's sword"

"You knew that"

"I mean yeah, anyone who can see spirits saw him"

"Maaan I thought it would've been a secret, oh well, but yeah that's why"

"Zeus is going to torture that boy"

"It's not torture, it's just training, but that's why I'm not letting him use the sword here"

"Good, it'd be bad if Tokira got in the crossfire"

"I guess, but mainly because there's a cute cat that comes over every night, I wouldn't want that poor thing to die"

"I-never mind"

3 hours have passed



"Hey there, I've missed you too"

"Hey did you hear, I killed 75 bears"

"Yeah I heard, good job, I'm proud of you"

"Well Tusk, I think it's time for us to leave this place"

"Already, but what about-"

"Don't worry, we'll come back, but you need to practice and master using that sword first"

"I understand, should we tell them bye"

"Nah, the old man will explain it to the kid"

"Alright, can I stop by my grandfather's first, I haven't seen him since we got here"

"I don't see why not, but first let's do something"


"Let's jump down the mountain"


"Wow no complaining, truly incredible"

"Shut it"

After they jumped down the mountain, and traveled to Tuskas grandfather's temple, they saw something horrid


"Grandpa guess who's back- grandpa? grandpa? No, who could do this"

His grandfather had been killed

"That's the work of Shuiko, the Assassin"