"Your brother"
"Indeed I'm his brother" as he nearly cuts off Tukas head
"Where did you-"
"Trying to kill people without an introduction is lame" as Yuta casually caught the blade between his fingers
"Fast as ever I see..you've always been the faster one"
"Yeah, and let's be honest, I've always been the stronger one as well"
"Yeah, you have haha"
Tuska had lashed out, grabbing his sword, and began charging at Shuiko.
"Brats fast"
Tuska began swinging a sword carelessly, as he had technique training. In under a second he had already swung the sword over a million times.
"Aye you got this Tusk đź‘Ť"
Shuiko had hit Tuska in the back of his neck, knocking him unconscious
"I remember when I taught you that"
"You taught me a lot of things"
"I did, but I never taught you to not finish a kill, so what's up, what does The Truth want with Tusk"
"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out, he has an ability"
"An ability?"
"It's not unlocked yet, however, once it is, he'll become a force of pure destruction…not even you would be able to stop him"
"(Totally not a typical evil guy line) So what is this ability"
"No idea."
"Ah. I see."
"Well we may find out soon"
"Why do you say that"
"Look behind you"
Tuska had stood up, yet he was completely unconscious. But there was something there, as if
"Well damn, impressive he got up-"
"Oi, who the hell are you"
"Can't believe you forgot about me..even after I assisted you in all your kills"
"Arosa, it's been a while"
"Arosa? The name of your sword?"
"Yes, that is my name, and I was the demon within Yutas sword"
"A demon? So is that what"
"So, The Truth is after the demon that stole my power. Kinda ruthless of them, they really want me dead"
"Stole your power? Wait what?"
"Oh yeah, due to me leaving I never told you. This demon here had stolen approximately 99.9% of my power"
"Wait..so when you stopped my attack, it was"
"Yeah, only .1% of what I can do"
"Dammit, I should've been thinking on why the attack got close to you, he also took the gifts from you, didn't he"
"Yeah, that was also apart of it, it included all my gifts"
"All of them? A demon shouldn't have that! Thats something only we should have"
Out of pure anger, and even slight jealousy, Shuiko had rushed Aros. Attacking him at speeds surpassing the speed of light, and stabbed him
"Dumbass, he has all my gifts, which includes"
Shuiko was then sent flying
"My gift of instantly adapting"
"Hey, that hurt ya know"
Naturally upon the rush, Aros had left the body of Tuska, and went to his normal devil form.
He had white hair, eyes as blue as the ocean, and a terrifying smile
"I was planning on giving 'Master Yuta' his gifts back, but I feel like toying with you"
"You dick, I'll kill you if you underestimate me"
"Aye you got this big bro đź‘Ť"