Chapter 2 - Chapter 1

Back at the temple Tuska goes back to training, with his eyes now set on winning the world martial arts tournament, that takes place in 6 years. Tuska knew karate had to be in his arsenal of techniques so he went to search for a master of the art. After a week of searching he finally managed to find a master, named Yuta. "Hey sir can you please teach me karate, I'll pay you handsomely." Tuska was prepared to pay Yuta thousands and thousands of dollars however "If you are paying me with money, I will not teach you anything." Tuska was puzzled by this, this is the first time anything like this had happened "What else would I pay you with?" ~ "You pay me with the prospers of your training." ~ "What does that mean?" ~ "It means I'll teach you, but only if you are truly dedicated to it." Tuska knew what he needed to do so he agreed, and from then on for the next year he trained his hardest!

"996...997...998...999...1000, whew 1000 push ups done now its time for 1000 punches" ~ "I'm honestly amazed he's doing this, he has some real talent" Tuska is training hard to prepare his body, yet he doesn't know what for. "Alright you're done with the easy part-EASY PART?! - Yeah the easy part - but I thought -> 1000 push ups, sit ups, squats, punches, and kicks for a 9 year old were the hard parts <- Well what you've been doing is just preparing your body, nothing more - I see well never mind then, please continue teaching me sir - very well follow me" Yuta takes Tuska up a mountain over 100.000 feet high. Up on the mountain they are greeted by an old man and his grandson who's the same age as Tuska, the old man's name is Tsubasa but is commonly called Senchi, his grandsons name is Tokira. "Hey old man I'd like you to meet my disciple Tuska - Greetings Sir - Greetings, however Yuta I thought you said you'd never have a disciple - Well times change and I got bored - I feel bad for the kid, you're training methods might get him killed - Well if he dies, he just wasn't meant to live, but I'm sure he won't die - How sure are you - like a couple percentages maybe - Whatever, he's not my disciple, more importantly why did you bring him up here - Oh yeah so Ya see..Tuska come here - Yes? - I want you to jump off the mountain ○○○○ Well ya better get to it - Uhh won't I like you know, die - Eh, I did it when I was younger than you, sooo you should probably be fine - PROBABLY - Yea probably, I'd say you have a 99% shot - Oh goo - at failing - Wuh - Well go at it" Tuska breathes in and out, the oxygen that high up with less than 1% compared to the surface, so it makes it difficult to even process all of this. "Alright I'll do it - Oh yeah another thing, once you're down there, I want you to climb up instead of walk ○○○ on the side of the mountain, not the stairs - Well if I die on the way down, I won't have to worry about it - That's the spirit 👍- OK here I go" With those words being spoken, Tuska jumps down the mountain, over 100.000 feet high, only thing to catch his fall is solid ground, some will probably say it's certain death and why would a teacher do this to his disciple, and to answer both, due to Tuskas year of training, his body wouldn't die (would only completely destroy all the bones and stuff) and as to why Yuta did this, it was to break the cage of Tuska's mind.

The idea of this is simple, when someone experiences something that is almost guaranteed death, it triggers a reaction in their brain, this reaction is called Vexium. Vexium is a gene we all have, however only the few who experience such a thing, is able to unleash it, it makes the body as hard as diamond, it makes someone hit like a nuke. Yuta did this to Tuska so that he can unleash this (also cause he wanted to). And as planned, Tuska unleashed this "Ahhh, ugh, ouch that hurt, wait I didn't die. I DIDN'T DIE! Oh yeah now I have to climb up" While Tuska is climbing up the mountain "Hiyah, did you see that I broke 3 bricks - Yes yes very impressive grandson - Hey old man, who's the kid - Oh this rascal is my adopted grandson, Tokira - I see, hey kid come here - What is it - I was wondering, when my disciple gets back, can you surprise attack him - My grandfather says to always fight fair, and a sneak attack on a tired opponent isn't fair - Well your grandfather is right, however this isn't meant to be a fight, it's meant to help my disciple get stronger, so don't think of this as not honoring that code - But I - Just go ahead and do it Tokira, but make sure to not hold back - Very well grandfather" Two nights have passed by, Tuska has finally reached the top, only to find Tokira there, waiting for him. "Hey do you have any food I can ea" before Tuska could finish his sentence, Tokira rushes at him. "Hey..what are you doing..I just want to eat something" Tuska tries to talk to his attacker, but it's no luck, Tuska despite all the climbing is still keeping his own, but due to the oxygen levels he wasn't used to, tied in with his hunger, Tokira managed to kick him in the gut, knocking him unconscious.

Note: The Chapters after this will be formatted differently when people interact with one another