As we returned to the FDC, I had the guards carry the frozen slime carefully. Since she is a member of the hidden organization, I couldn't take any chances.
"Make sure to place her in a freezing cell, I'll enter after words to have a talk." The guards then left, leaving Ophelia, Aarshiya, and me alone.
"Where you able to retrieve her phone?" I asked, Ophelia shook her head and showed me a dissolved object.
"Sadly, she destroyed it within herself before you entered, they must have prepared for our arrival." Aarshiya then scoffed at Ophelia's reply and crossed her arms.
"I'm not surprised, most people who don't want to be caught do that every day." She said, I looked at her with a raised brow and narrowed my eyes.
"Does that include you?" She nodded her head and pulled out multiple melted phones.
"They are so cheap, it barely made a dent to my money." She said and placed them back in between her breasts.
"How many phones do you have?" Ophelia asked her with a pale face.
"Oh, about, there is a shipment I ordered and should be arriving in a few minutes." She said and left us, I was confused on what shipment, but I didn't have to wait long.
A guard then approached me and handed me a clip bord, I began it skim through the content's and saw that a few boxes of phones arrived.
Three shipment containers filled with phones, I was shocked at the price, since this took an eighth of my paycheck.
"How many phones does she need?" I muttered out loud, Ophelia then looked over my shoulder and looked at me with pity.
"At least it won't affect your entire money, right?" I just felt a tear go down my cheek and wiped it off my face.
"Still, I don't want to pay for this." I said with a depressed look, Ophelia just patted my shoulder and comforted me while I stared at the receipt.
After I calmed myself, I made my way to the cell that held the slime. She was currently wrapped in a large blanket to prevent her from freezing, but there was enough space for her to see.
"Ah, so the dragon boy decides to visit little ol' me." She said with a muffled voice, I looked at her with pity, causing her to be enraged.
"Listen here you little, ahhhhh too cold, too cold!" She shouted, she tried to point at me and sound intimidating, but with how cold the room her cell is, she pulled it back.
"Nice try, but unless you want to be frozen again, I suggest you try to cooperate." The slime girl just scoffed at me and covered herself.
"And why should I? I'm not going to betray my leader." She said, I then turned to the guard that was to my left and had her lower the temperature.
The slime girl began to shiver underneath the blanket, but still stared at me. I raised my brow at her and the two of us continued to stare at one another.
"The longer you refuse to cooperate, the sooner you'll be frozen, and you don't want that to happen." I said, the slime girl then closed the hole and continued to sit in place.
"Keep lowering the temperature, but do not let her freeze." I said and soon left the two guards and the prisoner alone.
As I left them, I began to wonder what might happen. But I was soon brought out when I saw Bianca rushing towards me with something in her hands.
"Sir, you need to see this!" She said and handed me the tabled, as soon as I saw it, I saw a video of a woman who wore large pink robe, and her face hand a mask.
The mask showed a heart in the center and two eye holes were on it as well, I pressed play to star the video.
[Greetings to all the FDC branches across the globe, my name is Rati. I am the leader of the futanari rebellion.] Hearing this made me worried about what's going to happen, but I continued to watch.
[For too long we abide by your rules, for too long we had to hold ourselves back. Today, we rise, today we shall pleasure ourselves, today, we release our lust!]
[And this is my message to you Ace Skyee, I shall make you watch as I fuck your centaur partner and make her mine!]
As the video ended, Bianca looked at me in worry. My hands began to tremble in anger, while I gnashed my teeth at what this person said.
"This fucking bitch, she thinks that she can just go up to a person and have sex like nothing?!" I said in anger, my claws extended and pieces the tablet in my hands.
The guards who were around me all took a few steps back. My blood was boiling at what I heard, I ended up crushing the tablet in my hands.
"S-sir, you need to calm down." Bianca said to me, I turned toward her with an enraged look, while my teeth are gnashing.
"I am calm. I just need some time to think." I replied and walked towards my office, Ophelia followed me with a worried look, but said nothing. While walking, Ophelia decided to speak to me, and tried to calm me down.
"Ace, you need to calm down, you'll make a rash decision that may affect all of us!" Hearing her say that, was enough to bring me out of me anger.
'I'll be putting her in danger, no, I don't want that.' Possessive thoughts began to swarm my head, some of the ideas were more dangerous than others.
'I could lock her away, make sure she is safe. There's nothing wrong with that, it's for her safety.' I was then slapped by Aarshiya, who looked at me in disgust.
"Enough with those thoughts, you are a leader, not a coward." The stinging sensation brought me back, and I looked at her in shock.
"I get that you love her, but by locking her away, you'll end up being a liability for the rest of us, so snap out of it and lead us!" As soon as she finished talking, I smiled at her words and fixed my coat.
"Your right, this is something I need to focus. Thank you, Aarshiya." She nodded at my thanks and lead close to me.
"You better be grateful you brat; I won't let some crazy futanari group ruin my chances to have some good dick." I felt a bead of sweat drop from my face and sighed.
Before I could say anything, a large explosion was heard and the entire building shook. Alarms began to blare through the entire facility, multiple guards all ran towards where the explosion came from.
"Sir, a group of futanaris broke in and are trying to free the prisoners!" Hearing this, I began to run towards the location with my gun and sword.
Ophelia galloped next to me and grabbed me by the collar of my coat. She then hoisted me onto her back and began to pass by multiple guards.
"Set your weapons to stun, they came to us for a fight, so we'll give them a fight!" I ordered, the guards complied with my order and soon arrived at the current battle.
At the location, I saw many futanaris trying to overwhelm the guards, but with some guards spraying the intruders with water and firing electric shots, they were subdued easily.
But before we could do anything, more of them began to pour out of the hole that was made.
They wielded spears and swords and began to rush towards us, we were able to hold them back thanks to our weapons, but they were slowly overwhelming us.
They began to crawl over their companions, creating a pile that keeps getting bigger and bigger.
"Sir, we need reininfircments!" Shouted one of the guards, who was shooting at the intruders with a shotgun.
Each time she fired, small beefs of lightning struck multiple intruders, shocking them and causing them to fall limp.
"Sir, more intruders coming from the west!" Shouted another guard, looking to where she pointed, I saw multiple futanari trying to break the cells.
"Fall back, get to the safe houses!" I shouted, instantly every guard began to run from the hoard, leaving me, Aarshiya, and Ophelia to fend them off.
Aarshiya was using her magic to push them away, while Ophelia stuck close to me, bashing each intruder with her shield.
I on the other hand was bashing them with my fists, since their weapons were useless against me.
"These pests are like cockroaches, you hit it, but it dosent stay down." She said with a scowl while pushing the back with wind magic.
"I agree, and they are focusing on me!" Ophelia shouted while bashing another intruder away.
I stood close to her, tossing and punching the intruders away, I remembered the video I saw a few minutes ago and growled.
"They will not have you." I said with a possessive look on my face, my pride as a dragon was growing stronger.
And with the declaration of the leader, it made it harder to control myself. I considered her my treasure, one of the things I refuse to give.
"Mine, mine, she is mine, her body is mine, I'll kill anyone who tries to steal her." I muttered, my eyes had formed slits, and my scales and claws began to grow.
But a part of me was still in control, barely holding on. I began to scratch and subdue them, but it was more difficult since I was pissed.
I only broke arms, legs, spines, and testicles. It was hard enough to just go all out and kill them, but in my mind I was battling my inner dragon.
After what felt like hours of fighting, another explosion was heard, only this time, it was beneath us.
Ophelia was about to fall, but I quickly created a platform for her to stand on, looking at the ground, I could see more of them, holding drills and covering their heads with shields.
"For the futanaris!" They shouted, but before they could climb up, Aarshiya and I casted lightning magic to stun them.
However, more and more of them continued to crawl up. And some were able to get out, but were kicked back in when I swooped in.
"Enough!" I summoned a large amount of lighting, sending it everywhere. The intruders all stood in place, not making any sudden movements.
"Not only did you raid my prison, you also tried to kidnap my treasure!" Ophelia blushed when I called her my treasure, and hid a smile.
"I should kill you all for trying to do so!" Every intruder flinched to what I said, but I sighed and relaxed.
"But I won't, because I am fair and am willing to have you surrender." The sighs were heard everywhere, even the prisoners sighed.
"So, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, the choice is yours." They all quickly surrendered, dropping their weapons.
I sighed in relief at the decision they made and began to use wind magic to lift them up. Once I rounded up all the intruders, I called the guards out to help me arrest every single one.
We've spent hours, separating men, women, and Futanaris. The amount was drastic, and it was impossible for Mia to assign them a cell.
But before I could do anything, five telaportation circles appeared. And five figures arrived in front of me, I was curious on who was arriving so I waited.
When the five figures arrived, I saw it was the five founders. I instantly knelt in front of them and lowered myself to the ground.
I know this contradicts to my motto, but it only counts when it comes to a fight. So as long as I work for someone, I don't really have a need to follow it's saying.
"Elaria, it's an honor to be in your presence." I said, she kept silent but raised her finger and pointed her index at me.
"Ace Skye, you are under arrest for the conspiracy against the FDC." I raised my head in shock, hearing at what she said.
"That includes Ophelia Warden as well." This time, Ophelia raised her head in shock, while Aarshiya grimaced at what just happened.
(A/N) Hey hey, here's this weeks chapter, didn't expect a plot twist their didn't ya?
If you did, your no fun, but I hope you enjoyed it. However, I don't know if I'll be able to continue, I have just made the story up and kept writing ideas here.
And I can tell it's bad, so I might put it on hold until I have a partner to help me out.
For now, peace