Chereads / I will conquer futas / Chapter 21 - Heart to heart

Chapter 21 - Heart to heart


After feeling the warmth of the sun hitting me, I groaned in annoyance and stared at the sun with hatred.

"I know you keep us alive, but fuck you." I muttered, I rubbed my eyes to help me focus, and I stretched my arms and back.

I sighed in satisfaction once I heard my joints popping, and looked around to see where I was.

To my left, was Ophelia, who was laying on her side. Her hair was disheveled, while her face showed satisfaction.

To my right, was Aarshiya. Her wings were twitching and shuddering every few seconds, while her face was looking satisfied.

I then remembered what happened last night, and sighed. I wasn't surprised that I was rough last night, since the whole me being framed was enough to push me over the edge.

I didn't expect my lust to take over after arriving here as well, but life is unpredictable, and a bitch.

I soon heard muttering to my left, and I heard whimpering from Ophelia. She was gripping my hand in fear and tears were in her eyes.

"P-please, don't leave me." She whimpered asleep, seeing her like this, a wave of guilt crashed onto me.

I was no longer a virgin, and I was married, yet here I am being a play boy. I wanted to beat myself up because of what I did.

"I'm such an asshole." I whispered to myself and removed the blankets, once doing so, I soon exited the bedroom the three of us slept in and made my way to the private bath chambers.

I began to relax at the touch of the warm water, and the scent from the bath oil they added made it even better.

I soon heard the door open, and the sound of hooves gently clapping against the marble floor.

"Ace, may I join you?" Ophelia asked me, I didn't look back since I was ashamed, but I nodded my head.

"Of course, you are welcome to join me." I replied, I soon heard the water splash slosh around.

Ophelia soon sat next to me, staring at me with love and affection. Yet I didn't return the gaze, seeing me like this Ophelia knew something was wrong.

"Ace, I can tell something's wrong with you. Please, tell me." I was hesitant at first, not wanting to pour my feelings out.

I didn't want to mess up my first relationship, or marriage as she says, and look weak. I was scared for the first time.

"It's…'s hard to explain." I said, I wanted to confess on how guilty I felt, how I didn't want to ruin what we have.

But nothing came out, I opened and closed my mouth to convey my feelings. But I didn't even know what to say.

Seeing how I struggled to speak, Ophelia placed her hand on my cheek and turned my head to face her, gently placing her lips on mine.

I widened my eyes, not knowing what to do. Sure I kissed while having sex with her and Aarshiya, but this one was different.

It was gentle, kind, genuine even. She soon wrapped her arms around by body, pressing her chest against my arm.

Once she pulled back, she giggled at my reaction, seeing that I was still shocked. My face showed a deep red hue, and my wings sprouted behind me flapping.

Even my tail was sloshing the water around, I was still surprised after sleeping with Aarshiya, she would decide to stay with me.

"How are you still smiling, after I slept with another woman?" I asked her, she then tilted her head to the side and looked at me in confusion.

"Are you not forming your own herd?" This made me confused, and I tilted my head to the side.

"A herd?" Ophelia nodded her head with a smile and with expectation.

"Of course a herd, we are making one big family." I smiled at her words while tears fell from my eyes.

I felt relief, knowing I wasn't hurting her. Instead, she thought I was making a heard, hearing her say that made me less guilty.

"Sorry, it's just, I thought you would be mad I was sleeping with women." Ophelia then huffed and crossed her arms under her breasts.

"Of course I would be mad if you didn't add Aarshiya to the herd, we all had sex with one another." She said, hearing her say that in a nonchalant manner surprised me.

I was now feeling like an idiot since I forgot about one thing about centaurs. The male always tend to have more than one wife.

"I understand, I must have been overthinking again." I said with a bitter smile, Ophelia smiled as well and kissed my cheek.

"So I have been told, but don't worry. I'll stay by your side to help you through." She said, she then stood up and approached the wall, grappling a sponge and bucket.

As she was walking back to me, I could see a red hue forming on her face. And her ears twitched once in a while.

"D-do you wish to wash my back?" Seeing her turn around and offer her back, and entire body, made me look at her with embarrassment.

"I…I….yes." As I took both the sponge and bucket, I slowly moved my hands towards her back.

My hands shook like maracas, while my tail was splashing the water everywhere. I soon lightly touched her back, and she shivered at the cold touch.

I raised my hands in the air, and steam literally rose from my head. I didn't know what to do when cleaning a woman.

Especially a centaur, I moved my hand to her body once again, and gently glided the sponge against her skin.

A quiet moan escaped her lips as I began to rub it along her skin, it felt smooth as I touched her, smoother thanks to the soap.

Once I poured the water on her back, she let out a small yelp and looked at me with pleading eyes.

"C-can you pour warm water next time?" She asked me, I nodded my head and gently reached behind her to clean her front.

She was surprised that I went to clean her breasts, but she raised her arms to give me space.

Her stomach was toned as I brushed my hands across it, smooth as well. I accidentally brushed my hand on her breasts, recoiling in fright.

"Is everything alright?" She asked me, glancing at me over her shoulder, I quickly composed myself and nodded my head.

"Yes, it's just that, I don't want to be seen on trying to….you know." It took Ophelia a few minutes to understand, and she looked away.

"I-it's alright, you can touch than as you wish." She said and turned around, her nipples were already stiff.

I gulped at how nervous I was, I knew I touched them before. I was rough, squeezing them, pulling them.

Yet, seeing them without being overcome by lust, it was different. I was taught by my mothers to never touch a woman's breasts, except during some moments when the mood is right.

'Do I grab them? But what if I do, will she be mad, do I kiss her?' Seeing me in a daze, Ophelia smiled and gently guided my hand in her breast.

Feeling her breast snapped me out of my daze, I soon saw my hand gently squeezing it.

Ophelia then guided my hand that held the sponge, and guided it across it. She held my wrist gently while guiding my hand.

After a few seconds, she release my wrist. My hands began to squeeze and wash them gently.

I didn't notice it after I felt her hugging me closer, her breasts were pressed against my chest, and she looked at me with genuine love.

"Wash my body as well." I nodded my head in a daze and began to walk behind her, I placed my hand along her body, feeling her fur.

I could feel her heart beat underneath my hands, each twitch of her muscle from my hands.

I poured the warm water on her body, and began to lightly scrub. Letting my claws gently scratch her, but not enough to pierce.

She shivered at my touch and a small whimper escaped her lips. She glanced over her shoulder to look at me, and nodded at me to continue.

I nodded back and continued, the silence was comfortable, and the only sound that was heard was the running water, and light scrubbing.

Occasionally small whimpers were heard, Ophelia looked like she was enjoying my touch, and she was gently moving her hands to her breasts.

However, she placed both arms in between them, holding herself back from touching herself.

'No, I can't do this, I'm going to enjoy being washed, n-not f-feel his hands o-on my breasts.' She though while holding back her moans.

Her tail kicked up a bit of water, splashing me and herself. But I ignored it and continued to wash her.

"M-more in the b-back." She stuttered while glancing at me, I then looked at her rump, and looked back at her.

"A-are you sure?" I asked, she silently nodded her head while facing forward, seeing her nod her head, I gulped once again.

"O-okay." I soon arrived at her rear, looking at her ass. Her tail was wagging slowly, throwing off small droplets of water.

'Okay, just don't get hard, you're just washing her, so don't get hard.' I thought and gently placed my hands on her.

The second my hands touched her ass, she raised onto her rear legs, and her front kicked the air.

"Hiiiiii, I'm sorry!" She wailed and began was through the water, moving away from me.

"W-wait!" She ignored my cry and kept running away, not knowing the other side was deeper.

She soon fell underwater and soon resurfaced with a panicked look on her face.

"A-Ace, help me!" She screamed, her legs tried to kick the water to keep her afloat, but she soon began to drown.

I panicked at what was happing and dived underwater, Ophelia was slowly drowning and had her arms scratched in my direction.

I quickly canceled my spell and quickly carried her in my hands. When I resurfaced, I saw Ophelia was unconscious.

"Nononono, come on don't do this to me." I murmured and placed her on the side, I soon shrank down and began to do cpr.

"Don't do this to me, please." I said while pumping her chest, she soon began to cough and a bit of water escaped her mouth.

I soon hugged her and held her close like a lifeline, Ophelia returned my hug and was breathing heavily.

"T-thank you." She said while taking deep breaths, she noticed how scared I was, how I was gripping her tight.

"Ace, are you scared?" She asked me with a worried tone.

"Yes! I am, it's just…'s just so hard with this! I don't know what to do, I don't know if I'm doing this right, I'm scared that I'll be horrible." I said, spilling every negative thought that's been plaguing my mind.

"I'm scared that you'll leave me." I whispered and held her close once again, hearing everything I've said, Ophelia smiled and rubbed my back.

"It's fine to be scared, I'm scared as well. I was never treated kindly by my mothers family, yet, my mother never abandoned me." She said and kissed my head.

"She taught me how to be kind, how to love, even how to communicate with my partner, and I know how you feel." She said and cupped my face.

"I tend to have negative thoughts, thoughts that you'll abandon me, toss me to the side, yet I see you apologizing, admiring your mistakes, and actions speak louder than words." She said and gently kissed my lips.

I melted at her touch, feeling the warmth and kindness within her kiss. I vena to kiss her back, with the same love and kindness.

Once the two of us pulled back, I couldn't help but laugh, thinking how stupid I am. Ophelia soon joined me, laughing as well.

"Thank you, Ophelia, I may not be the best husband, but I'll make sure to treat you right." Ophelia kissed me on the nose and snuggled close.

"I know you will, my king."

(A/N) Hey hey, here's this weeks chapter, I tried to do my best when it comes to feelings, but I've never dated before, so this is all I got.

Send some power stones if you enjoyed, and I hope to see you guys next week.

For now, peace.