hello, my name is red, i am a normal man with a normal job.
i work full time at a construction firm. i have a gamming hobbie and i like to stay home as much as i can.
one day when i was working i got crushed by a steel beam, thats where our story starts. as i waked up i saw everithing dark, and i heard a voice, "this is the trial to a new world, in here you will be tested to see the world wich you will be sent to your next life".
red- "what do you mean, trials? next life?" it has to be a dream. voice- "i will explain everything right now, you will be put through a series of tests and get strenght everytime you suceed, as soon as you fail to pass a test i will give you your powers and then you will get sent to a world acording to your strenght. you will get your memories back and get to live as you wish on your new life.
the tests consist of fights, you will get skills stats titles or equipment depending on the enemy you face, if you die here thats when the test stops and thats when you get transported to your new world." red- "wait, but i cant fight, i have never fought anyone my whole life." voice- "if you do not suceed in any of the tests the you keep the stats that you have right now, to check them all you have to say is status and it will appear to you everything about your new self.
" red-" so if i say status it will show me my strengt? i will try it, status, name- red, lvl-1 titles- otherworlder. vit- 1500, str-2000, mp-2000, int-2000, spd- 2000, lck-2000, sta-2000. skills- storage, apraisal, magic eye, fast learner, weapons master, hand to hand master, fire magic, thunder magic, water magic, wind magic, dark magic, light magic, elemental resistance, mana regeneration, hp regenaration.
what is this? i have so many skills, is this for real?
" -voice"i see, maybe you will complete all the trials, i wish you luck, as off now you will be subjected to the tests and i hope you suceed, good luck red, we will talk again after the tests and i will explain everything then.
" red- "wait i hav-" in that moment everithing went as bright as the sun, in the next momment i was in a tunnel, about 10 meter tall, despite not having any light source i could see like it was day time.
red-" what is this? a tunnel? and why can i see? maybe is one off my skills, i will try to check with apraisal to see if it works like in games." i tried to think about using apraisal on fire magic, and it showed me- fire magic lvl 0, basic fire spells can be used, continuous use will increase skill level, after skill is lvl 1 it will display its level on status page.
"ohhh, it hapears that i can use magic, maybe i will train before i find my enemies." and so, i tried to use fireball, and a 3 meter ball off fire apeared before me, despite it being made off fire i felt no heat, "maybe is because off the ellemental resistance" i tried to shot it forward, and it went extremelly fast and exploded abou 30 meters from the starting point, making a huge crater on the ground.
"next apraisal on magic eyes". magic eyes lvl0 this skill allows the owner to see everything in the world.
"what kind of explanation is this? well i guess that i have to level up my apraisall. i will check all my skills" every ellement skill was the same as fire magic, weapons master was as the name sugests as it was hand to hand master. they were all lvl0. "notice, apraisall is now lvl1, it can get more details when apraising." i see, thats how i know when it levels up. now lets check storage, apraisall" storage, it can store itens on an alternate space the size off the space deppends on te user mp, current size 2000m3 weight limit 1000kg. "wow, it can store so much allready".
after checking my skills for a while i decided to get all my elemental magics to lvl 1, i started with fire, then water, thunder, wind and then...
"notice- all elementall magic is lvl one, new skill, elemental master lvl0, all elemental skills will be replaced for ellemental master lvl0.
"what?!! apraisall" ellemental master lvl0, master off all 4 ellements, proeficiency increased by 10% on all 4 elements. "that was not expected, now maybe i will try to increase light magic. apraisall." light magic lvl0 it has the power off life, it can heal restore and cure. "heal... nothing happened, maybe i cant heal wen i have no injuries.
lets try dark magic next, apraisall." dark magic lvl0, it has the power of darkness, the void and spatial magics are included. "now thats something, lets level it up.
" so i tried to use it. i used void magic and ut got to lvl1. notice- dark magic is now lvl1 it will be possible to use space magic, small distance telleportation is possible. "oh my god, is this real? i guess its time to go take on the trials.
" so i got moving. i walked for about 5 minutes and got to a large room. i walked in carefully and checked to see if anithing was there.
"i guess this is the first one, but i dont see anything inside, i have to be carefull." then as i was carefully checking the room something huge showed it self on the other side off the room. it was a human shaped bat winged monster, it had a double edged sword and it walked to me like it was stalking is prey.
"fire ball" a 5 meter fire ball shot from in front off me and it hit the monster directly, after a few momments the dust setled and it was no longer there, the i heard the inorganic voice, notice- first trial complete no ussable skills, taking two edge sword to storage.
"is it donne? it was a little to easy for a trial, i will check the katana now, storage." i took the katana on my and and apraised it. katana of the dragonkin, a katana from the general of the dragonkin, the servants off the dragon lords, sharpness B. "i guess i can use it" i will get a move on." after that i fought all the generalls, and none had anithing worth mensioning.
my ellementall skills got to lvl2. my sword master also got lvl2. i was felling good. i kept walking, i got o a huge room about 10 times larger as all the other ones. there i saw a giant white dragon waiting for me. dragon-"so you have made it to the final trial?
i am the dragon god, creator of all life and all magic, my name is bahamut, lowly human i permit you to tell me your name.
" red-"my name is red, and here i will take you down" bahamut-"ahahahaha, how funny lets beg- ku" bahamut got interrupted by my void magic that took a portion of its wing. bahamut-"how dare you, fire magic fire storm" a huge firestorm erupeted, it was almost as big as the 100m tall dragon. i dodged it but the pressure of it make me crash into a wall, i used water blade and tried to cut the rest of the wing, it was a clean it, it couldnt cut it but it got destroyed so it could not fly.
i used teleportation to get close and used void once again, i got a clean hit. bahamut could not respond. i got a few combos with teleport and void magic. i was doing damage but i was also geying tired, i kept firing spell after spell, i dodged every atack but was still getting damaged by the sheer power off bahamutt, after some time bahamut was almost finished.
bahamut-"wait red, before you finish me i will grant you all my skills, for i am happy that i finally found my end. please accept it and i hope you can have a good life" before i could respond i heard the inorganic voice again. notice- new skills dragon god magic, life magic, time magic. new titles: dragon god, god slayer, space magic adept ellement magic adept. and after that bahamut was gonne, so i checked my status. name "red" titles -otherworlder dragon god, dragon slayer, space magic adept; vit- 250000, str-300000, mp-300000, int-500000, spd- 350000, lck-250000, sta-300000. skills- storage, apraisal, magic eye, fast learner, weapons master, hand to hand master, elemental magic, dark magic, light magic, space magic, time magic elemental resistance, mana regeneration, hp regenaration. voice "congratulations on completing all the trials, now i will reincarnate you in your new world, you will be 3 years old, and be son off some commoners, i hope that you can be happy in your new world." as i heard that everything went dark, then i woke up and looked at the ceiling that i have never have saw in my life, and thats the beggining off my new life in my new world.