*In the Unknown*
"Wake up. Hehe, Wake up!"
"How is it going? Do you remember me? Ah, never mind. One question at the time, do you remember me?"
Isaac stands up. Startled, he grabs the collar of a strange man in front of him.
"I don't think I do. Please be so kind and introduce yourself." With a fake smile and sarcastic voice, Isaac demands. "NOW!"
"Oh my, aren't you a scary fellow, Isaac?"
Confused, Isaac stares at the strange man in front of him. Man's grin morphs into a frown. He snaps his fingers, changing the scenery. The sky is red, while the scenery is apocalyptic.
"Are you… Dorian, by any chance?"
"Bingo! You deserve a prize, hehe."
"The fuck are you talking about, Dorian?"
Dorian has brown hair, brown eyes, and a beard shaped into a goatee, and he is wearing an article of casual and comfortable clothing.
"Walk with me Isaac, you will get your prize in a few minutes, hehe."
As annoyed as Isaac is because of Dorian's arrogance, he still follows Dorian because he is interested in what Dorian is planning. Two people walk towards the enormous tower.
"Come inside, Isaac. We have lots to discuss."
Inside there is a throne, and Dorian sits on it, leaving Isaac standing still. Dorian stares at Isaac for a few minutes and tells him to lie down.
"You should make yourself a bed. You might get dizzy soon."
"Do you want to explain to me what is going on, Dorian?"
"It is about the time you get your memories back. Well, memories of the future version of you."
"I see. You messed with time, huh?"
Isaac looks at Dorian with judgemental eyes, while Dorian angrily pouts and says,
"I did, but it was for your sake!"
Isaac continues staring down Dorian, who gets even more flustered.
"So rude! I even took you here to see if you regain your memories!"
"But I bet you did it for your own amusement, not because you sincerely wanted to help me." Isaac says in a bitter tone.
"Maybe…" Dorian whispers while whistling. "Oh, it's starting."
Gods always get memories and knowledge of his alternative self every time someone messes with time—Isaac blacks out as memories flood his head.
*The alternative future - Holy kingdom's "Saint Mary" school*
"C'mon, pull him here."
One kid shouted to the other four. There were three girls and two boys. The kid they pulled was Billy. He was a handsome kid. However, he was non-awakened. One girl was in love with him before. However, after his thirteenth birthday, the love turned into disgust because he never awakened. The five of them had been best friends since childhood. However, two days ago, after they found out he was non-awakened, their behaviour changed. They started brutally bullying him.
"Quickly! Before anybody sees us!"
"If you even squeak, I will fucking kill you!"
Right now, they were pulling him into the toilet. Girls laughed while the boy drowned his head in the dirty toilet water.
"This is what a loser like you deserves. I can't believe I used to like you." said one girl. And this angered one boy, and he started punching Billy.
"Your good looks will not save you, fucker!"
The boy has always been jealous of Billy's handsome looks. But now, he awakened as a mutant, and Billy is weak. He grabbed Billy's head and hit it in the mirror.
*Ding* *Ding* The school's bell ringed.
"Lets not waste any more time with him Jacob, let's go or we'll be late for class!"
"Seriously, let's go before someone notices us."
They left for class without noticing that one of the glass shards was stuck in Billy's neck. Billy lied on the ground, bled and quietly wept over the injustice.
'This is it.'
His parents supported him and loved him even tho he was non-awakened. But he knew that now that he was non awakened, just a waste of space. As his " friends " said, he'll never make his family happy; they'll suffer because of him, as his "friends" said.
'This is the end. No one will ever bully me again.' His head was dizzy; he started losing consciousness. However, he saw a golden light even through his eyelids that woke him up.
"Hello? Hello! Can you hear me?" Isaac keeps clapping, shouting and trying to wake the kid up.
When the kid tried opening his eyes, he saw something. It wasn't a human; it looked like a creature made of smoke or gas.
"Helloooooooo!" the ghost kept trying to interact with Billy. "Is this kid's brain still working? Hello! Hello! Hello!!!"
The kid looked at the thing with terror because he had heard of rifts. And he knew many types of monsters come out. Sometimes even ghosts, or even monsters, understand a human language. But after a while, he started feeling better. He realized he was going to die, anyway. It doesn't matter if a monster killed him or died because of bleeding out.
"Kid, you look pathetic." Golden energy started flowing into Billy.
'Healing? Is this monster healing me? Why? And how?' Billy had never heard of a monster with the ability to heal humans.
"What are you?" Billy asked, "And what do you want?
"Proper question is WHAT YOU WANT, Billy." The ghost formed the shape of a winged human. He was dressed in an old-fashioned tuxedo, and with childish behaviour, he looked no older than eighteen, maybe twenty years old. "Oh, and you can call me Isaac."
Isaac had an evil grin. His golden aura spread around Billy.
'Holy energy? Is this real? Or am I getting hallucinations before death? There is no way he is a monster. His energy is holy. How is this possible?'
"I know you have many questions and you want answers, but we don't have time for that. I hate to bring bad news to you, kid, but you're dead.. Your organs shut down, and the brain is no longer functioning."
"Then how am I…."
"Speaking? Standing? Because I used my blessing to keep your spirit in control of your body." then Isaac's smile turned into a grin." You can think of yourself as a puppeteer, while your body is the puppet."
Billy had very mixed feelings about this.
'Dead? I am dead?'
He felt relieved, but at the same time, Billy wanted to cry. He cursed the world that abandoned him and blamed fate for his terrible situation. If only Billy had power, nothing like this would have happened. However, then he thought of one thing.
'Wait, do I even want to have friends like them? If I had power… No, I wouldn't be their friend. I would kill them!'
"Before I let you go to the other side. Do you want revenge? Do you want to kill those bastards who did this to you?" his holy aura started spreading again.
"I want… To kill them, I want to kill EVERYONE who bullied me. And those damned teachers, who always turn the blind eye."
*Six hours later*
Holy kingdom's "Saint Mary" school's hall was full of dead bodies. The insides and limbs of both students and teachers were lying all around them everywhere.
"This is.. Oh my god!"
"I'm gonna puke!"
MMLO's agents had been through, but even the most experienced agents vomited after seeing this sight. The smell" f blood and guts in the air, dismembered bodies. And a kid that stood in front of them and smiled at this. His smile looked so pure that if not for the kid being soaked in blood, agents would never have guessed that he could be the murderer. The Holy energy around the kid was so thick that agents almost felt an ecstasy when they came to apprehend him.
The kid stared at the agents and smiled. Then he said,
"Those people deserved it. They deserve it! If I had to die, so will they," he stopped smiling. Agents were terrified. Billy's golden eyes glowed.
"Kid, calm down."
"Yes, calm down and let's talk about this elsewhere. What do you say?"
"Those who were at fault for my death do not have the right to return to their lives. They must experience the same," Billy shouted.
Isaac was invisible to a human eye as he stared at the kid, amused and asking himself.
'I wonder, was this monologue of him was really necessary? Oh well, I can let the kid gloat a little. It is not a big deal, haha.'
Agents didn't understand what he meant.
"Dead? You are standing here, talk. This kid must be insane." The agent said while slowly walking toward Billy.
"Such waste that a murderer like him inherited such pure, holy power. In this kingdom, he could have been a saint." Another agent added.
Saints are the most influential and powerful people of the Holy kingdom.
And suddenly, Billy heard Isaac's gently voice in his head congratulating him.
"Well said, Billy. Now, you can rest in peace, my friend." Isaac's gentle voice reached Billy. "I hope you'll have a better life in your next reincarnation."
Billy was finally happy and collapsed.
"Hey! Are you okay?"
Shocked agents rushed toward Billy, and one of them quickly checked Billy's condition.
"Dead. What's more… Dead for hours now…" shocked agent reacted. "How is this possible… I heard of necromancers' ability to use dead bodies and monsters to even imitate the living. But this… This was done with holy power. It's unheard of."
"What? Are you messing with me?" another agent had a look of doubt. "How the hell someone would use necromancy using holy magic?"
"I… don't know. Let's report this to headquarters. Agents have to interview this kid's parents, " the agent replied."