My Wife Friendzoned me because I'm a Mafia

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Chapter 1 - Blind Date

(A/N: Kindly read the Auxiliary chapter first!)

"Say Ahh,"

But the child's mouth was shut. They had been trying for hours but this little creature was especially moody today. He had visited Dr. Haneul before as well but this time his fear for the injections rang in as last time, he had been prescribed 2 injections for his tonsillitis.

"Yoon, I won't give you another injection, I promise." Haneul tried to convince the child, "You know I never lie, right?" She added with a smile. "Come on now, open up."

All she needed was a single look to the boy's throat but he had clenched his mouth shut with all his might.

Desperate, Haneul looked at his mother only to receive a quick denial. It was all onto Haneul to somehow get the boy to open his mouth.

"Yoon, what's your favorite food?" Haneul switched the topic and asked the child.

"Kimbap." Yoon replied hesitantly.

"Do you want a kimbap afterwards?" Haneul asked politely.

"Can I?" Yoon blinked.

Haneul nodded and smiled while inside, she just wanted the boy to open his mouth already. Her job was sure rough for someone who didn't even like children that much.

Maybe the kimbap magic worked, as Yoon opened his mouth slightly.

"Bigger!" Haneul opened her own mouth like a hippo to demonstrate it for the boy.

Then wider it went, with two severely swollen tonsils hanging at the back of the boy's mouth. Haneul patted the boy's head and walked back to her chair to look at his test reports from earlier. His mother walked closer to her to hear her verdict.

"I don't think we have another option, ma'am." Haneul muttered, "We can't call it off like last time."

While Yoon was busy playing with the pencil box placed on Haneul's desk, his mother sighed at the doctor's verdict.

"Give us a date." His mother answered helplessly.

Haneul smiled, "Don't worry. The surgery is completely safe." She added. "We will give it our best."

Yoon was the last outpatient for today, finally ending Haneul's long day at work. She bought the promised kimbap for Yoon before leaving the hospital premises. Right next to the hospital, she went to buy toasts for herself and her friend who would go off-duty in another hour.

After buying toasts, Haneul walked back to the entrance of the hospital and turned left to go to the cafeteria to wait for her friend.

She placed the warm and fresh toasts on the empty table in the crowded cafeteria and sat down with her phone in her hands, clicking texts to her friend.

"Read this soon, Haru." Haneul said to herself, "My back is killing me already."

Haneul let her aching back touch the back of the chair as she closed her eyes. Back pain was nothing new to her professional life. She had always been hardworking and stayed professional. Born into status and a family of doctors, she was only always focused on her career for most of her life.

Her parents were quite laid back for a traditional doctor family. They wanted her to pursue a different path but seeing her father work from up close, she was touched by the miracles this field was able to display. According to her parents, she was a little too indulged in her ambitions and they hoped to see her live for something other than medicine.

A sudden pat struck her shoulder, causing her to open her eyes to finally see her friend.

"Omg, omg!" Haru quickly grabbed one of the toasts placed on the table before she sat down and took her first bite, "Omg, I'm so sorry for being late," She said while chewing. "I had an extra patient."

"It's fine," Haneul muttered, grabbing her toast. "What was it about?"

"Let me eat." Haru said, munching down on the toast first. "Okay, I'm nauseous," She put the toast down right away after 2 big bites.

"That's why you don't just eat right after you come running in." Haneul sighed before taking a bite for herself.

The toast was filled with boiled eggs and bacon, perfect to her palette, and after a long day at work, it was even better.

"Okay so this patient I had," Haru said slowly, "They had strange bowel movements." She added, "And now I'm nauseous because it won't get out of my mind."

Haneul chuckled slightly before shaking her head playfully, grabbing her phone quickly after seeing it vibrate. It was a call.

"Hello?" Haneul spoke through the phone with Haru's eyes glued to her.

Haneul's expressions dulled. Haru guessed the phone call to be her parents considering her reaction. She only listened too, further proving Haru's point. Although Haneul's parents were laid back in terms of her career, they were way too strict with everything else.

"Okay. I understand." She answered before pulling her phone away from her ear.

Haru's anticipating eyes blinked for an explanation.

"Blind date." Haneul said slowly and expressionlessly.

"Again?" Haru asked, full of surprise. "Tell them you're busy."

"I already said okay." Haneul chuckled sarcastically.

"Who is it this time?" Haru asked.

"Well," Haneul looked away, "Some rich guy like always."

Haru let out a long sigh at her friend's fate. She had undergone a lot of blind dates since her parents didn't trust her with her love life. Despite her gorgeous appearance with her long and sleek black hair with curtain fringe, and her delicate and soft features, she had always been single because her goals and ambitions mattered more to her than some man who was going to come and go.

Haneul's parents wanted to look for a man who would stay and found just the man today whom she was supposed to see tonight for dinner.

"So Haru," Haneul muttered, "What are your plans for tonight?"

"Are you ditching the date then?" Haru asked before standing up, ready to aid her friend in any way possible.

"No." Haneul stood up as well, "I want you to make me look pretty." She said, "I'm gonna try this time."