"So we're going out of our way to go under cover here in E-Rantel? Do we really have too?" I ask Momon aka Ainz why we're doing this since I already have so much info myself about this world.
"We may have your info on this world and some of its inner workings thanks to you but since Yggdrasil has merged with this world we don't know what has changed as a result, plus if we can get any info on say ancient ruins and maybe will find gateways to any of the other realms and possibly find a way back to Helheim and set Nazzarick back in its proper home." Momon says giving his reasons for doing what we're doing.
Currently he was wearing his dark knight armor, which when I think about it his outfit reminds me a mix between Saber and Berserker Lancelots armor, while I was wearing my old original armor that I haven't worn in quite some time.
"Well we just got our copper plates for beginner adventurers, let's go get a room at a in and then will go to the adventurers guild and see what jobs we can get." He said as we decided to make our way there.
In the mean time I received telepathic messages from Albedo.
'Ryuuu, I miss youuu, when are you gonna come back?' She said rather cutely.
'Albedo, will be back in a week at most…. Your…. Your not hugging a body pillow with me on it are you?….'
'…. Nooooo….'
'Okay, yes I am…. I'm sorry….'
'No…. I don't mind…. Just…. Don't put anything on it that you could use to…. Play with yourself, alright?'
'…. Soo…. You want me to keep my purity for you Ryuu?!' I think I could hear her breathing heavily in arousal at what I said.
'Well…. Yes…. Oh would you look at that I got to go!' I say before I rapidly cut the connection, but I swear I could hear her hysterical laughter full of happiness and hysteria.
I wasn't really paying attention as by the time I got my attention back, Momon had just choked slammed a guy through a table and freaking everyone out in the process.
"What the hell?" I ask him as I just come back to the situation as a whole from that personal conversation with Albedo.
"What? He tried to start something, just because we're copper ranks doesn't mean we can get pushed around? Right?" He said looking down on the guy as a red glint appeared in his visor freaking the guy out and making him nod rapidly in fear.
"RRRRAAAAAGGHHH!!!" A woman shouted out as she stomped her way over to us.
"What? He started it."
"I DONT CARE ANOUT THAT! YOU BROKE MY PRECIOUS HEALTH POTION! THOSE THINGS AREN'T CHEEP YOU KNOW?!" She said stamping her foot on the ground over and over.
I do notice one of those lesser potions of healing that this world calls health potions, which I guess they are health potions albeit rather weak ones.
"Haaa…. So you just want a new one to make up for it right?" I say as I reach into my bag connected to my inventory and pulled out a blood red health potion.
"Here, this should make up for it." I say as I place it in her hand, making her dumbfounded by the look of it.
"Come on Momon, let's go get set up in our room." I say which he leads the way to our room for the time being while we're here.
Not long later we were in our dingy inn room, "So we're gonna try and move up the ranks to get more better missions that will lead us to more info of the kingdom and possibly the rest of the world?"
"That's the plan, I'm gonna go down stairs again and ask for some info on the town." He says as he goes downstairs again.
Though not long after he leaves I get in contact with Shalltear.
'Ryuu-sama! Is there anything you require of your bloody rose?' She said in a rather seductive way.
I just shook it off, though my hormones are starting to get the better of me, but that will wait.
'How is it going on your end? Have you found traces of the black scripture? And of the old woman wearing the cheongsam, remember she needs to be killed on sight and that dress of her to be taken from them immediately.'
'Of course my love! Knowing that these wretches dare hold a World Item for themselves! Of course we must get it back! And it will be great to add to our collection.' She says both happily and sadistically as well.
Some reason I started to imagine a 5-some with Albedo, Shalltear and her two personal Vampire Brides before I shook it off, *Man I need to calm down….*
'Right, keep up the search, find her, kill her, take her dress and anyone else that gets in your way kill them as well, that is all.'
'Your will be done my love.' She says rather giddily before ending my talks with them.
I grab my head…. "I'm sorry girls…. Looks like I might be ascending adulthood with my newest girls soon enough…."
(A/N if your wondering why the scumbag system didn't work on them? It's because he changed there settings to make them in love with him before they gained there sentience in the New World)
But soon Momon came back, "Mandricardo, let's go." And with that we left for the adventures guild.
When we got there the place was full of adventurers of many different ranks were here, all of different kinds of people but there were only humans, and dwarves as adventures.
"Not very racially diverse…."
"Hmmm…." He agreed with me before we went up to the front counter, but I decided to take the lead.
"Hello ma'am, we're still pretty new to this who adventure business, we were former mercenaries so we are pretty strong as is and can use 3rd tier skills so we're wondering if you could show us any of the stronger jobs available for copper adventurers." I say giving her a rather professional smile while making up our story on the fly.
Though as the lady was trying to think of what to give us, a group of adventurer's approached us.
"Well if you guys are looking for a challenge, why don't you help us out on our job?" A rather young man being followed by an older man, another young man and the last one who looks like a kid to me.
Me and Momon look at each other, I just shrug before he turns back over to them before nodding, "Sure, that would be great."
"Fantastic! Please come over with us, we can talk about it over drinks!" The young man said with a large grin as he and his group head over to a empty secluded table where we all take a seat at.
"Pleasure to make both of your acquaintances, the name is Peter Mauk, and am the leader of the 'Swords of Darkness'" he says with a bright smile on his face.
But deep down even though I masked it with a smile and Momon with his helmet with both thought the same thing.
'That's so cringy of a name….' x2