Alright so you guys decided that he wants to be challenged here in overlord so I'm gonna rescind what I did, the chapter that I deleted still happened but I have changed some things, but I will make it clear I'm not remaking it as I would find it a waste of my time to rewrite roughly the same chapter after I had also completely erased it as well so I can't get it back anyway.
So for those who didn't see it because I litterally only had it viewable for 30 minutes here is the summary of that chapter, but with some changes compared to how I wrote it.
What happened was that Mandricardo and Momon were currently traveling along with the Swords of Darkness while protecting Nfirea from monsters while he collects medical herbs while on there way to Carne Village, they get attacked by a swarm of goblins and hobgoblins, Mandricardo reveals his rider class abilities, like summoning his horse Brigliadoro, and takes down a large portion along with Momon of the enemies.
Later after they take them all out, they set up camp for the night, but the leader of the Swords of Darkness asks him why he can summon a horse that has the same name as the great Paladin of the Roble Holy Kingdom's horse, Roland.
This makes Mandricardo freak out internally, so he asks for an explanation, and he learns that all of important paladins of Charlemagne such as Roland, Bradamante, Astolfo, Charlemagne himself, and last but not least Ruggiero the man who killed Mandricardo in his first life.
Hearing this he excused himself and went for a walk to think things over because he didn't think it was the originals at first, he thought they were just reincarnations of there originals, but the Author I.e Me, had a message preset to be sent to him when he finds out that set of information to tell him that those are intact the originals that were once servants but were given free reign to do as they please but in the end that's where they all ended up at.
Here's the part I'm changing.
He is then given a quest, an optional one at that, where he has to defeat Ruggiero but only as Mandricardo and only with his skills as Mandricardo.
And to even the playing field should he do this Ruggiero will be given similar strength as him but only when facing Mandricardo when up against anyone else he would be back his original levels which all the Paladins under Charlemagne are considered some of the most powerful in the world and by the Slane Theocracy are also believed to be GodKin and because of there strengths.
Should he go and face his past he will be rewarded with the final hint to Elizabeth's location, if he doesn't do this mission he won't get the last hint for a few more years as a result, so in reality it's completely up to him if he wants to do it or not.
After reading that Mandricardo isn't happy to find out the guy who originally killed him in his first life is still alive and kicking in this world as well, but for the most part he has gotten over his first death.
But he remembers Doralice, his fiancée and may or may not have been Elizabeth's previous incarnation in his first life, crying over his dying body which still infuriates him at remembering that, but he still remembers that, that was a lifetime ago and that old scars shouldn't be opened again.
But all it says is to defeat Ruggiero as Mandricardo, he doesn't need to kill him, nor does he need to defeat him in combat, all it says is to 'Defeat Ruggiero as Mandricardo.' So he could go about it differently than he did all those years ago if he decides not to fight him that way.
But after thinking about it he shakes that idea away as based upon that he would be strengthens to an equal strength to himself he should end this with a duel and put that part of his past behind him and completely move on.
So with a goal in mind after his time adventuring with Momon he will go towards the Roble Holy Kingdom and put that chapter of his life away once and for all.
And with Momon finding him and seeing if everything is alright he just nodded and said that after our time as adventuring around us done that he has something that need to be taken care of, and with that they head back to camp to join up with the rest of the team.
And that's what happened with me obviously tweaking what happened compared to the first time, and my decision on this is final as this quest is what ends this arc in Overlord before he takes all the info he has gathered about Elizabeth's world and soon after heads there.
This is what will be the ending since he already warned Shalltear about the World Item that the Slane Theocracy has so her whole mind control part of the story never happens because of that so we need something interesting to replace that part of the story, and I still feel him having to face his past and overall deal with it will help his growth, and it won't be an unreasonable or unrealistic challenge he has to face, but a challenge nonetheless that he needs to face in order for him to grow past the shadow of his past.
As during the time when he was a servant back in FGO he had a pretty jaded personality as he had low self-esteem and even didn't feel worthy to wield Durandal originally as to that being the reason he only fought with a wooden sword during that time, only before his 'death' at the hands of Machine God Artemis that he truly felt worthy to wield Durandal to protect his friends before his SaintGraph shattered, and in this life he earned the right to wield it once more.
And there you have it, that's how things are gonna go for this story around the last part of this arc, but most of it will be familiar ground up until after the Clementine part of the story at least.
Oh and I may or may not be finally adding in the Lemons into this story in this arc so for some of you guys it's something to look forward too.
Man 1100 words for a recap, that's a lot but this was around 700 words shorter than the original chapter so I guess this is still considered a recap in a sense.
Oh well I guess, but see you guys later!