Chereads / Sexy Isekai: One Piece Most Wanted / Chapter 28 - Chapter 28: Another Reincarnator's Flashback

Chapter 28 - Chapter 28: Another Reincarnator's Flashback

Kratos Saint Thanos Flashback

In the world of One Piece, where the seas are ruled by pirates and power is wielded by the World Government, a mysterious event unfolded. A man named Richard, who had lived a modest life on Earth, found himself inexplicably reincarnated as a Celestial Dragon due to an online questionnaire of all things! Now he was Saint Thanos or Kratos Saint Thanos as he like to be called, a World Noble in the opulent city of Mary Geoise.

Initially disoriented and bewildered, Richard quickly realized the extent of his newfound power and wealth. He now inhabited a world where he could indulge in unimaginable luxury and privilege. The memory of his past life as a compassionate and empathetic person began to fade as the allure of his new status took hold.

As the weeks turned into months, Richard immersed himself in the decadent world of the Celestial Dragons. He reveled in the sumptuous feasts, surrounded by servants who catered to his every whim. His mansion in Mary Geoise was filled with priceless treasures, and he spared no expense in adorning himself with opulent jewelry and clothing.

Gradually, Richard lost touch with the values and sensibilities he had held in his previous life. He became enamored with his own power and status, no longer concerned with the suffering and injustice that the Celestial Dragons inflicted upon the world.

News of Fisher Tiger's escape from Mary Geoise reached Richard/Saint Thano's ears. Fisher Tiger, a notorious adventurer, who was enslaved and despised the Celestial Dragons. Hearing the name memories of the story line of One Piece returned to his mind! Fisher Tiger would seek to liberate the enslaved fish-men and merfolk. His plan was to launch a violent assault on Mary Geoise and free the slaves of the World Nobles while laying waste to Mary Geoise.

Initially, Richard dismissed the threat, believing that the formidable defenses of Mary Geoise and the modern guns and weaponry and the might of the Marines would easily repel any attackers. However, as the days passed, he grew increasingly paranoid. What if Fisher Tiger is stronger than in the Cannon timeline?

What if just like his presence in the One Piece world changed his immediate surroundings, something had caused Fishe Tiger to become stronger? ""That won't do! How dare he try to strip me of my powerful birthright? He's but a lowly fishman and a slave!!!!"He couldn't bear the thought of losing his lavish lifestyle and power.

As the threat of Fisher Tiger's attack loomed, Richard's paranoia grew. He no longer went out to party everyday and changed his life to one of pure training. He began implementing modern weaponry and fortifications to further secure Mary Geoise. He exploited his vast wealth and influence to turn his subordinates and slaves into a formidable military force, all to protect his position at the top.

In his pursuit of power and security, Richard descended into tyranny. He imposed harsher restrictions on the slaves who served the Celestial Dragons and increased the cruelty of their treatment. His once-glimmering sense of entitlement now knew no bounds.

The Celestial Dragons had long considered themselves above the laws of common humanity, and their treatment of slaves was nothing short of inhumane. This brutal injustice had ignited the flames of rebellion in Fisher Tiger's heart, and he had gathered a coalition of slaves who had found freedom under his leadership. These brave souls had come together to strike at the very heart of the World Government's power.

The day of reckoning arrived, it was during the Native Hunting Competition when most of the security in Mary Geoise was concentrating on the travelling celestial Dragons. This meant that it was when Mary Geoise was the least protected and the easiest to sneak in. 

On that day Fisher Tiger finished his bare handed climb of the red line and ascended upon Mary Geoise. After sneaking in Fisher Tiger freed many slaves who were rebellious and free minded. Tirelessly he snuck into several mansions in the city of Mary Geiose and freed many slaves. Fisher Tiger rallied them all together and started a massive escape!

As Fisher Tiger and his mob of former slaves, attacked Mary Geoise, they were met with waves of small but fierce resistance. The CP5 agents, the World Government's elite assassin squad, were deployed to protect the City and maintain order during the Native hunting competition.

The battle began with a clash of wills as Fisher Tiger and the freed slaves charged forward with determination in their eyes. The CP5 agents, clad in their sleek black uniforms and wielding deadly modern weapons, formed a formidable line of defense. The clash was intense, and the air was filled with the sounds of steel meeting steel and the shouts of combatants.

Many former pirates were in the ranks of the slaves, fueled by their hatred of the Celestial Dragons and their cruel treatment, they brutally attacked the CP5 agents, sending them flying. Many slaves were Devil Fruit users who's zoan and paramecia powers laid waste to the CP5 agents and the guards who were unprepared as no one had ever been foolish enough to attack Mary Geoise!

Fisher Tiger, the embodiment of relentless determination, battled with a fiery resolve. His fighting style was a testament to his power and charisma. He moved with the agility of a fish-man, striking down his adversaries with grace and precision. His famous Water Tiger attack sent shockwaves through the battlefield, forcing the CP5 agents to retreat.

However, the World Government was not to be underestimated. The CP5 agents were highly trained and disciplined, and they fought back fiercely, using their advanced weaponry and combat skills. Despite the valiant efforts of Fisher Tiger and his forces, the battle was far from one-sided.

The Marines, led by Vice Admiral Tsuru, were also called into action to support the CP5 agents. Tsuru, a veteran of countless battles, possessed the ability to wash away the strength and power of her opponents. Her formidable skills in Rokushiki techniques and mastery of the Kairouseki sword made her a formidable adversary.

The battlefield was a chaotic maelstrom of violence and determination. The freed slaves, inspired by Fisher Tiger's unwavering commitment to their cause, fought with a fervor born of years of suffering and oppression. They believed in their leader's dream of a world where fish-men and humans could coexist in peace, and they were determined to make it a reality.

As the battle raged on, Fisher Tiger and his allies managed to break through the ranks of the CP5 agents and reach the heart of Mary Geoise. The Celestial Dragons, who had long considered themselves untouchable, trembled with fear at the sight of their freed slaves standing before them. Fisher Tiger's eyes burned with righteous anger, and he addressed the Celestial Dragons, declaring that their reign of terror would come to an end.

Fisher Tiger's slave force fought fiercely, fueled by their desire for justice and liberation. It was then that the Celestial Dragons Defence force, led by an Admiral and overseen by Richard, unleashed their modern weaponry and military might. The battle raged on, with casualties mounting on both sides.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, Richard realized the true cost of his lust for power and his descent into tyranny. The bloodshed and suffering weighed heavily on his conscience, and he couldn't escape the realization that he had become the very embodiment of the cruelty and oppression he had once abhorred.

As the battle reached its climax, Richard faced a pivotal moment of reckoning. He had a choice to make: continue down the path of ruthless tyranny or find a way to atone for his sins and change the course of history.

He came face to face with Fisher Tiger, they stared each other down before Tiger rushed to attack. Unlike the common Celestial Dragons Richard/Kratos Saint Thanos was not a fat incompetent waste. He was well trained by the upper Echelons of the Marines and he was a candidate for the God's knights! 

The traded blows that sent shockwaves flying around them and the slaves, CP5 and Vice Admiral Tsuru watched while they carried on their own battles. Fisher Tiger was bleeding profusely, but still had a burning fire in his eyes that refused to be put out. Kratos Saint Thanos on the other hand looked pristine in his unsoiled robes.

This was the moment of truth, should he Kratos Saint Thanos allow the slaves to succeed and escape? 'After all Fisher Tiger is destined to die either way' he pondered. Looking at Koala and the Boa sisters (Sandersonia, Hancock and Marigold) Kratos Saint Thanos made up his mind. 

He raised his armored hands palm first at Fisher Tiger, Blam Blam the sound of two lasers burning holes into Fisher Tiger's head and chest. Richard/Kratos Saint Thanos was wearing the Iron man suit, and he shot down the tired and fatigued Fisher Tiger in unfair combat.

"Hahahaha! I am not Goku! I'm not Naruto and I don't give a damn!!! shouted Kratos Saint Thanos. "F*ck the Cannon, F*ck the Fishmen, F*ck morals! I am a god of this world! HAHAHAHAHA!!!" ranted Kratos. At the pivotal point he chose to be a villain through and through. 

He had money and power, and those people always were on top in whatever world there was. He had money and fine clothes, and power to bend the world to his will. That power allowed him slaves that carried out his will. As long as he treated them a bit better than other celestial dragons did their slaves, he would be loved and appreciated for the bare minimum! 

Why would he give that all up for morals? He wasn't stupid at all, he was going to continue this life style till the day he died! Whatever may come his way whether it be the main character Luffy or other reincarnators!