"Who is Albert Cole?"
Albert Cole was your ordinary millennial 30 year old black man. He grew up during the 90's when Dragon Ball Z was the shit to watch on TV on Toonami in the afternoons...
'Hmm why does this sound so familiar but ...but Who is Albert? I am Albert….wasnt I Calvin?' he thought. As toonami came on the tv he forgot all about the weird feeling.
He got older went to high-school and got into anime and shit. Eventually went to college and dropped out.... No he did't he realized that it was expensive and he wasn't interested. Being that he came to this realization he decided to explain all this to his parents and used the college money to open a handyman business with is father who was a plumber.
His father got the labour force and connections in the business and Albert dealt with the business, data entry and recruiting of persons for the business side setting up a small office and everything.
He didn't neglect the practical aspects of the business however, and learnt plumbing and electrical skills. Afterall he didn't want some random plumber coming to fix shit at his house and then he ends up banging his girlfriend like some Porno with crappy dialogue!
So here he is at 22, a blue collar worker and an Entrepreneur that managed to start his own handyman business. Got Electrical issues? He got the plug. Backed up gutters? He unleashes that pressure. Got Bad plumbing? He lay that pipe.
With that slogan business was good, 'Cole's Plug Pipe and Gutters' was a successful business. Everything was going great. From there he invested in real estate with the profit, buying and fixing his first house before reselling it. He ended up leaving things with the Business to his father and focused on the real estate. He ended up moving from Atlanta to Florida where he dealt with real estate full time.
Going down to Florida he was just startingto expand and get into the business when a rival real estate competitor had corrupt police officers frame him for Drug smuggling. They even planted drugs in one of his properties that was on sale!
For 10 years he rotted in jail, keeping his mind active through reading books and exercising. Eventually he got free when surveillance footage of his property was found by the new homeowners and it was released online showing the cops illegally entering the property and planting the drugs.
Now without an income, without a home to go to he contacted his father, who was still alive and in Georgia. His mother had died from a stroke from the shock of having her son imprisoned.
He was released just in time it seemed since his father was in the hospital, and couldn't properly manage the business. Now an exconvict he once again took over Cole's Plug Pipe and Gutters.
All throughout prison he had stayed strong, and it was with the help of his father's words. His dad's words have always been a motivation to him.
" Son as a man no one gives a damn if you're homeless, so you better dam well work hard to stay off the streets. If your'e in need of rescue no woman is gonna save you, you save yourself.
A woman looks for her prince charming to change her life, a man must become Prince charming. In the family the children depend on the parents, mother and father and the mother depends on the father. The father has the love and respect of his family because he provides.
The father as a man must depend on his own strength and mind. If he doesn't provide…. he's worthless and a dead beat dad and the list goes on. A man has the most burden to carry in this world and any other world he finds himself in.
It's expected and demanded, we do it with or without thanks because we're men ain't we!?! So a man has to be strong, not just for himself but for his family and his community. Become Strong Son. "
Eventually he got the business under control, but his father ended up dying from Cancer. It was at this point the Albert was at his lowest and considered committing suicide.
He had already gotten a rope and hung it from the staircase railing on the second floor. The noose was made and he was placing it around his neck as tears rolled down his face.
Like a thunderbolt thpugh the heavens, a piercing pain resouned through his cranium! "AAAAHHHH!' Clutching his head he fell down to his knees, the noose forgotten. He wanted to die… but what was this pain, surely being dead would be better this?
Like hot iron being stuck into the tender raw flesh of an open wound, so was the pain that flooded his head. He lay screaming for several minutes before the pain subsided. With the recession of the pain came a flood of memories !
His previous life, his excursion into the world of one piece, being a robot in a digital body and eventually dying!
With a trobbing, eye pounding headache, Calvin now Albert recalled everything!
It all came back to him.... "What the F***! I went to the world of one piece died!
'Mom , Dad....you guys were alive and well in my past life…..This life is almost the same….it's almost like it was an alternate version of me. Intead of wasting years in college before I started the business, this time I started the business early went to jail and then had the restart at almost the exact same time...….hmmmm...If everything major remains the same..."
Checking the date he realized it would soon be the day that he and the girls discovered the sexy isekai ad.
"Butterfly effect be damned, I'll try to do as many of the exact same things I did last time so that I can go back to the one piece world" Albert vowed silently. He had no one left that he cared for, it would be best to use this second chance to dominate the world of One Piece this time!
In a Restaurant
A tall and muscular man with a Brown complexion and low cut kinky hair with a rick Ross-esque beard and a fitted suit. He sat across a table with coffee, from a short dark skinned blond woman with a heart shaped face and the rounded physique of a statue of a fertility goddess.
" Son as a man no one gives a damn if you're homeless, so you better dam well work hard to stay off the streets, is what my Dad always says" related Albert.
" Soon after dropping out of college my parents kicked me out, but that was the beginning of my life....I learnt responsibility, taking care of myself and what being a man was all about" Albert reminisced to his date as they sat drinking coffee.
With stars in her eyes his date Mandy swooned inwardly before taking a deep breath and gathered her wits. "So you're tall, dark, handsome, fit, young, a business owner that didn't depend on rich parents and we have the same interests like anime!" she said breathlessly.
"Plus youre saying!..... that you really reincarnated into an alternate version of yourself!"asked Mandy incredulously.
"Yup. That is exactly what I am saying miss short, chocolate complexioned, thick, blonde haired, exotic Melanesian that could pass as a human doll" he countered.
"AND I was there but I was white and my name was Becca?....if that's really true….then I should be pretty similar to my alternate version right?....what is my favourite anime?" Mandy asked tentatively? " Old school anime you like are One Piece, Bleach, Dragon Ball Z, Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto and new anime you like are Dr. Stone, Slime Tensei, One Punch Man, Demon slayer " he said without missing a beat.
'Amazing he doesn't seem to be pretending, whether he reincarnated or not this n**ga has the physique I like perfectly' thought Mandy excitedly.
"You are either the most amazing or the craziest man I ever met. I wonder which it is?" asked Mandy trying her best to seem nonchalant, while she almost stopped breathing in anticipation. Before whispering undernearth her breath "Either way you're perfect".
Albert heard the whisper and smiled. He knew he was successful now, Even though she was different from the original
'I don't know if he's my soulmate or we are just compatible, but a man has never turned me on just by looking at me like this before! I almost thought I was born sterile or a eunuch or something'. Staring at his smile she blushed uncontrollably, and slowly started to rub her thighs together.
Mandy felt warm as if she was basking in the sun on a warm spring day, the sensation pooled in her belly and trickled to her crotch. 'Best guy I ever found on a dating app' she thought to herself.
That was the first date. When Albert drove her home, he walked her to the door, after which she invited him in for Coffee. And yes they had coffee before that was just an excuse, keep up!
As they just had a Coffee date and her face was flushed and not from wine, Albert graciously accepted the invitation with a knowing smile. He couldn't even get past the door before she initiated a kiss hungrily, like he was her oxygen and she was under water in a sea of lust.
And then they fucked. The End...…Kidding