As promised here I shall present to you what readers want. Unsurprisingly, there was not going to be any fanservice, smut or harem elements to satisfy that crowd of people. No need for whataboutismn, since none of them would be reading up until this point.
So what does a reader want from a story? In general, a question was really hard to narrow down, because the number of different stories was as numerous as the readers themselves.
Tastes differed wildly, not only on this site but the whole literature world. Some might want to read about BL stories, while others preferred to rather gouge their eyes out
What was good could be unwanted in the eyes of a second, in the end it boiled down to preferences. There was literally something for everybody, regardless of how specific the desired work was.
Should there be none, be the change you want to see in this world and discover for yourself just how full this world was of similar weirdos.
Enough of the useless drivel, for now, you want to know what the readers want.
If I knew that I would not have 294 collections in total....if you know what appeals to everyone do tell.
But shall we start with the basics?
People want new chapters. They want those as soon as humanly possible, As an avid reader myself that feeling was all too familiar to me. Few things were as disappointing as a cliffhanger to avoid the resolution of a conflict.
But, I was also an author and creation was quite a bothersome process. Respect to anyone that managed to post chapters daily, while also not having to make too many concessions.
Writing on the daily was something I had tried and come to notice just how soul-sucking the activity truly was. It is highly suggested to plan your story carefully, else you might run into plotholes.
Believe me, I made no plans and one could easily tell that fact.
Still, as a writer one piece of good advice nothing was good if it was rushed. This did not apply to writing only, but to life in general. Even on the plane, when they ask for a doctor, one should not hastily jump into action...cuz that would do more harm than good provided, of course, you were not a doctor.
It was easier to break something than to fix it. It was also easier to read than to create, given that an average chapter of mine took a total of 2 minutes to read for the average reader.
We readers should bear a little more patience and throw fewer summoning pens at stressed authors. For a start, giving people the time they need was the best thing we could do for them.
As tempting as endless reading was; one should prefer quality writing over any of c+v.
But, who was I to tell what to read and whatnot? Simply because I wanted something more from my stories that did not imply that others must have the same attitude towards it.
Just because as an author I want to see more of this world and learn from new perspectives...others had a right to have other things to look forward to. It pained my soul, but people deserved to read their wish-fulfilment just as much as I did a tragedy novel.
Stuff like that would also change with age or experiences. Kids might want to read about action heroes while their parents read about how to cheat the tax system.
Readers want different things at different stages of their lives.
This was not an open secret, it's just that people were, well people. There was no way to describe it any other way. People, with different backstories and knowledge. all came together to read whatever floated their boat.
Which was to say, they read whatever they wanted. It ain't a riddle that peeps would pirate the everliving shiat out of the costly books and mangas.
Ah, good old piracy. Not that I ever pirated stuff, since that was very illegal and who would ever do such a thing with a clear conscience? Shame on anyone that would willingly rob certain people of their chance to drive a sports car.
Of course, we were going full circle again. Gotta keep using the same themes since I was pretty much the same dude sitting on a bench doing sweet FA.
All the while Forest Dump held another stupid monologue about whatever.
At the end of the day readers want much and they would get that from a writer to their liking. It was not rocket science. I was simply advocating for showing a bit more manners here instead of sending death threats to the creator for not shipping the anime characters you do.
People have some god damn decency.
Not everyone can be happy with a story and that was perfectly fine─just know it was not the author's job to make YOU specifically happy. You were just one random in the long line of other randoms that happen to read the story.
You were neither the main character nor the main reader of the story.
One could still find happiness reading many other stories, but just be aware that there was a whole sea of like-minded people.
What readers wanted was in some way the authors also wanted the readers to want.
This was, as per usual, not some big sort of revelation that would shatter your world view to the core, much more was it some obvious one was quick to forget when complaining about the lazy authors.
Looking at you GOT. While taking your time was okay, just know that your lifespan was limited and taking all the time in the world was sadly violating the laws of physics.
Yes, that was all, which I wanted and needed to say about managing your expectations of your favourite authors. Someday you would come to realize....good things take time.
Till then happy reading with the next chapter about another arbitrary thing that came to my mind.