Chereads / My Cat Bullies His Tiger (BL) / Chapter 8 - 8 - In Case of Emergency (3)

Chapter 8 - 8 - In Case of Emergency (3)

Kir's house turned out to be an old villa that could, by all means, serve as a setting to film a horror movie. It wouldn't need any characterization at all. The only reassuring fact was that neither the wicket nor the front door gave off a long-suffering screech when opened. The hinges must've been oiled regularly. Ilari's relief was short-lived, though, as the reality quickly proved to him that the inside of the house was just as aesthetically intriguing as the outside.

"It's my… teacher's house," Kir said, seeing his fiancé's dumbfounded expression. As if it was enough to explain the crazy amount of literally everything sitting on the ceiling-high shelves in a manner so orderly it was almost scary. "He took me in after my family..." he made a vague gesture.

That prompted Ilari to abandon any and all questions bubbling up in his chest. He took a stabilizing breath before looking around and asking, "Would you mind showing me the list? I can help you with packing."

Kir looked sheepish as they exited the long hall and entered the living room. The shelfy decor followed them every step in the house with its peculiar overstuffed and cluttered appearance.

"I didn't make…I mean… I don't need to…" he sighed, running his hand through his half-long hair. "I have an emergency backpack, there is no need for packing."

Ilari gaped at him.

"It's just in case… My teacher told me it can be useful, at times?" Kir fumbled with the explanation.

Ilari had a question "In what case?" at the tip of his tongue. Also, "Since when sleepover at his house qualified as an emergency!?" And, equally as important, "What's exactly your teacher's profession?" He swallowed them all down and asked instead, "Wouldn't it be better to just pack up a few things quickly? I wouldn't like you to waste the effort you put into preparing the backpack…"

Kir brightened up the same way he did when he finally was able to properly answer Ilari's question about his meals. As it turned out, the answer was still not exactly what Ilari wanted to hear.

"Ah, there is no problem, I'm repacking and restocking it every week anyway!" Kir said with a happy smile. "My teacher taught me to do this since I was very young!"

Now, the urge Ilari felt to ask "What for the love of magic lines is your teacher's profession?!" was almost irresistible.

"Yes, we had learned a few interesting habits just in case of an experiment in the basement going wrong," Kai's voice rumbled with laughter, although he gave his human a pointed look. "Teacher is quite particular about survivability."

"That's commendable," Ilari mumbled, still somewhat dazed.

"Such eloquence," came Alair's annoyed voice. "Kai, come, let's leave the stupid humans to their own idiocy. You can show me around the house."

"Alair!" Ilari scolded, and was greeted by the silver cat's black-tipped tail in response as Alair sauntered away.

As the felines exited the room, their humans exchanged an embarrassed look.

"I'm really sorry about him," Ilari said again. "He – he is a bit spoilt."

Kir shook his head. "It's fine, Kai can stand for himself, he just clearly does not wish so this time," he said with a slight smile. "I'll…go grab the backpack?"

Ilari sighed and nodded.

"Alright," he murmured. Then, he got struck by a sudden thought. "Won't anything in your fridge spoil? I know you said 'instant noodles and takeout' but there is something in your fridge, right?" he asked anxiously.

Kir scratched his head sheepishly. "Er...probably?" he muttered.

Ilari had a very bad premonition rise up from the pit of his stomach. "...Let me check?" he offered.

Kir nodded vigorously before leading his fiancé to the kitchen and leaving him there as he went upstairs. Ilari looked around with equal amounts of dread and curiosity. The kitchen looked so ordinary that it seemed out of place. It was like he had entered a completely different house. It was also pretty deserted, as expected.

Ilari opened the fridge, scanned its content, and nodded with approval. It wasn't as miserably stocked as he feared. Nothing seemed to require immediate attention, too. Unopened things could last for quite a while and the rest was packed meticulously. Kir shouldn't be coming back home to mould growing all over his fridge and overall misery - unless he'd stay at Ilari's house for very, very long time, or there would be a power outage in the neighborhood.

"I approve, we can move in."

Ilari almost jumped out of his skin at the sudden voice that rang next to his ear. He surely did manage to hit his head on the fridge.

"What?" he asked, massaging the bump as he eyed his familiar warily. He had no idea when Alair and Kai managed to sneak up on him.

The floors were in very good shape, he must admit. Not squeaky at all.

"I like this place, we can move in," the silver cat repeated, looking at his human as if he was staring at a particularly slow child.

As if to confirm Alair's words, Kai made a sound that seemed suspiciously close to a content purr. But weren't tigers supposed to be unable to purr?! Was it a thing with normal big cats only so it did not concern magical ones? But Kolya and Kenya didn't purr either? Or was his cooking not good enough for them to grace him with a purr?! Ilari's thoughts were a mess and it seemed that he had somehow missed the point. Wait, what moving in?!

"We're not moving in! We just met today!" Eyes blown wide with panic, he chastised his cat hurriedly.

Alair tilted his head and looked at his human as if the other suddenly grew a new pair of ears. And a third eye on the forehead.

"Did something happen?" Kir asked, frowning slightly as he entered the kitchen with a backpack swung over one shoulder. It wasn't a big backpack, it would fit the measurements of hand luggage on most flights, both domestic and international.

"Nothing, everything's fine," Ilari squeaked. "Your fridge is absolutely safe!"

Kir blinked, confusion flooding his golden eyes. "I'm glad..?" he murmured.

"Yes, yes! Should we go? Shopping it is!" Ilari said hurriedly.

"...Yes?" Kir's questioning assent was a testament to his increasing confusion about the situation.

Ilari could hear both felines snickering behind his back. He really hoped that Kai wouldn't relay Alair's suggestion to Kir. It would be so awkward.