When hearing Kenta's question Julia's eyes widened faintly, and for a moment held her tongue as she looked away as though avoiding his gaze. Seeing her reaction Kenta's brow furrowed into a frown.
"Is something wrong? Why won't you tell me?" He asked, displeasure laced in his voice.
"... That's because I... I can't say." Julia replied, unsure how she should explain the circumstances surroundings the kingdom of Oura.
"... Fine if you won't tell me then what about the rest of you? Azazel do you know anything?"
{... I'm sorry, my king, but I also can't say.} Azazel's voice resounded inside his head as he responded. And, upon hearing that Kenta's displeasure only kept increasing.
Meanwhile, Lize observed everything from the side with slightly curious eyes. For a moment, her pupils gleam as she used her 'divine sense' 'I see... So that's what's going on.' She thought with deep interest.
"I think it's best that you don't question them any further." She suddenly spoke up.
"... If I don't then how will I know what really happened?" Kenta asked, frustrated about the lack of response. And as though she could feel his frustration Julia lowered her head apologetically.
"... She can't tell you not because she doesn't want to, but because she can't... It seems another powerful deity had placed a curse on her. One of a really high level. If she had told you then her soul would've been destroyed." Lize explained.
When hearing this Kenta's eyes widened, he was stunned. A curse that prevents them from talking about what had happened to the lost kingdom of Oura.
It didn't take a genius to assume whatever happened at that place must have been really bad for a god to go through such trouble to hide it.
After a moment of silence Julia finally spoke up, "All I can say is that a little bitch had attacked us out of nowhere, damaging the structure of the kingdom and killing many innocents in the process. My parents were also killed." She explained, swallowing her bitter emotions.
Hearing this Kenta's ocean blue eyes widened slightly, "Your parents were killed, were their souls among the many one inside that graveyard? If so, I could try bringing them back."
"... That's impossible."
"... Why?" He asked, curiously.
"Because their souls were destroyed along with their bodies." She explained, frowning.
"I... I see. I'm sorry for reminding you of something like that." Kenta frowned as he thought of his own parents who were also killed right before his eyes.
While it was possible for him to bring the dead back to life in the form of undead or various other creatures, it was impossible to bring someone back to life without a soul, once the spiritual body, or rather the "soul" is destroyed that person's existence will be gone forever, even gods can't exist without a soul after all.
However, Julia smiled slightly as she shook her head. "No, you were just curious about what had happened, there is no need for master to apologize.... I had already accepted their deaths; all matters now are serving you." Julia bowed her head towards Kenta with a gentle smile on her beautiful face.
However, contrary to her words, Kenta had notice her bright crimson eyes had shone viciously for a moment as she released subtle traces of murderous intent.
This murderous intent wasn't being directed towards him but someone else, unknown to him. It was obvious she wasn't as accepting of her parents' death as she claims, perhaps her earlier words were her way of convincing herself.
It was impossible to say for sure, and Kenta found it awkward to bring up this topic. 'I guess I'll also have to help them achieve their own vengeance as they help me achieve mine.' He thought inwardly before addressing Lize.
"Lize, do you know of a method to undo that curse?" With an awkward smile, Kenta turned and addressed Lize.
"Undoing a curse would be easy for me but unfortunately, whomever it was that did it had a much higher comprehension level than me so it's impossible for the current me." She explained in a fluent tone.
"Wh-What even higher than yours!" Kenta's eyes widened. "Haven't I already told you that my rank among the other goddesses were low. I've only comprehended the law of concealment after all." Lize said, shrugging her shoulders before continuing.
"Your only option now is either to find the one responsible for placing that curse on your servant, or to become strong enough to break that curse yourself. Although with your current strength the first option doesn't sound so good."
"Th-That guy just who did he became enemies with? Now I have to worry about the threats of this unknown deity looming over my head." Kenta sighed in frustration as he thought of Hendrix.
"I can understand your feelings; the god of death was a man who is known to make enemies wherever he goes... I suggest you don't let your guard down, considering you now have many undead servants following your rule along with the soul eater sword in your possession, it probably won't be long until his enemies are aware of your existence." Lize responded.
'At least most of if not all of the gods are already aware of your existence now.' She thought as she heaved a troubled sigh.
She knew she won't be able to hide what happened here from most of them, gods are capable of peering into the heavenly secrets, while a good portion of them can use their laws and see the future or even the past. 'I'm not confident I can hide anything from that big brother.' Lize thought of the god of predictions who has sent her here to secretly eliminate Kenta who he saw as the potential reincarnation of the god of death.
"In any case, I suggest you don't do anything that could potentially get the attention of the gods. I'll be leaving for the time being, staying here could cause the others to get suspicious of me." Lize suddenly said.
"... I see. Thank you for all the help you have given me so far." Kenta voiced his thanks for the first time. And upon hearing that Lize's lips curved as she raised an eyebrow. "Oya, so you do know how to show appreciation~."
"Hmph, of course I do. Even I know when to show gratitude." He responded annoyedly. "Hehe he... You really are different from Hendrix; please don't change the way you are." Lize said in a faint voice. It was so faint that Kenta couldn't hear the last parts of her words, he tilted his head in confusion.
"Did you say something?"
"Nope nothing at all. Anyway, keep this on you." Lize took out a pink crystal and threw it towards him. Seeing the object heading towards him, Kenta's hands subconsciously moved as he caught the crystal. "What is this?"
"Just a little something to let me always know of your location at all times. With how vast this world is, finding you would be fairly difficult if I can't sense the aura of death." Lize explained.
"... I see. Though I don't want anyone to be spying on me."
"Hehe he... Don't worry, if I'm not focusing on it, I won't always know of your location, and I mostly spent my time sleeping unless something important happened which caused me to arouse from my sleep, so you really don't have to worry. With this you can also contact me as well. Don't you think this is useful in that regards?"
[Master, I suggest you accept it. You will definitely need her help again in the future.] Agni suddenly voiced his thoughts for the first time.
"Agni... I see. In that case I'll keep it." Kenta replied, storing the crystal away. "You accept so quickly when it's that flame spirit but not with me." Like a pouting child, Lize voiced her complaints.
"Ahem, anyway before you go there is one more thing I'd like to ask."
"Hm, what is it?" Lize inquired.
Kenta took out his identification card and explained to her its malfunction. "I see... Of course, that thing won't be able to read your abilities. Do you think humans are capable of sensing divinity? That card malfunctions due to Hendrix's divinity which is inside you." Lize explained.
"I see... Though it's a bit inconvenient not to have one of these cards."
"Then why don't you create a fake one? There should be a certain type of magic amongst the ones humans can use to create a fake copy, right? I can sense you have servants who are quite capable in this field, get one of them to teach you." Lize suggested.
"Ah, come to think of it."
{Can you do it, Morgana, Isla?} He called out to the witches who were currently residing within his soul space.
{Fufufu... Of course, master!}
{If that is your wish, I shall do my best!}
They both replied, enthusiastically.
"Now then farewell." For a moment there was a disturbance in space, Kenta widened his eyes as the space within the room rippled for a moment until a spatial rift opened up. Without another word Lize disappeared inside it. With her absence the distortion of space returned to normal. Furthermore, the barrier which isolated the space inside the room from the outside also disappeared as time started flowing smoothly once again.
"Hey, Kenta it's almost time for class!" Leo's voice resounded from behind the door.
"Julia, we will talk later for now, you should go back." With the absence of the goddess, only Kenta and Julia remained within the room.
"As you wish." Julia bowed her head before returning to his soul space.
With the constant knocking of the door, Kenta's brow twitches in annoyance. The door opened with a creaking sound. "Is there something wrong?" He inquired as he gazed at Leo.
"What took you so long?"
"... I was asleep." Kenta replied. He lied as easily as he breathes, but he felt nothing from this act. "I... I see. I apologize for waking you but... You see the ice princess seems interested in having a conversation with you." He explained the reason for his sudden visit. Although he had come here in hoping they could also have lunch together.
"Hm, the ice princess, you say." Kenta frowned for a moment before nodding his head.
"I understand, please lead the way."
Meanwhile, somewhere in the vast azure skies surrounded by an abundance of clouds drifting off into the distance, a spatial rift opened up.
From within that rift the goddess of concealment stepped out. She stepped in midair as her body felt the soft cold air caressing her skin, tousling her soft pink coloured hair in the process.
"... I hope what I'm doing is the right thing." She mumbled absentmindedly to herself, recalling her encounter with the reincarnation of the god of death.
'That boy has the potential to become even dangerous than Hendrix, letting him live could be a mistake... But he doesn't seem to be someone seeking destruction. Is it okay to just kill him like that? Big sister Isis could be heartbroken if she finds out.' Lize heaved a troubled sigh.
In reality, the crystal she had given him not only acted as a tracker but also a detonator. If she wanted to, she could allow it to explode at any moment.
The explosion would not only kill him but also completely destroy his soul in the process.
It was as safety measure she thought of in the scenario where Kenta decided to turn against them. While she trusts that he won't turn on them like Hendrix did in the past, she still couldn't let her guard down.
'Come to think of it, that flame spirit knew of the potential threat of that crystal and yet, it went along with my plan... Just what is that thing up to? There is no changing the fact that boy has far more potential than Hendrix does.' She thought to herself. However, at that moment the space behind her was distorted for a moment.
"Oh, you got here faster than I expected, is there a problem, big brother?" With a sweet smile adorning her face, Lize turned and asked.
"... Lizy, why haven't you killed him!" The god of predictions, Raiden who had donned a black robe asked. His face was completely devoid of any emotion.
"I didn't eliminate him because I see no reason why I should." Towards his question, Lize responded nonchalantly.
"You... See no reason, you say? Are you forgetting what had happened all those years ago? During that man's rampage he had killed countless gods and goddesses, and you see no reason to!"
"... Before I came here, I told you I wouldn't eliminate him if he doesn't give me a reason. Wasn't that what I said?" Lize asked, as she stared into Raiden's eyes.
"..." Raiden kept his silence with a frown, his hands clenching into a tight fist. Of course, he remembers but, with Kenta being the reincarnation of the god of death, he really didn't want to take any chances with him, such an existence should be annihilated regardless in his opinion.
He didn't dare do so himself, fearing the retaliation from the goddess of life if she found out he had killed the incarnation of her younger brother.
"Tch, this is exactly why I wanted you to kill him. If it is you, then no one would find out... But you—!" Raiden gritted his teeth in frustration.
"Fufufu... Look at you, big brother, do you really fear Hendrix that much? You're trembling in fright." Lize chuckled as though she found it amusing.
Towards her words, Raiden gazed at Lize with clear killing intent flashing within his eyes. However, his reaction was proved of her words.
A powerful pressure erupted from his body, pressing down on Lize small figure. However—
"Raiden, I think it's best you remember who you are currently speaking to." Lize spoke, her voice took on a colder tone.
And with a pressure ten times more powerful than Raiden, two pressure erupted within the surroundings, clashing together!
For a moment the world seems to grow pale, spatial cracks opened up in the sky. While the will of the world desperately tried to prevent its own annihilation!
"I know you fear the death god because of what happened all those years ago between you two, and even more so due to the prophecy of that book, but don't get ahead of yourself." Lize's said, as though she could see right through his fears.
"Like I always said, stop getting paranoid over some stupid prophecy." Her childish voice resounded. She turned her back with the intentions of leaving when Raiden's voice resounded once again.
"I hope you know what you are doing. Your actions could easily lead the gods to their own destruction, in the off chance that boy does become a menace, I hope he drags you down together."
Lize looked over her shoulder, but Raiden had already left, returning back to the divine island, home of the gods.
"..." Lize kept her silence as she also returned to the home of the gods.