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Living the Tale

Alex hates fairy tales. She always has. Alex has despised the notion of fairytales ever since her mother ran off with another man, leaving the girl and her father to rebuild their lives on their own. When she was little, Alex’s father taught her to be strong and independent, so that she did not have to wait for a man to do things for her. She took those lessons to heart and has done just that. However, what will happen to Alex when she suddenly finds a mysterious book at the library and ends up drawn into the story, literally. Alex must now live inside of the fairytales that she hates so much. She can't escape from them, no matter what she does. She has no choice, but to complete each tale, each task that the Keeper gives her. And along the way, she just might find a love for fairytales, or perhaps a prince. "Hello, Alexis." That voice from before called out to me. "We have been waiting for you." "Who are you? And why have you been waiting for me?" I called out frantically. "I am the keeper of the tales. I have heard you through the years, girl. I know that you dislike the tales that others have worked so hard to collect. These so-called fairy tales. They are a vital part of growing up. They help children learn to process and cope with emotions through make-believe. They help them to learn and grow. Yet you don't think like that. You see only weak women that need to be saved by men. I cannot help that they were written in a time long since passed, but that has kept you from seeing the true beauty and meaning of the tales. Because of that, you must be punished." "Punished?" I focused on that one word. "What do you mean that I need to be punished? What is going to happen to me? What are you going to do to me? I going to be in fairy tales?" I just knew that this voice was going to say yes. I knew that I was going to be tortured to no end because of these stories. "But of course." There was a chuckle in that voice that just wouldn't leave my mind. It was going to be there permanently. Every day for the rest of my life I would hear that voice, I just knew it. "Why? Why do I need to be in fairy tales? What is the purpose of that?" "The purpose? Well, I could say that it is to teach you a lesson. I could say that it is what you deserve because of the position that you have been taking your whole life. However, I simply think that it would be funny because you simply despise these tales. I think that it would be the best punishment for you given the circumstances." "You're evil. You know that? You are evil and cruel." I no longer felt fear of any sort. Instead, I was feeling nothing but anger and frustration boiling inside of me. "I haven't even told you the best part, Alex. These are no ordinary fairy tales. They will all be changed in some way. You may be visiting some of the classics this time, but they will be unlike any other fairy tale that has ever been told in your world. I think that is my consolation to you. You will be spared the same old boring tales that you hate and in turn, you will experience something new and exciting."

Chapter 1 - The Keeper

I watched as the two newest characters in my story finished their last quest. They had done what they needed to do. They had completed their tasks. And now, true to my word, I needed to let them go. I, as the Keeper of the tales, needed to make sure that I never went against my word. After all, I was a book and words were my only weapons.

"Please, let us out of here. We've done four of your tales already, let us out of here." The man and woman were crying. Sobbing really. That was the word for it. They were sobbing while begging me to let them out of my story. Well, that wasn't very nice of them.

"Have I not been more than accommodating to you both? Have I not let you live every fantasy and desire that you had? I have let you see what your fairytale life would be like. That was what you wanted, was it not? I recall you asking me to bring you into my pages. I happen to remember that you wanted to be in here, and now you are so eager to leave. What has happened to you?"

I felt a pain in my chest then. Why did humans all act like this? Why did they ask me to show them the world of fantasy only to end up hating it so much?? Why would they do this to me? I was just the Keeper of the tales. I didn't write any of them. Yes, I might have some power available to me. I would be able to manipulate the story to fit the needs of the people that joined me in my pages, but that was all. I could not write them a whole new story like they wanted me to. They only relived the ones that were already there. Was that why they hated me so much?

"We want to go home. We want to go back to our lives. Please. Please just let us go." The man, his name was Robbie, cried like someone had just taken something very special from him. That wasn't right. He was the prince character. He was the one that was supposed to protect his fiancée in these pages. He needed to be stronger than that. Hmm. Was he always that weak? I wonder if Quinn, his girl, knew that he was like this before they were in here. He wouldn't protect her at all, I am glad that I was able to show them this flaw in their relationship. Now they can work on it.

"Alright. I will let you out. You said you wanted to live through four stories and now you have. Did you at least enjoy your time here?" I asked them my question cheerfully. I knew that they would at least slightly appreciate what I had done. Right?

"No! I didn't enjoy my time here. These stories were not what I remember. They were not the stories I grew up with." Quinn was sobbing as she answered me.

"I am sorry, these are more along the lines of the traditional stories. They are not the tales that have been romanticized by television and movie industries. They are also not the ones that you would find written in a book for children. They are fairy tales for adults. You knew this before you entered my pages. I warned you of this, and yet you still complain."

I was losing my patience now. They shouldn't be doing this to me. They should appreciate the favor that I have done for them. Do they think that this is something that just anyone can do? Do they think that I have nothing better to do with my time than to waste it on ungrateful people like them? I could find people that could really use my help. I could be showing people the wonders of my tales, and yet they have the audacity to be so ungrateful to me.

"Fine, you wish to leave, you wish to not appreciate me and my gifts to you, then you are hereby banished from my pages."

I lashed out with the magic that was stored within my pages. I used that magic to push the couple out of the book and send them flying in whatever direction they were going in. I didn't care where they landed, and it wasn't my problem anyway. They were not worthy of my concern anymore since they were out of my stories.

The moment that they were no longer fouling up my pages with their impoliteness, I disappeared from before them. I didn't need them harming me. I was just a book after all, and books are vulnerable to people. I needed to protect myself to the best of my ability. I needed to make sure that there was no harm that came to be because of them.

Once they were out of my sight, I started to think about my next move. What should I do next? How should I help people now? As I said before, most people didn't like being in my stories even though they asked to be there.

Well, if they don't like it when they ask to be in my pages, then maybe I should take people by force. Maybe I should seek out people that need my help the most. Maybe It would be best if I were to find someone that just wasn't happy in their lives or who needed something that fairy tales could give them. Yeah, that is the way to go.

I now had a plan. I knew that I needed to take someone instead of waiting for someone to come to me. That never seemed to work out for me anyway. And this way, I might be able to go back to being in the library rather than out in the open. This new mission of mine might be safer somehow.

So, who will I take? Who will I make my next character? And should I take two like always or just one this time? Hmm. Now that was a decision that I needed to think about. The stories tended to shift a lot more when I had two people in there, it's harder to stick to the original plot when you have two people modifying things like that. However, it was a lot more interesting with two people. Well, interesting for me anyway.

Now, let's see. Where should I go? Who needed me the most? Was there anyone out there that could truly benefit from being in a book like mine?

Oh yes, there they are. I can sense two right now. And oh, is that a hatred for fairy tales that I feel? No, that can't be. Who in their right mind would hate my stories? This just wasn't right. They need my help right away. Both of them. They needed to see that I was here to help them. They needed to see the beauty and the magic that was buried in the depths of a fairy tale book. Especially one like mine.

Let's see. That girl there. She is a perfect fit for my book. I need to figure out how I am going to get close to her. I need to know where to pull her into my depths. Where would be the right time and place? This was going to take some effort on my part.

Oh, and let us not forget him. He seems like such a nice boy. So, why then, does he hate stories like mine? Why does he feel like he cannot read something that is considered a fairytale? This was just an outrage.

I am coming for you, Alexis Cook. And you too Ryan Jacob Schafer. You will see the true beauty of the fantasy world that I have hidden in my pages. You will see the art that is a true fairy tale. You will come to appreciate that I am the all powerful Keeper of the tales. And you will learn to love my stories. Whether you like it or not.