As soon as the fallen goblins became aware of our presence, they shouted, "Intruders!" to alert their comrades, and they lurched forward to attack. Most drew their scimitars, using [Latch On] on unsuspecting players followed by [Backstab] to attack them with an advantage.
[Latch On] was a skill that allowed the goblins to climb onto their enemies, and [Backstab] was a skill that allowed them to use their Scimitar upon successfully latching onto their target.
If these skills were successful, then the goblins could reduce a large chunk of our HP.
Lancelot was quick to his feet and threw a barrel onto the goblins, lighting it with a fire spell. It exploded upon contact with the little evil creatures.
I was more surprised at the fact that Lancelot could use spells than the huge fire he created. It looked like he could use both sword and magic.