Chereads / Trial-Run / Chapter 20 - Boom!

Chapter 20 - Boom!

"This smell is killing me!"

"Look for the damn bomb! Why are you standing up there?!" Nea screamed at me. I stood atop the tallest machine when that normie asked me such a stupid question! I am standing here to look cool! In case you are wondering, I do not know where the bombs are. In fact, I don't even know if there are any bombs, so if one goes off, I am screwed.

Oh, what's that? I caught a barrel with an odd pattern on it and lept down. They should be usually be filled with gasoline. Ah fuck, that's even worse, right? Brain council has decided to not approach it.

"Nea, that barrel's suspicious."

"Oh, is the bomb there?"

"Check it."

"Why would I?! You do it!"

"Ok, we'll go together." Nea nodded, and we headed towards the barrels.

I almost bumped my small toe twice. Just how cramped can this place get? The one off-colored barrel looked fairly out of place. As we got closer, I could make out some writings on it. "Fuck, that's a grade 4 enchantment on the barrel."

"You read it so fast? What's it do?" asked Nea.

"A fire spell, it'll start a spark 20 minutes from now."

"Just... a spark?"

"Eyup. The rest of the engraving is encryption." Guiding Nea to disarm the bomb would take the whole 20 minutes, and there were around 5 more.

"The remaining bombs are probably kept near gasoline barrels, too. We can locate them in 20 minutes," said Nea.

"This barrel is filled with gunpowder too. Even if bring them all together and put them in the rain, the blast will big enough to blow up a factory..." I turned the barrel in my hand, "And then the gasoline in the factories will just make the explosion bigger. It'll be safe to assume the first bomb will blow up in the Dorf assembly line."

Damn it! I couldn't have stopped Dmitri from planting the bombs. He would've gotten leverage against me and a hold of his mentality. Wait, Dorf! "Nea! Dorf assembly line!"

Nea looked at me in confusion before her realizing what I meant. "No fucking way... You wanna stash them in a car and drive away? Where will we even go?"

"The Model T goes up to 70ish KMpH. It could maintain the speed for 15 minutes I guess. If we use some magic then..."

Nea had her mouth wide open after hearing my plan. After a while, she finally spoke. "One question... Who drives?"

"Hahaha, of course, me! I am fucking shivering from excitement."

"Crazy bastard..." Nea heaved a sigh and picked up a barrel.


I cranked the pump a couple of times. After a modest struggle, the engine revved. We were 12 minutes away from the explosion. Nea loaded the last of the barrels and climbed up. The 5 seater tourist car didn't have a roof attached yet and looked like a sick runabout.

"Do I really have to come? Can't you go alone?"

"You gotta maintain the magic buddy~"

"This is suicidal..." Nea shook her head.

"Brace yourself, milady. We are bouta enter a war zone! Woohoo~"

Nea cast a spell on the car to reduce the drag and friction by a substantial amount. I stepped on the gas. The car thundered ahead, right into the wall next to the garage doors. I crushed the brakes, and the car stopped with a jerk.

"Have you ever fucking driven before?!" Her voice was oddly cold. I guess she has accepted her fate here. I beamed at her with an innocent smile...


... And stepped on the gas again! The car zapped through the steel gates, tearing them open. The car that already moved slightly faster than a horse was now moving at almost 1.5 times its initial speed.


We zoomed past the fighting soldiers and masked men. I made it a point to knock down 3 from each side, just for fun. The steering wheel could not keep up with the extensive speed and creaked every time I moved it. We crashed through multiple stalls and people as I drove the uncontrollable vehicle.

4 minutes were left before the bombs were about to explode. We moved through the Eastern district at a dizzying pace. Anyone who saw us bolted away. In front of this half-built Dorf Model T, the soldiers, masked aggressors, and the innocent bystanders were all helpless prey who had to work together to escape. Perhaps we had achieved peace by bringing forth a common enemy.

"Ivan, that's the wrong fucking turn!!"


I drifted into a 180 and entered the main street. In front of us was the grand administration building, which was currently being used by the anarchists to co-ordinate with their unknowing and unwilling leader, Sergei.


The car sped past the main street towards its target like a raging bull. With no turns and obstacles to block it, the velocity kept increasing. I stepped on the gas harder and tapped Nea's shoulder. We both jumped out of the roofless car.

As we hit the ground, the dashing car made a magnificent impact with the gates of the administration building and eventually rammed into the building itself.

5... 4... 3... 2... 1... BOOM~!

Tsk, nowhere cool enough.


Back at the steering wheel, instead of stepping on the gas with all my might, I slightly moderated our speed. The car speeded through the straight main street towards its target like a raging bull. With no turns and obstacles to block it, the velocity kept increasing. 5 seconds later than in the Trial Run. I tapped Nea's shoulder, and we both jumped out of the roofless car.

As we hit the ground, the dashing car made a magnificent impact with the gates of the administration building.


Just as the car hit the building, it burst like a damn firecracker and blew up the base of the administrative building.

Yes, I started a Trial Run just to time the explosion. Fucking worth it!!