Now, I'm not here to talk about ethicality as I think it would be dangerous due to the possibility of harming baby HUMAN clones by causing them health issues.
What I do think could be an issue is human rights abuses.
The problem is that people may devalue clones if they're marked or able to be identified as clones.
If this happens or someone discloses themselves as such, we should, as Christians, do the most challenging thing we can think of -- Treat them with respect.
No lie, I don't have an issue with treating them with respect as a Christian, and I doubt Christians will hate them as they are advocating for them to be treated with respect even before they exit the womb when it comes to Therapeutic cloning.
You shouldn't call them out or expose them if you know they'll suffer for it.
One issue I must address is religion.
Clones may be perceived as unloved by God, affecting their religion.
If you raise them in a Christian household, it can be damaging to have other Christians hate you and tell you God won't offer salvation to you because of something you had no control over.
No one asked to Exist.
Many CHRISTIAN clones would think God made them in his image, not man's.
That is due to how people would raise them; if you tell them God made them in his image, they'll believe it.
The only time is when discrimination kicks in and convinces them God doesn't love them.
A clone must first realize it can get it if it wants salvation. A person can want something and not pursue it due to false teachings and beliefs.
Imagine if a woman named Sinati, a human clone, wanted to get baptized and saved, participate in holy communion, and pray.
Her parents told Sinati that she wasn't human, she could never get saved, that God didn't honor her, etc. Despite Sinati wishing to earn salvation and having the ability to gain it.
God wouldn't withhold human salvation for something you couldn't control, like how you get conceived.
Sinati can get salvation, despite being a clone, but willingly chooses not to.
But why? Doesn't she want it? The problem is not that she doesn't like it but that she believes it would be useless to try and thus thinks she can't get it.
That is a sad but full-on possibility.
That may also lead to cults and clones believing they must do things to gain salvation to make God become in favor of them.
How could it lead to cults? The lies of God not loving Clones may lead clones to follow different religions that promise a soul and an afterlife if told they don't have one while in the Christian faith.
They may view the false God as more accepting than The one True God, Jesus Christ.
It's more likely they will follow a Christian cult that claims to offer the same things but at a heavy price if they started Christian.
They may pay more in tithes in these cults or do unnecessary things for the cult leader, believing that he either is God or will get God to bring them to Heaven.