Satanists are NOT feminists.
They may TRY and rebrand themselves as feminists, but they are NOT feminists.
These cults rape women and force them to get pregnant, so they can kill their babies in rituals.
They rape women as a ritual; they even force abortions on these women.
They've done terrible things, and suddenly being pro-LGBT and Pro-abortion isn't going to bring them salvation.
They claim to have STARTED using abortion as a ritual, but bruh, if they tell you that...
Number one:
They've always done that, even in AUSTRALIA, AND IT WAS FORCED abortion.
Number two:
They kill babies that were already born as a satanic ritual.
Allowing abortions to be a ritual just means they are taking a route to kill babies inside the womb to please satan so he can give them what they want: Power.
This is about power.
Some Ex-Satanists have converted to Christ out of desperation.
Other Ex-Satanists have done so for power.
The issue with Satanists that only convert to Christ for power...
It is that they're like that villain that will only go to the good side if it can fulfill more of their goals, not necessarily because it's the right thing or because they had a sudden change of heart.
The difference is that people who change because they genuinely had a change of heart care about right and wrong. The people who change for power only came so that God could fulfill a specific desire. They probably would go back if they thought Satan had what they wanted.
I asked some people, including a close family friend, K-Mor...
"How do you feel about Satanists who become Christian...
But, not out of love or a change of heart, but for power?
Do you feel like it's superficial?"
I ask because it is a good thing, and I'm pretty sure God is okay with people coming to him for any reason as long as it's a good reason.
But this is one of those reasons where you have to look at the person's heart and decide if this person is a changed person or if this is the person that still can go back to his old ways.
Most likely, this person is still being worked on by God and still being transformed.
But, realistically...
If I had to pick whether I would hang out with someone who had genuinely changed because they had a change of heart or a person that only changed because they wanted power...
I would pick the one that changed because they had a change of heart.
Suppose you can't know someone's true intentions.
In that case, it might be best to leave those people alone because if you feel like they've had a past where they've become highly unreliable...
It is probably best that you steer clear of them because you don't know what they are capable of Deep inside.
If you don't know what they're capable of, leave them.
I'm going to do another video on this subject. Still, for now, I want to go back to the human rights abuses Satanism, the cult that is, has put on people.