Chavez and Selena stood across from each other on this daunting bridge, staring at eachother. One of them must die to continue their own quest.
Chavez would strike first. The bridge is roughly 5000 meters long, it spans over an ocean of water. It would be impossible for Chavez himself to cross this distance in an instant, but surely there are ways to make the first move.
Chavez holds a spear crafted by nature, one of all elements. It controls elements around the spear, but it's most noticeable ability is its ability to "recall", or come back to the user no matter where it is. This ability can only be used once every 60 seconds. Using the forest part of the spear however, Chavez could craft lesser spears and use them all at once. His limit with this ability right now was 3 spears.
Chavez strikes the ground with the bottom of his spear and grown from the ground 3 more spears appear.
He plucks his first spear from the ground and reels back his arm as much as he possibly can, taking aim as best he could with as much power as he could muster with this position. He begins running forward, starting slow but speeding up. After gaining as much speed and momentum he thinks he can in that position he suddenly stops. His body lurches forward and he throws his arm forward with it, only releasing his hold over the spear at the very last second. Letting out a scream, the spear launches out of his grasp straight towards Selena at break neck speeds.
To gauge a distance of how much power would be needed to throw a spear made of concrete, Chavez put everything he could into this first throw. The speed of the spear reached roughly 300mph and would reach Selena. Chavez could already feel the backlash of that throw on his arm, from that throw alone it's amazing he didn't pull any muscles or break his arm entirely. Chavez waited.