Chapter 50 - Rushing To Disrupt

A few days had passed and its showtime...

T-minus 3 hours before attacking the school. The drones are prepared, armed, and armored up. They will handle all major rifle cartridges' even some Anti-Material ammo. They'll be our main distraction devices, no one in the industry would identify them as someone's design its already been altered by 85% it barely looks like the original.

These drones will serve a good purpose in their debut they will be put into good use.

"Hey, Vaughn how many do you want us to deploy for tomorrow morning?" Said Maestro as he was overlooking the control panel.

"All of it." Maestro didn't looked at me twice with that decision from the looks of it.

"Sure thing it'll be a bit messy on the long run but you're the boss." Said Maestro.

All of these drones have a self-destruct feature they contain a piece of white phosphorous inside of them that will activate to melt everything insight. Preventing them from cracking the design of the drones. I have to be prepared for the inevitable though when plans go wrong they tend to go really wrong.

As Anna and Maestro discuss their plan of attacks my phone suddenly rang.

"I have to take this, excuse me for a sec." I left the room to talk someone important.

I walked outside by the balcony to talk to someone whom I used to know. I can't spare the details of the conversation for now. But this person will provide me some insurance when things go awfully wrong and or sideways.

The call took me a hot minute to finish. But I managed to look at the planning board seeing that they already made plans for the attack that are all plausible. While I look over at the army of drones ready to deploy.

"I have a suggestion for another plan." They looked at me a bit confused.

"What's the additional plan?" Said Maestro.

"Where you abandon me when things get really hairy. I need you guys to be alive since I'm the one they're after."

"Vaughn are you crazy?" Said Anna.

"I'll be heading the pack you know that right? That means if I manage to find Natalie there I might fight her and I want you two to be out of this situation so you two won't be targeted."

"He's got a point there Anna." Said Maestro.

"You're fine with this? What would happen after you stayed back?" Said Anna while being annoyed.

"Just trust me on this one I have insurance." Maestro and Anna looked confused even more so.

"By what insurance are you speaking off Vaughn?" Said Maestro as he looked serious.

"You know whom I'm talking to."

Both raised an eyebrow and decided to not question it.

2 hours have passed by now...

"Anna I will board with you and I want you to drop me off in the garden center of the school. You leave immediately and take control of the drones there. I'll be speaking with some students there to make them leave the school to decrease our collateral damage with civilians. I will handle the rest of the ground work you guys handle the drones."

"Okay then. If anything happens just tell us especially the callouts." Said Maestro.

"If so Anna let's get this show on the road." As I signal for us to begin our operation.

"Let's go then shall we?" Said Anna as she grabs her helmet and her comms for our operation.

30 minutes in the drones began to spread around the area into their respective position before my signal for them to charge. Seems like there is a lot of guards all armored from the looks of it.

"Maestro, switch to armor piercing ammo."

"Sure thing Boss. Switching to AP rounds." Said Maestro over comms.

I disguised my armor off for now and sneaked around to find my 5 students in the garden pavilion. I managed to approach them without attracting any attention.

"Hey kids. Shh, don't make a ruckus I don't have much time here since my partner here is gonna be releasing armed drones to attack the guard and try to take down the VR Machines. I need you kids to escape right now things are gonna get messy real quick and you kids might get collaterally hurt if you don't"

"Sir, before we do leave we have a couple of questions first." Said Winston as he and the others looked at me with worry and concern.

"Okay then what's your guy's questions but be quick about it."

"Sir, what were you thinking about attacking the school directly? Do you think the Principal will take this lightly?" Said Winston.

"It might be surprising for you guys but the Principal was actually killed off." As I say that it shocked the kids once again after knowing that their principal was 'dead' but he's actually busy for the meantime.

"My God..." Said Dustin while he takes a backseat on the situation.

"I can't do anything about that anymore. I could disclose more stuff but right now time isn't on our side so be quick this might be your last question."

"Sir, who are you exactly? It has been questionable that you've been doing all of this just to protect us. It seems impossible knowing that we only know you as a professor but who are you exactly?" Said Ophelia she says it directly at me.

"Well it's a long story. I can't really tell you the whole thing out on the get go for now that will take days for you to understand it... For now I need you guys to be safe get out of here I promise I will tell you kids who I really am." As the sound of drones begin battling the guards upfront.

"What was that noise?" Said Seraph.

"They probably started the operation. You kids need to get going now if you find more students here please guide them to safety. Try not to do anything stupid." As I run towards the noise of repeated gunfire. I do hope they're gonna be patient.