As I am walking down the hallway thinking about how to be strong for my wedding and how I am going to be queen. I hear a bunch of voices on the floor under me as I get closer and closer to the railing I can see a huge crowd of people some I can spot out easily like my twin brothers Easton and Kayde or some of the castle's staff but some faces are unknown.
Could they be from my village some distant family members maybe even people from Zelle. As I'm looking through the crowd of people I notice a man that stands out from any of the others he's the most beautiful of all the men but seems like a mystery as if no one can understand what he's thinking or doing he's just standing in a corner by himself not talking to anyone though others are trying to start conversations he's not even acknowledging them as if they don't exist.
As I starting at the mysterious man as if he knew I was starting at him he suddenly looks up very quickly capturing me in his beautiful green eyes. As we're in the middle of staring at each other another man who I don't recognize comes up and whispers in his ear something that obviously startled him because he moved his head towards the man at the speed of light.
It must of had been urgent because right after he heard the news he starts walking into the crowd. As I'm watching the man disappear in the crown I don't notice my feet moving to follow him until I make it to the stairs and start to go down them quickly.
Just as I'm getting to the last couple steps I trip over my dress and just as I'm prepared to hit the ground a muscular arm around my stomach as I look up to see who my savior is it turns out to be the mysterious man from before as I struggle to my feet out of his grip I stare into his eyes trying to figure out this man when the bell rings the bell that indicates that the wedding is about to start.
As everybody is clearing the room to go find their seats me and this man are still staring at each other without exchanging a word when finally I am able to spit out a sentence "Um… T..thank you Mr?" "Collins, Ezekiel Collins" "We'll it's nice to meet you Ezekiel Collins and thanks again for saving me from falling in my face I would of been the laughing stalk of this event" "Now that wouldn't be good now would it. Mrs's Collins." "My name is Evelyn, Evelyn James. What did you mean by Collins."
But before I can even get the last sentence out he's already gone what did he mean by Mrs's Collins I'm not a collins I'm a James or I guess after the wedding I'll be something else but I don't think I'm a collins unless I was adopted and he's my lost brother or something because there's no way he could be my father if I were to guess his age I would say mid 20's. I was going through scenarios in my head as the second bell ring instructing that this was my cue to walk down the isle.