Chereads / Just Rancher trying to Live his Life / Chapter 4 - Honey! Honey! Honey!

Chapter 4 - Honey! Honey! Honey!

Putting his Hands in front of his eyes to block the dust.

He walked into the evergreen palace of moss, not so carefully walking up the incredibly solid stairs made of... grass?

Nevertheless, he found himself above a large hole that seemed to curve at the end. Getting ready he prepared himself as he went down the tunnel like it was a slide at a playground. Entering the place he just couldn't help but gasp at the amount of greenery in this place, it seemed greener than green for god sake!

But he saw a paradise for slimes, he saw an abundance of tabby slimes, pink slimes, boom slimes, and heck even three puddle slimes that were in a small pond in front of him!

But he knew something that would for certain help him progress, there was only one place where honey slimes were at a high amount, and it certainly wasn't this. Maybe though, he could even get a hunter slime to come with him.

He opened his slimepedia and turned the pages until he saw the honey slime and the Hunter slime.

Honey Slime:


Honey slimes are an odd breed of slime composed of a hyper-sweet slime compound. Most slime scientists believe this to be the result of their slime cells replicating the natural sugars found in the fruits and floral nectars of the Far, Far Range. Most ranchers agree their plorts taste great on cereal.

Rancher Risks:

The greatest danger a honey slime poses is found in their plorts. Honey plorts are the sweetest, most delicious plorts known on the Far, Far Range. Other slimes can detect them from much further away than a normal plort and will do everything in their means to get them. A rancher with honey slimes needs to be careful about unintended largos, or worse...


Honey plorts are highly prized by food manufacturers. Though the plorts are naturally incredibly sweet, the discovery that they could be refined into an even sweeter substance made their demand soar. These refined honey plorts are said to score an unprecedented 867 on the Werner-Thompkins-Hong sacchrino scale, just a few points shy of 'not fit for human consumption.'

Hunter Slime:


The Hunter Slime is the wild cousin of the tabby slime. A much more capable creature than the playful tabbies, the hunter slime excels at stalking the chickens of the Far, Far Range.

A hunter slime's slimological makeup allows for a natural cloaking ability that renders it almost completely invisible. Their only tell is in their giant, almond eyes, which can often be seen hovering in the dark. This effect is often described by unsuspecting ranchers as 'aaaahhhhHHH!'

Rancher Risks:

A hunter slime has keen senses and can detect its prey from great distances. This makes finding a good location for their corrals challenging.

Additionally, the wild nature of the hunter is also passed on to any largos formed from its plorts. A newly created hunter largo will always be feral! A prepared rancher knows that breeding hunter largos should always be done slowly, with a few chickens on hand to calm them down.


Amazingly, a serum can be made from hunter slime plorts that can actually render a person invisible! The effect only lasts for about a day, but this serum is nonetheless incredibly popular back on Earth as many people find its effects very soothing.

Sometimes you feel like you just want to disappear for a while. But then about a day goes by and you realize that not only did you miss being seen, but others missed seeing you too.

Extra Note: The Hunter Slime is a relatively rare Slime that inhabits The Moss Blanket and The Glass Desert. While the pure slimes themselves are docile and pose no threat to the player, their Largo variants are always in a feral state when created, and if tamed can turn feral again when sufficiently agitated.

When he saw the extra note he was surprised, because not only was this not in the game but it was something he did not know about hunter slimes. Since they were relatively rare he could understand why they were almost never seen in the Glass Desert, Whether it was their rarity or their cloaking ability, not only was it very hard to spot one in the Glass desert but it was also hard to focus on one when you would be focused on other such things such as escaping the firestorms.

But focusing back on his goal, he was to gain five honey slimes at least and keep them stored in his vac-pack until he could buy them a corral with all the features except the solar shield which was only needed for the phosphor slimes. Getting the plort of a hunter slime was a secondary goal rather than the main one due to the fact it was very dangerous. The only way he knew how to get one was by vacuuming up one of the plorts on a path known as the feral path, this path had an incredibly large amount of hunter largos which if you read the extra note you would know, are incredibly angry and dangerous unless fed and tamed.

But if you knew How much money just one plort would give you then you would be shocked, the average price of a singular hunter plort was an astonishing 60 newbucks and the largest amount it could sell for the last time he saw was 107 newbucks!

Just three could get him a corral, now imagine it paired with a Honey plort which averaged around 45 newbucks.

'Damn it greedy thoughts, stop getting into my damn head!'

Shaking his head he headed past the entrance and entered the forest, which was a part of the moss blanket which was very close to the location he needed to find a honey slime at. The Forest as you could guess had a lot of trees but it also led to a lot of places within the moss blanket itself.

He could see a rather mediocre hill that if you looked closely you could it wound around a path which had a wooden sign in front of it showing a skull.

Most people would go through this place, Albert was most people. Running fast through the path he would narrowly dodged the half-assed attacks of a few feral Largos. Holding His Vacuum gun ready he encountered a tree that was on the side of a hill and held a Mint blue colored Mango.

The blue mango was a mint mango, the favourite of honey slimes and judging by the pink/honey Largos near me I was quite close to the Honey Perch, The Home of the Honey slimes. By quite close what he didn't expect was for him to already have entered the Honey perch and for a honey slime to be next to his feet.

"Now to find a Honey- Oh!"-Albert

Feeling something sticky on his shoe he looked down and saw a golden brown honey slime with three hexagons on the top of its head.

Picking up the Honey slime in his hands he looked at it and spoke to it in a friendly manner because first impressions are important.

"Hi little guy! Wanna show me to your friends?"-Albert

The little slime nodded and jumped out of his hands, hopping joyfully towards a location as in a matter of a few seconds he was completely covered by the hoppy, joyful Honey slimes.

"Well, here goes nothing"-Albert

Activating his Vacuum gun Albert got 8 Honey slimes, more than he expected but as were as always welcomed in his abode. And to his abode they went as he carefully walked past all the previous locations and entered his Ranch.

His Phosphor Rock Largos had produced plorts once again and this time his Harvest was quite bountiful. He fed his Largos with all the cuberries and collected the rock plorts and the phosphor plorts and in Total the Largos had produced 24 plorts of both rock and phosphor.

The Price for rock plorts went down again now at a measly 12 newbucks each and the phosphor plorts being at a nice 24 newbucks each.

He Checked his profits to see that he had earned an incredible 864 newbucks! Buying a new corral and a new garden would leave him with 364 newbucks lefts which combined with his previous amount of money he could buy the air net upgrade for his Phosphor Rock Largos, making certain that his Largos wouldn't escape once again.

In the garden he placed the mint mango and in the new corral he placed the honey slimes, Soon though after he had gotten some mint mongos and Honey plorts for himself he got to cooking what is the renowned 'Sweetest, most delicious plort known on the Far, Far Range'.

Using some flour he made out of pink plorts, yes you heard me right, Flour could be made from pink plorts and the flowers in the moss blanket had a sort of milky sap, which tasted the exact same way as milk cream.

Well back to the main subject, he grabbed some eggs from then Hens outside and placed the milky sap he extracted from the flowers in a bowl and whisked them together with a light amount of force and a medium speed, creating a sort of custard.

Grabbing the flour from before he used blue salt which he got from grinding up Rock plorts, putting them together he mixed carefully before putting them through a strainer and lightly mixing the ingredients together before adding vegetable oil and putting it in a pastry blender until the mixture has started to mold balls the size of small peas, occasionally throwing a tablespoon of cold water inside until the balls appear again and rinse and repeat around 4 times until a dough like consistency was formed.

Patting his hand with flour he grabbed the ball of dough and flattened it then covered it in cloth before putting in the freezer for 45 minutes, the custard was put in the fridge for some time to not spoil while he was making the pie crust. If you haven't guessed yet he was making honey mango pie.

After the 45 minutes passed he grabbed the dough and laid it on the counter before molding it will a rolling pin into a 9-inch circle with the excess being removed and turned into a wavy strip before putting the circle in the pie baking tray, wetting the outer perimeter of the circle and placing the wavy strip in the wetted areas, sticking. He put it in the Oven the was heated with fire plorts and baked it until it had a light brown colour with golden brown on the edges.


Thank you for your insight Albert.

'Thank you strange voice in my head'-Albert

Now back to the cooking, he placed two of the honey plorts in the hot pan and let them melt while he chopped up the mint mangos which brought out a minty smell that closely reminded him of the feeling you get after breathing in when eating some spearmint gum.

Now that the honey plorts had melted he grabbed the honey mixture in a bowl before he blended the mint mangos, he then grabbed the blended mangos and mixed it with the chilled custard from the fridge, creating a foamy, cyan-coloured liquid which he poured in the pie crust before placing it in the oven again for an hour this time. While the pie was baking he decided to make a simple dinner being roasted stony hen and potatoes, which tasted incredibly delicious although the chicken was a bit too salty for his tastes. Hearing the ding from the oven indicating his pie was ready he got the honey plort liquid and after pulling the pie from the oven and letting it rest for 15 minutes. He poured the Honey syrup over the pie and left it in the fridge overnight.

Waking up the next day he took a bite of the pie and a plethora of flavours popped in his mouth, a mixture of a mango and honey that left a minty after taste in his mouth, a perfect new recipe for 'The Exotics of the Far, Far Range'!