Chereads / One Piece: Tales Of the Bubble Pirates / Chapter 5 - Chapter 2: East Blue Brawl Pt3: Snow in Lougetown

Chapter 5 - Chapter 2: East Blue Brawl Pt3: Snow in Lougetown


It was quiet on the Crimson Vulture. Don and Yua were lent against each other sleeping against the mast and Gan was just sitting near them letting the ship just move along itself. He watched the two leaning on each other and smiled. He was happy Yua found a person like she said she would. And he was happy that Don wasn't a cowboy.

The air around the ship got chilly. The night was cold. There was a light snow falling around the ship. And Gan had fallen asleep.

It was morning. Yua and Don were sitting on the head of the Vulture on the front of the ship waiting for Gan to wake up. Gan did a lot. He was was the navigator, helmsman and cook so the other two were just waiting.

Yua: Hey Don.

Don: What is it Yua.

Yua: Do you ever wonder if someone controls the weather?

Don: No. I don't. I might lose sleep over that now. Thanks for that.

Yua: Your welcome!

Don: Do you not understand sar..... never mind

Yua: So. Do you do anything?

Don: What is that supposed to mean?

Yua: Like do you just make stuff or can you like cook or build ships?

Don: Yua. I make weapons. I fight with weapons

Yua: So you can make a sword?

Don: Probably. But I'm no blacksmith. Also to make a beautiful blade it would take me years.

Yua: How many?

Don: Five? I dunno why are you so curious?

Yua: I dunno. I just want to know your range.

Don: Uh right ok.

Yua and Don look forward to see another island and began cheering waking Gan up unknowingly. He walked over punching the two.

Gan: Shut up! Some of us didn't get ridiculous amounts of sleep!

Yua/Don: Sorry Gan.

Gan looked out and frowned. He recognised the island all too well.

Gan: Yua that's Logue town. The island that we we could see from the island where they died....

Yua: Oh. Well um. Maybe it's nicer there.

Gan: You do realise it's barely been a week right? That strong marine may still be there.

Yua: Nah. He's probably gone.

Gan: Well. Ok. If you say so. When we get there we can go get food.

Don: What marine?

Gan ignored Don and walked up to the steering wheel making sure they were actually headed for the right place.

Yua: Awww I'm hungry....

Yua also ignored Don and walked about the ship deciding she would go grab some money from down in storage in case she saw some food for sale.

Don was left sitting on the Vulture's head on the front of the ship. He decided not to ask about the certain marine. He pulled out a telescope from his pocket he'd made himself and tried to get a better look at the town. He could see lots of buildings and a busy dock. But most obvious thing was a big marine base with the printed letters G-10 on the side. Don was slightly worried. He'd heard from his time on Conomi that there are 20 marine bases since the marines won the war. And this being 10 may mean a nasty surprise awaits them.

The Crimson Vulture docked at Logue Town and the island where Naniwa and Makubetsu were killed was in clear view. Gan looked at it and bowed his head. They weren't the nicest people but he wouldn't be here now with Yua if not for them. There were hundreds of workers at the docks. Clearly the town was a busy one but that might actually be better for a group of pirates.

Yua and Don hopped off the boat looking around with Gan thumping behind them.

Yua: Mmmm so many shops. So much food.

Don: So many people. So much danger.

Gan: So much talk. Would you two stop talking about this place and just go.

Yua: Kay! We'll meet back here when it starts to get dark.

Gan: Oh Yua remember. The best place to go after this is the grand line. So make sure your well equipped to go. You too Don.

Don: The grand line? Why would we bother going there? It's so much more dangerous.

Yua: Because we are going on an ADVENTURE!

Gan: Yeah.... that...

Don: Fine fine. Looks like I'm gonna need some more scraps. Oooo maybe another sword. I've always wanted to try a two sword style.

Don grabbed his bag and ran off into the town in search of a blacksmith's shop. Yua and Gan stood there for a moment and then Gan looked at Yua.

Gan: What are you doing?

Yua: Huh? Oh I'm just admiring the snow. All these people are working in such cold conditions. You should put a T-shirt on.

Gan did in fact not wear any kind of shirt and some of the workers were also wearing very little. Lots of them were shivering.

Gan: Your right.... Though they don't exactly look like it isn't normal.

Yua: Weird.

Gan: Yua. You walk around without shoes and wear a massive sweater. You are possibly the weirdest dressed person I have ever met.

Yua: Touché mr no shirt. Welp. I'll see ya.

Yua ran to the closest restaurant possible. Gan laughed watching her and walked back on the ship to grab Murakumogiri.

Don was stood outside a shop with an anvil outside. With his hand on his face making a thinking face.

Don: Is this....

???: Excuse me. Green haired gentleman. Are you going inside?

Don turned around to see a bright red haired gentleman. He was dressed in a suit and had quite a kind look about him. The mysterious man smiled at Don. He too seemed to be a swordsman by the Rapier he was carrying on his waist.

Don: Oh um well I've never visited this place you see so I'm not certain if this is the shop I'm looking for.

Takeshi: Ah well. Let me introduce you to the best blacksmith shop in the whole of the East Blue. I am Takeshi by the way it's lovely to meet a fellow swordsman.

Takeshi stuck his hand towards Don for a handshake with a handsome smile as an accomplice. Don shook his hand and nodded.

Don: Names Don. It's certainly nice to be in similar company. This is the shop I was looking for thank you so much.

Takeshi: Shall we head in together good sir?

Don: Oh sure why not.

Don and Takeshi walked into the shop to be greeted by a miserable looking man.

Takeshi: Good day Alfred business is booming I assume?

The miserable looking man looked at Takeshi and groaned and then looked at Don with gleaming eyes hoping to scam him for everything.

Jet: Good morning gentleman! You. Green hair. I'm Jet the store owner and the best blacksmith in the east. Take a look around!

Takeshi was in shock. But. This wasn't the first time for Takeshi was quite the forgetful guy. Don on the other hand waved to Jet.

Don: Thanks man I'll take a look.

Don looked around the store picking up a few crappy looking swords. Some had even rusted Don was far from amused.

Jet kept watch of Don noticing his black and blue katana kept on his belt. It seems rare. Not as rare as a graded sword mind you. But still the blade seemed to hold a strong past.

Takeshi had only come in to sharpen his Rapier it was a beautiful thin sword. Perfect for an agile fighter it almost radiated an energy of pure perfection.

Don walked to the counter with a pretty annoyed look.

Don: Yo. What is all this junk. Cmon you gotta have something better than that around here.

Jet was visibly offended by this but this was clearly part of his plan to up the prices.

Jet: Well now that you mention it....

Takeshi: Holy shit Jet some of these are rusted. And your selling these to people? You do no good for this town. Show this man some respect.

Jet glared at Takeshi in an annoyed manner and decided to give up.

Jet: Fine! I'll go get the best damn sword I've ever made and then you'll see who's bringing shame!

He stormed off to the back of the shop and was taking a while.

Takeshi: Oh wow. He's going to try and sell you his best sword? He's never even offered to let me try before. He must sense something special within you.

Don looked curious. He did like the idea of having the best sword a person has ever made. A lot of heart put into a sword may even make it stronger.

Jet returned and gently placed the sword onto the counter. It was shining. It was clearly well taken care of. There was a big red string around it for decoration and lots of gold colouring complimenting the black. The sword was slightly bigger than Don's Katana however as it was a different style (it's a Daab).

Jet smiled looking at it proudly. Takeshi looked at it unimpressed because it wasn't a sword that he would typically use.

Jet: Behold my masterpiece. Yamitani!

Don took hold of the sword and looked at it carefully. It was a lot heavier than he was used to and the range was further. He could see downsides to using this sword with his katana Mizu with a two sword style. But he was up for a challenge.

Don: I'll take it. What a beautiful sword. It's not typically my style but I was willing to adapt by gaining another sword so this makes it no different.

Takeshi: Beautiful? But the blade is so big heavy and clunky. How could this possibly be used. Especially in a two sword style setting.

Jet was angry with Takeshi's criticism and was going to ban him if this sale didn't go through.

Don: Oh shit. I forgot to grab money from the ship.

Jet looked at Don and smiled.

Jet: What's your name boy?

Don: Uh my name is Don.

Jet: Don. Promise me. If I give you this blade. That you will cherish it. And you will use it till the end. And once it's life is up you will bring it back to me and tell me of your adventures.

Don: You don't even know me.... How do you know I'm travelling?

Jet: Anyone who comes to Logue Town is headed to the Grand Line.

Don smiled at Jet taking the sword and putting it by his side with Mizu.

Don: You have my word.

Jet smiled proudly and walked to the back room leaving Don alone with Takeshi.

Takeshi: Why would you take a sword that you are unfamiliar with? Especially partnered with a different sword.

Don: Well sometimes. Heart is more important. I believe in Jet's sword and therefore he believes in me to do it justice. And I will fight with honour carrying a loved blade.

Don left the shop eager to get back to the ship and train. Takeshi followed him out of the shop.

Gan had been walking around the town while Yua was eating and Don was shopping. He was trying to learn as much about the Grand Line as possible and had decided to go to an old antiques shop in town. He assumed the owner would be reasonably knowledgeable.

Gan walked into the shop to see not much at all. There were a few things here and there but absolutely no people whatsoever. He looked around and most of the stuff seemed fake. He wasn't exactly pleased with coming into this shop though as he was leaving a poster caught his eye. There was a poster basically announcing that the island of Logue town would be snowing until further notice.

Gan was confused. The weather isn't something a person can control. Not easily anyway. So who's doing was this?

He took nothing but the poster that had the G-10 mark on it and made his way to the marine base. He wanted answers to this snow even if no one else did. He stood outside the building looking up at it and was about to charge in when a voice from behind stopped him.

???: Where do you think your going big man?

Gan slowly turned around to a woman. She had light blue hair and dark blue eyes and wore a gold and silver winters coat with the words

MARINE CAPTAIN in big letters on the back and smaller on the front.

Gan: Oh I was just going inside. Is that not allowed here.

???: Yes sorry it's definitely not you'll have to go elsewhere if you are looking for warmth.

Gan: Oh I see well thank you ummm..

Akako: I am Akako Kōri of the marines and I am the captain of the G-10 branch. And you are?

Gan: Oh! I'm Gan Kintiki. I'm just visiting with some friends.

Akako: Oh really. Well I hope you enjoy my little town.

Akako was curious of Gan as his attire was not dressed for snow.

Gan: Does it snow here often.

Akako: Ever since I've been here all I've seen is snow. But I'm told that the summer's can be extremely harsh. I normally do my paperwork around then.

She snootily laughed although it was clearly fake.

Akako: Well enjoy your stay Mr Kintiki. And don't be a stranger.

Akako walked into the marines headquarters leaving Gan outside even more curious than before. What an odd woman. He needed to find out more. But how?

Yua. Yua was at a seafood restaurant by the docks. She was still waiting for her food but it seemed like she was getting some odd looks just sitting on her own. Also Yua had happened to be sat next to a notice board.

Yua looked up at the notice board and had gone white in the face. She saw multiple wanted posters. She very quickly took hers down and smiled at the other people. She could see some familiar faces on the posters. The bandanna guy! And the cowboy! Yua smiled seeing their posters assuming the photos were taken after she and her crew beat them. But she'd be wrong.

Yua continued waiting and after a while assumed she probably wouldn't be served. Especially with so many eyes on her. So she got up very slowly watching everyone and slowly walked out the restaurant and out onto the dock and slipped on the snow outside falling off the dock towards the water.

Yua closed her eyes and held her breath preparing to sink. But she could feel an arm around her. She assumed it was seaweed or something but....she never did hear a splash. She slowly opened her eyes to see a white haired woman with a ponytail. She was pretty big almost the same size and Gan. She was wearing a black crop top and a thin black jacket. She was quite smartly dressed and had her abs showing proudly.

???: Hey, are you ok? Don't wanna fall in there it's super cold.

Yua: Huh? Oh um thank you! I owe you!

The woman smiled and pulled Yua onto the dock with ease. Yua's stomach rumbled as she did.

???: Uh are you hungry? There's a restaurant right here you know.

Yua: Oh I know! They won't serve me I don't think. Cause I'm wanted.

The woman narrowed her eyes and looked Yua up and down confused. Yua paled in comparison to her with physical strength from how it looked on the surface.

???:Wanted? Like.... By the Marines?

Yua nodded and her stomach rumbled again and she smiled embarrassed.

???: Um. Well you look harmless. Almost like a small lost kitten.. would you like to come back to my place and eat? It's not much but that's all I can offer.

Yua: Oh! Well ok then if your sure!

The mysterious woman smiled gently and began to walk back to her home. And Yua was following beside her.

Yua: So you live in this town?


Yua: And you save people?

???: What? No? You were a coincidence.

Yua nodded her head making an agreeable noise and continued walking.

???: You aren't going to ask my name?

Yua: Uhhh. I could. But I mean. Do you want to tell me.

The woman looked at Yua with a dull expression and sighed.

???: Your as bad as my siblings.

Yua: Ooooo we can be friends then.

???:How are you wanted? Like. How?

Yua: I'm just a awesome pirate.

???: That's.... wow ok.

Yua continued walking with the woman and looked around before stopping outside a house to which Yua smacked into.

The woman pulled her back and rolled her eyes opening the door to an extremely loud household. There was about 6 kids ranging from 18 and younger and in the middle of them was a Fishman. He was a great white with long black hair. He wasn't exactly dressed in a very threatening way.


The kids shouted and all crowded around the white haired woman who saved Yua. And Yua was standing awkwardly beside her. The small ginger girl stood out massively through all the white haired children.

Yua looked at who the children were calling Mars and tilted her head.

Yua: Your name is Mars?

Mars: Well I was trying to tell you. It's more of a nickname though.

The children all stared at Yua when she spoke and the Fishman was also staring at Yua.

Mars: Oh um everyone this is...

Mars went to say Yua's name and stopped realising she had absolutely no idea who she is. And she has a bounty.

Mars moved the kids away from Yua and looked at her suspiciously.

Mars: Hold on. Just who ARE you?

Yua: Oh well I'm Yua.

Mars: You know that means absolutely nothing right?

Yua: Well that hurts.

Mars: So your a wanted pirate?

Yua: Yes.

Mars: How old even are you.

Yua: I'm ..... twenty one. Sorry I've never celebrated my birthday it takes a while.

Mars: You've never celebrated a birthday?

Yua: No? Is that weird? Should I have done that?

Mars: Your parents didn't like throw you a party or anything?

Yua stared blankly at the floor and whispered.

Yua: Mom and Dad? Parents?

Mars and her siblings had all let their guard down a bit and the kids ran back to sit down at the large dinner table in the middle of the the room. Mars and the Fishman looked at each other before the Fishman got up standing beside Mars. It had seemed that Yua was quiet. Too quiet for how she normally is.

Mars: Um. Yua? Are you ok?

Yua stayed dead silent. She was clearly trying to remember something but it just wasn't all there.

Yua: My Mum? And Dad? My parents?

The Fishman finally spoke and he very quickly put his hand on Yua.

???: Hey kid! Snap out of it are you there?

Yua blinked a couple times and looked at them and stuttered a little.

Yua: S-Sorry for invading I'll see myself out.

Yua shook her head and headed to the door when she was stopped by Mars.

Mars: Your not dangerous. Your actually quite sweet. If you want to join us I'm sure we'd all be delighted to have a little red head in our family.

Yua had a weak smile. She wasn't her usual self. Something was bothering her. She couldn't remember her own parents. Mars grabbed Yua picking her up a bit into a hug.

Yua: Are you not cold?

Mars: Well.... Let's just say I'm more tolerant than everyone else in this town...

Yua: Why's that?

Mars: Has anyone ever told you you ask too many questions?

Yua: No.

Mars: That figures. Now go sit down with everyone. I have to cook.

Mars let Yua go and Yua walked over to the table with the Fishman following behind her.

???: You can sit in my chair kid it's ok.

Yua: Oh um thank you Mr Fish

Fours: Please. Call me Fours.

Yua: Oh ok sorry.

Yua sat where Fours had been sitting and looked at the children. She was slightly confused as to why there was so many of them and she couldn't quite understand how Mars was their sister and not their mother. She seemed like a parent. But she called them siblings.

Yua: Um I have a question.

Fours: You may ask your question.

Yua: How....old is Mars?

Fours smiled and a laugh could be heard from the kitchen.

Fours: Mars is Thirty.

Yua had returned and started shouting again.

Yua: THIRTY! Holy shit you look good for THIRTY!

Another laugh could be heard from the kitchen and all the children seemed to be amused too.

Fours: Yes yes watch your language though kid.

Yua covered her mouth and nodded.

Yua: Sorry Mr Fish...

Fours: I told you that's not my name!

Mars was laughing a lot in the kitchen and after half an hour had passed Mars had served lunch. Yua didn't really take in what it was and just ate. This was way better than Gan's cooking. When Yua finished everyone else was about halfway through.

Mars: How was that? I'm sure you eat pretty well as a pirate though.

Yua: Huh? Oh no. Don can't cook and Gan's cooking isn't nearly as nice as this. Hey do you wanna join our crew as our cook! That'd be so awesome!

Mars took a moment to process this. Don? Gan? Is this little girl the only female in the crew?

Mars: Um I'm sorry Yua but I should probably stay and protect my family. I do have a question for you though.

Yua: Mhm.

Mars: Who is your captain? Would we know them? Are they kind of famous?

Yua blinked and looked at everyone in the room and pulled her poster from her sweater and handed it to Mars.

Yua: Would you say I'm famous?

Mars looked absolutely shocked that a 21 year old girl who nearly fell into the ocean due to clumsiness was worth this much. Mars looked back and fourth at the poster and Yua in disbelief and Fours had walked over to take a look too.

Fours: That's.... Fairly high for the east blue kid. What did you do to get this.

Yua: I dunno. I blew some bubbles at a marine on the island just near of here.

Mars: It wasn't the visiting Commodore from the Grand Line by any chance?

Yua: Maybe.

Fours: Sorry rewind. Blew bubbles?

Yua: Why does everyone find this so weird? I can make bubbles. Look watch!

Yua started rubbing her hands together reasonably fast and created lots of soapy bubbles from her palms and then held them.

Yua: See. Bubbles.

The kids were extremely interested in what had just transpired. And Fours and Mars stared in disbelief that it had just happened.

Mars: Are you a devil fruit eater?

Yua: It sounds like it.

Mars: So if I hadn't saved you you would have drowned?

Yua: Ummm. Yes?

Mars looked at her with disappointment. She didn't think Yua was lying in the slightest. In fact she was certain she'd seen a ship with a skull and bubbles on a flag of one of the ships while she was working.

Yua: Well umm thank you for the meal but I should probably leave you all alone now right?

Mars: I suppose so. Everybody say bye to.... Auntie Yua.

Yua smiled at Mars as the kids bombarded her. Yua gave them all a hug and teared up a little before letting go and walking to the donut just as she did the speaker's in the town came on and were ready to share an announcement.

Gan was still standing outside the headquarters. He wasn't happy with not knowing the secret behind the snow. So he headed off back into the town to gather information but most of the people were not where they originally were. He found everyone crowded by a statue that looked like it had been broken recently. He seemed to think it was an important statue because of all the people but he couldn't for the life of him understand why. And then an announcement sounded from the speakers.

About 5 minutes prior to the statue being destroyed Don and Takeshi had exited Jet's shop.

Takeshi: So what are you up to now?

Don: Dunno. I gotta kill time till noon I suppose.

Takeshi: I could introduce you to the captain of the marines here. She's a bit cold but lovely woman.

Don: Nah I'm good I'm not exactly keen on Marines.

Takeshi: Not keen on Marines? But they basically rule the sea's. They got rid of the pirate king. They are an unstoppable force I don't understand how you couldn't possibly be interested in that.

Don: Eh I prefer my freedom. I was in quite a restricted household so I'm not too keen on being kept down. Freedom is the way for me.

Takeshi: Are you saying you oppose the government?

Don looked at him. It was pretty clear Takeshi was either a Marine fanboy or he was one himself.

Don ran from Takeshi heading towards the square. But Takeshi took out his Rapier and followed behind shouting at people to move out of the way as he ran behind.

Takeshi: You traitor! How could you possibly hate the government!

Don: It's just not how I roll dude leave me alone!

Don looked back at Takeshi and just as he did he ran and tripped hitting the statue in the main square breaking it.

Don: Shit that hurt!

Don continued to run around and ran into a small alleyway where he caught his breath. Takeshi seemed to have stopped chasing him.

Takeshi was kneeling by the statue and had tears forming in his eyes. It seemed like it was special to him.

He marched off down to the headquarters after he watched Don run into a alleyway. Don waited about 5 minutes in the alleyway and smiled realising he'd escaped. But as he was about to step out into the street he heard the announcement ring out throughout the town.

Akako was in her office when Takeshi burst in.

Akako: Takeshi? What's wrong? You look like your about to cry.

Takeshi: A pirate. A pirate destroyed dad's statue!

Akako: A pirate destroyed your father's statue? Well I haven't checked to see what ships are out on the dock today let's see if a pirate ship is there.

Akako went to the window and looked among the ships. All the other pirate ships had moved to the side island nearby which she expected. But. There was one ship that stuck out to her in her port.

Akako: There's a pirate ship. Though the skull is pink and there are bubbles around it. Ooooh it's even inside a bubble how creative.

Takeshi: I don't remember any bubbles from this man though.

Takeshi looked confused and a rookie walked in setting down the news a the two thought about it.

Akako: Ah! There's the paper. Always a week late as usual.

Akako opened up the paper and a wanted poster flew out of it.

Akako: Oh goodie another one for the board. She glanced at it to see Yua's face. Blowing bubbles in the picture no less and her eyes widened.

Akako: Holy shit I found our little bubble pirate.

Akako looked at the picture again and was drawn to the background of this picture on second evaluation and her eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her skull. It was Gan. She had already met Gan before entering the building.


Takeshi looked over at the poster with a confused face as he handed the radio over.

Takeshi: Hmmm it could be likely the pirate I met is connected to them.

Akako: Yua Akari huh? Well you aren't leaving this island. Your my ticket out of here.

Akako pressed onto the radio and began her broadcast around the whole town.