The radio's broadcast had started.
Akako: Attention to all Marines and citizens. This is Captain Akako Kōri. We seem to have a pirate problem. There is a ship in the harbour with a Jolly Roger I'm sure you've seen it. These pirates are not just passing through and are potentially very dangerous. We have identified three of them but we are not certain on more. The first is their captain Yua Akari with a bounty on her head. We will be putting up more posters around town. The second is a man who goes by the name Gan Kintiki and can also be seen in the poster. The third is a green haired swordsman. We do not have his whole name therefore it isn't of use but he owns two swords and from what I'm told by ensign Takeshi one of them is bigger than the other. This is also the same man who destroyed the statue of our beloved hero so capturing these three is extremely high priority. I will also be on patrol so stay inside until the matter is dealt with if you wish to secure your safety.
The radio ended and there was a silence in Logue Town.
Gan was standing looking at the statue with people all around him. He was much bigger but didn't really see much chance of escape without anyone noticing.
Gan: Oh shit.
He whispered and clutched Murakumogiri tightly. He could already hear that people were starting to notice him. And he taking deep breath's preparing to run when he heard some woman shout.
???: I saw the green haired one! He went into that dead end over there and hasn't come out yet.
Gan quickly looked towards the alleyway and made a dash for it and also disappearing down it to find Don.
Don was at the end of the alleyway in pure disbelief. They'd have to fight a captain to escape. They knew nothing about her.
Gan: Don?
Don looked at Gan and smiled.
Don: Hey man you ok?
Gan: Oh I'm perfect. But I wasn't the one who destroyed a town landmark.
Don: I fell into it running from that red headed shit stick.
Gan: Have you seen Yua? Like anywhere?
Don: No? Why?
Gan: What do you mean why. We are being hunted by the whole town. God knows what will happen to the ship if we don't get back to it soon.
Don: Yua could already be there.
Gan: I think the Vulture is the place to go. We can fight off any marines there. But we can't leave Yua. So remember to fight with your life till she turns up.
Don: Of course. Shall we get going.
Don readied Mizu and Yamitani while Gan grasped Murakumogiri tightly.
Gan: Stay behind me.
Gan ran out and jumped onto a building in front of them as he exited the alleyway. Don followed behind him but much slower and had to pull himself up onto it and then the two continued across the rooftops towards the Crimson Vulture.
Yua was freaking out.
Yua: Holy shit! Don destroyed a statue! How important is the statue!
Mars: Very.
Everyone was watching Yua as she panicked.
Yua: I gotta make it to the ship. They'll be there hopefully. And then we can just leave.
Mars: It probably won't be as simple as that. Would you like me to help you?
Yua: Huh? No no you need to be here for your family don't be ridiculous you'll only end up a pirate too!
Fours: Mars. It's not fair your mother left. It's not fair you've had to look after this family. I'm not even related to you. But there comes a time where you have an opportunity to do something and this is yours. You've said you always wanted to find her. I tried and failed. It's your turn. Go find your mother. And show her what she missed out on. I know you so desperately want to.
Mars gritted her teeth and looked at her siblings who all looked sad. They didn't want Mars to leave but they had the same dream to see their mother too.
Fours: Mars. Your strong enough. Bring her home.
Mars: Ok. Ok! I've made up my mind. I'll find her. And who knows maybe I'll find dad along the way too.
She bowed to fours tears dripping from her face. Thank you Sensei. I'll put your teachings to good use.
Yua was tearing up a bit too but had a wide smile as Mars approached her.
Mars: Bye everybody!
She waved to her siblings and opened the door walking out.
Yua: I'll take good care of her I promise. Although. I'm quite clumsy and everyone takes care of me.
Yua walked out and shut the door following after Mars.
Fours: I know she'll do it.
He looked at the kids.
Fours: oh wait. Guess that means I gotta take care of you guys.
Yua and Mars walked out into the street. It was quiet and there were in fact wanted posters everywhere. And they all had Yua's face on.
Mars: Honestly it's impressive at this point.
Yua: I know right. At least I look cute in it.
Mars laughed and pet Yua's head.
Mars: That's not something to be proud about sweetie ok cmon if we take the alleyways we'll get there quicker.
Mars ran with Yua following behind giggling.
Gan and Don had reached the Crimson Vulture. It seemed untouched but the mob of people was only following them.
Gan: Citizen's of Logue Town we don't wish to hurt you!
???: Move out of my way!
The crowd moved and Akako and Takeshi could be seen walking towards them looking ready to attack.
Gan: That your little red headed buddy?
Don: Sadly.
Akako: Mr Kintiki. And. Green haired fool.
Don: Have some respect!
Gan: Not the time buddy you did destroy a landmark.
Takeshi drew his rapier and pointed it at Don.
Takeshi: Coward! Fight me!
Don: I'm really good actually. I just would rather just wait till we can leave.
Takeshi: Coward!
Akako looked confused. Waiting? What would they be waiting for.
Akako: What are you waiting for?
Don and Gan looked at each other and back at Akako.
Akako: She's not here is she.
Gan: If you mean a certain ginger nuisance then I suppose you could say that.
Akako sighed and groaned.
Akako: Fine we'll just use you two as bait for the captain.
Gan and Don smiled at each other and slowly burst into laughter. With the whole town's marines forces staring at them obviously not laughing.
Gan: Oh sorry sorry. Your serious? Oh Don they are serious.
Don: Oh I see yeah this is a very serious matter sorry.
The pair snickered a couple of times clearly still not taking this seriously.
Akako was losing her patience. And fast.
Akako: Takeshi. Deal with the swordsman.
Takeshi charged to Don and pushed him back onto the deck of the ship completely ignoring Gan.
Gan stood there looking at Akako.
Gan: Guess I have to stall till Yua gets back huh?
He spun Murakumogiri above his head building up an energy.
Gan: Kaze.....o...
He swung Murakumogiri at Akako sending a blast of wind energy towards her.
Gan: Hajiku!
The beam was pretty big but Akako just stood still. The beam passed straight through her and hit most of the marine forces behind her.
Akako: Impressive. But. Certainly not enough mr Kintiki
The hole in her body started to reform. She didn't look any different to how she was before.
Akako: I'll take a guess you've never seen power like this. This is the power of the Yuki Yuki no mi. The logia fruit of snow.
Gan: Your. Your the reason everyone here has to live in a snowy hell scape!
Akako: it's not my fault I affect the weather. Yet I do.
Don and Takeshi were clashing swords. Takeshi was extremely fast with his rapier and Don could barely keep up.
Don had to use an attack he couldn't keep blocking and put himself in danger or he'd never win.
Takeshi: This is what superior swordsmanship looks like!
Don: Oh would you shut up!
Don kicked him back and held his blades behind his head and ran at him.
Don: Akuma no suraisu!
Don jumped and slammed his swords down onto Takeshi while Takeshi resisted. Takeshi rolled to get away but in doing so had his leg cut off by Don's attack. And was now laying in view of Akako screaming in pain.
Akako saw this and rushed towards Don kicking him through the ships floor and into the storage.
Akako: Green haired rat!
Akako picked up an injured Takeshi and threw him to some marines who quickly ran off with him.
Gan ran up to her and tried to cut through her but Murakumogiri went straight through not damaging her whatsoever.
Akako: Your willing to die first? Fine so be it.
Yua and Mars ran through the alleyways towards the docks but weren't getting anywhere with the marines blocking off paths.
Mars: Yua there is something you must know! The captain has the devils curse too. She is a snow woman. They call her the snow demon. We may not make it before she kills your friends.
Yua: My friends won't die. They are pretty tough. I'm sure they'll be ok.
Mars went silent and stopped.
Mars: I have an idea. But it might freak you out. So just. Trust me on this.
Yua: Uh ok go for it!
Yua stopped and looked at Mars who was breathing heavily and controlled. It seemed like she was growing white fur and her hands were turning into paws. Yua watched in shock but by the end all that remained was a big fluffy looking polar bear.
Yua: So that's why your resistant to the cold! Your really a bear!
Mars: No idiot! I also ate the devils fruit! But it's not as complicated as yours or the captains. I ate a Zoan devil fruit. The Kuma Kuma no mi model polar bear. I can turn into one at will. Now get on my back. I'm gonna run there.
Yua was smiling extremely widely and jumped onto Mars's back hugging her.
Yua: Oooooh. So warm.
Mars smiled and began to run through the streets as a polar bear pushing into any marines that stood in her way. They could both see the ship in the distance.
Gan was spinning Murakumogiri with all his might. He was hoping he could blow all the snow and this woman off the ship.
Akako was putting up a fight though and had formed a pretty strong blizzard to stop Gan from spinning his weapon.
Akako: it's going to take more than a breeze to stop me Mr Kintiki!
Gan held Murakumogiri in front of him spinning into the snow woman breaking up as much snow as possible hoping if he got rid of all of her she would just disappear. Don was out cold in the storage area surrounded by the wood that was on the main deck. Gan was desperately trying to avoid the hole when he heard a loud noise from the edge of the ship. Screams and shouting. Akako stopped and looked when all of a sudden Yua and Mars jumped up onto the ship.
Gan: Yua! And a polar bear?
Yua: Huh? Oh yeah.
Mars: Lovely to meet you.
Akako: There's four!
She blasted snow towards Mars and Yua not paying attention to Gan anymore. Mars stood up on her back legs causing Yua to fall off and just stood there enjoying the cold. She had all the attributes a polar bear could have. Especially being resistant to harsh snow. At the same time Yua ran and raised the anchor. And Gan cut the rope unfolding the sails. The ship started moving away from land and Akako was beginning to look worried she was losing them.
Mars: Uh oh you seem to be leaving your post without permission Captain.
Akako gritted her teeth and looked at Yua.
Akako: I will capture you and your measly friends if it's the last thing I do.
She jumped off the boat and onto the dock as as soon as she touched snow on land crumbled into a heap of snow clearing travelling through it undetected. But the Bubble Pirates had got away.
Yua: Hey Mars. Last chance if you wanna stay.
Mars shifted back to her human form causing Gan to jump a little not seeing this kind of power before.
Mars: No it's cool. I'll be your cook captain. And I'll find her. For them.
She could see fours and her siblings atop a roof from a distance waving and shed a tear waving back as they left Logue Town.
The Crimson Vulture was sailing to the reverse mountain. It had been a rough day for everyone. Gan had gotten frostbite to no one's surprise. And Yua gave Mars a tour. She even included the newly made hole like it was a new feature. Gan would ask Don for help on that. Don on the other hand was still out. He had woken up moments after leaving but was now asleep again but this time in bed.
The night was dark and the snow had finally stopped. Mars sat on deck with Yua who was leant against her asleep and was smiling. Yua was similar to her siblings. It was actually quite comforting for Mars to be around Yua.
Mars: You guys seem to get into a lot of trouble. But that's fine. I'm good at causing trouble too.
Mars laughed to herself and took hold of Yua. She lowered the anchor so they wouldn't crash in the night and took herself and Yua to bed only dreaming of the adventures that awaited her.