Chereads / Thy 74 GD CHRISTIAN GOD SYSTEM!!!! / Chapter 8 - Chapter 7: Thy Evolution of My Generation!!!

Chapter 8 - Chapter 7: Thy Evolution of My Generation!!!

Now GOD saw thy suicide of my three years old self as another ploy of my uncles to challenge him with my face and destiny!!! So GOD used thy erasing of thy time and death of my resurrection, by thy sealing of my six years old soul to my three years old self's body as a result of rewriting time for thy evil ALL LEGACY God of thy demons that tried to steal my face and destiny, reasons why thy All Legacy God fell on multiple timelines!!! It's because demons is trying to steal his existence and destiny and on top of that thy line segment of two stars of existence...

...He was created first in the other star he wasn't even created yet, the dawn of a God who created all existence and his heir who's to inherited ALL EXISTENCE!!! Thy first star of thy segment which is thy first face of GOD thy most high on any time line of an universe or galaxy weather God becomes all the existence of race of humanoid statute, and then he's heir who's likeness of his first face and name sake, who's initials spells thy word ALL is to inherited ALL of thy natures of thy laws of life and existence, that as in thy laws of physics and quantum physics, rather physical or spiritual laws of life and existence!!! So as in thy laws of mathematics as in all capital (G) Gods thy kings of thy kingdoms of God is to use math to prove science or conscience true or false as in exact science true and conscience false to prove thy truth in thy light of reality for both thy physical plane and spiritual plane!!! Now back on a alternate timeline of my existence where thy most high GOD and I just time travel to when I was born as thy first grandchild of Myres Lucas Sr. and Clara Lucas then my sister Annalyshiah Latrice Lucas another All Legacy God an goddess were born spiritualy and physically as a mortal a few years later at thy exact time of where my uncle Quincy possessed me to commit suicide at three to challenge thy most high GOD, and GOD had to put my six years old soul into my three years old self's body, he placed a guardian angel there named Lorina Shalom to stop my three years old self from dying!!! Then thy Longway around (Thy Longway around is where time repeat itself for thy feeling of deja Vu, for thy way thy timeline is for thy present and present future!!!) Lorina Shalom got begotten into my family as my older grandsibling thus popping off thy pass up game (Thy pass up game is where siblings bid for position of order of birth for thy longway around!!!) then Lorina and my sister past me up, so thy second order of Myres Lucas Sr and Clara Lucas grandchildren was Lorina amber Towns, Annalyshia L. Lucas and I, Armonie L. Lucas!!! So thy longway around happened a couple a few times and my cousin Lorina did her heavenly duty plenty of time by stopping my uncle from possessing me to steal my face to challenge GOD for my destiny, so thy longway around happened for the second time, is where my uncles violated Lerone Armon Lucas existence!!! Who was supposed to be my son with my rib who was my aunt but before my rib and son existed my uncles took his face from thy metaphor of his existence, thus Lerone became Lerone Armon Towns thy fourth grandchild!!! Then thy longway around happened yet again for the third time, this time Lerone went first then Lorina then Anna then me!!! Then GOD Thy most high and I time jumped to when I was one years old, and I was playing on my first tricycle for the first time that I remembered well it's thy first time that I could remember because remember my freewill thought was just created by GOD Thy most high when he set me free from a possession wich stole my whole life and existence and destiny from me till I was six years old, GOD helped me to rewrite that existence thy first time around for my life's existence!!! So All I remember thy first time around was that GOD saved me!!! So going back to the memory of my first tricycle, I was riding it in the front of thy first ancestry's house I can remember!!! I was pushing, scooting and pedaling in a four square of thy sidewalk in front of thy pathway to the house, being watched by my uncle Quincy!!! then all of a sudden on my fourth or seventh lap, when I got to the first square of thy sidewalk a yellow jacket wasp landed on the third square of thy sidewalk, and I fell!!! I didn't even cry, well I was too scared to cry!!! It was like this yellow jacket wasp was larger than life, well for a wasp!!! Thy wasp didn't even move as I fell right in front of it, it was like my uncle possessed thy hornet right when I fell!!! Then he came and picked me up to my feet and dusted off my hands, then I felt my uncle's soul jump head first into my back, (Spiritual Possession: Thy right way is for a spirit or soul to jump head first into a person, place or thing's spiritual temple!!! If that spirit or soul is strong enough to thy person, place or thing's spiritual or soul to over take it to possessed thy object or objects, thy possession happens!!!) then

I remember falling back down to my buttock!!! Then I remember my uncle Quincy asking thy hornet in a dreary voice: " if you would let me eat you with this vessel I would make you thy greatest demonic hornet ever!!!

Then I uncontrollably, I ate thy hornet, then thy hornet was placed in my spiritual temple, as it made it's way to my heart tablet, then it manifested to my heart and stung it, then I had a heart attack and died right on thy spot!!! After I died at one year old I felt my soul accenting to thy heaven's, and not just any heaven!!! Thy Supreme Heaven, (Thy Time Space Continuum!!!) Thy white space where Thy most high GOD dwells!!!

GOD: "Quincy I've finally cought you!!!"

Then I noticed that I wasn't standing there alone, just a few yards away I saw my uncle Quincy standing there with the hornet flying hovering over his shoulder!!! My uncle then said "oh shit!!!" "I thought I would have Armonie's face!!!" Quincy said out loud, but he thought he was thinking it!!!! GOD used thy power of mind control to make my uncle Quincy speak out loud!!! Then GOD said

"Lets see how Armonie feel about that!!!" Then all of a sudden thy holy spirit granted me thy ability to spread a pair of angle wings that turned a blaze into fire wings, by then thy rage from my uncles stealing my face, life, existence, and destiny turn into hatred!!! Uncontrollably I flapped the flaming wings and dash forward and manifested a sea of fire on thy palms of my hands!!! So with a three, four, but instead of a punch, it was some slaps and with macks of fire, one slap a piece I perished my uncle scout and thy hornet!!! (Scout: is one exact copy of thy soul or spirit of a person to be used as a divine yoyo as in telekinesis or mind control: as in thy yoyo trick walk the dog, as in telekinesis or mind control: e=mc^2, as in emits equal mind control squared, as in max mind capacity times thy max mind capacity for thy brain wave to leave thy cranium to exit the skull to form a thinking cap, to from brain waves tentacles to reach out and grab matter with the mind, for mind over matter or to grab another person's mind, to insert thoughts, dreams or actions for mind control: so thy string is thy brain wave tentacle and thy body of thy yoyo is thy exact copy of thy soul or spirit thus forming the scout!!!)( Yoyo: is a divine weapon used to train mind over matter metaphorically, which is a blunt object normally made out of a block of wood attached to a string or small chain, use for a range of attack for the return of the blunt object to return to the hand!!!)(Perish: is to die by fire, or to destroy the living body through death means to unrecognizable States which is to perish or be erase from existence!!!) After that GOD and I returned to the moment where I ate the hornet, then GOD made me choke on the hornet and by coughing it up I spit it out!!! Then GOD made a mental note (as of this moment in time when ever time repeat itself for Armonie to eat the hornet I would teach him to be unpossessable to unpossess his self!!!) Then we time jumped back to the year 1996 A.D. and a time fluctuation happened, thus placing Lerone and Lorina Towns in my timeline of my mortal life and my little sister Annalyshiah Latrice Lucas becoming my big sister and older cousins!!! GOD and I talked for a bit more about thy armament of God before my aunty Darlene Lucas and my two cousins Lerone and Lorina came over, because my grandmother need to go to the fabrics store to finish the outfit for her friend!!!

So GOD told me:

"he'll talk to me later!!!"

and so returned my senses back to normal to the five senses of a mortal's sense!!!

Then my grandmother asked my cousin Lerone: "if he can watch me while she's at the store!!!???"

Then Lerone said: "okay, I have something for him anyways!!!"

After that brief conversation Lerone took out a toy pump action shotgun, it had three Orange rubber suction darts in three rubber duckies one yellow, green, and blue!!! the toy look like the packaging was a socom Mossberg shotgun for the Navy seals!!! my cousin Lerone let me try to shoot it first!!! I hit the Blue duck first, Miss the yellow duck, then hit the Green duck!!! so on my first try shooting a toy gun I was two out of three!!! we came up with a point system, yellow was 1, green was 2, and blue was 3, this was the point system!!! we took turns shooting the rubber duckies for like 30 minutes until my 6-year-old self got distracted and didn't want to play no more we both had about 36 points!!! after the game of duck hunting I set in the dining room floor playing with my hot wheels toy cars till my grandmother return home!!! Little did I know that this moment of the game of duck hunting will be repeated in time for the long way around multiple times, second time Armonie 44 points: Lerone 39 points, third time Armonie 76 points: Lerone 56 points, fourth time Armonie 96 points: Lerone 69 points, fifth time Armonie 115 points: Lerone 98 points!!! So everytime we played duck hunting it only lasted about 30 minutes or so!!! So after I drop the 115 piece worth of points in the year 1996 A.D., and after thy time jumping to 1993 A.D., it would be 11 of us Grand siblings in total by thy time GOD and I return to 1996 A.D.!!! So this time when we time jumped to 1993 A.D. my uncle Junior had moved in with us, he would turn the bathroom into a bedroom every night by stacking a whole lot of quilts in the bathtub then sleep on top of the quilts in a sleeping bag!!! At the time it was already five of us in a two bedroom apartments or should I say six of us!!! My Grandmother, my sister and I, my aunty Darlene Lucas and her two kids Lerone and Lorina Towns!!! So then my uncle Junior came and turned our bathroom into a bedroom every night!!! So shortly after my uncle Junior moved in with us it becomes first Sunday of December, so GOD thy most high make this one of my first memories of going to church at three years old!!! At the time wild the pastor gave the sermon on idolatry, to where Israel got punish (that was in all the Bibles written before 1993 A.D. now as I look for the exact scripture and verst in Exodus 20:22-23 its says GOD told Moses to tell Israel not to make idols of silver and gold, and bowl down and worship them!!! he said not to do that in thy KJV bible but in thy bible I grow up with it said the whole story of what happened when Israel did that in the first place of how when Moses came down thy Mt. and thrown thy first commandments table down [I guess it's supposed to be written in Exodus 32] at thy golden Cath and opened the gates of hell and it swollowed the golden Cath and a third of Israel who was worshipping the golden idol then GOD closed the gate and punish Israel by making them wonder around in circles for 40 years in thy wilderness, to the rest of the ones who worshipped idols died off before they continue their journey to the promise land and before crossing the Jordan river to enter the Land wich was promised, on their journey they received the covenant!!! long story short!!!) well that's what thy sermon was on!!! So why'd Thy sermon was going on, everytime my Grandmother would put me down on the congregation seat, I would feel some things that wasn't there. My instinct tell me this shouldn't be happening to boys!!! The feeling I was feeling was as if a spirit was rapping my butt whole, so instinctively I cried out to GOD like I knew he was there, and I cried loud and hard, my three years old self thought I had to get GOD attention so I cried so loud and hard the sirmond had to stop until I was passifried, but before that happened I felt the holy spirit move, granting me the belief of my grandmother's actions of rocking me to sleep and patting me on my bottom was as Thy holy spirit granted my grandmother patts smacks of fire perishing the foul spirit off my butt whole!!! exhausted from screaming at the top of my lungs for so long I was finally bought to go to sleep, but right before I close my eyes, I heard my uncle Quincy's soul tell my grandmother's soul to stop perishing him Armonie got to be rapped to sleep so he'd never believe in GOD, I was about to fight my sleep and start screaming at the top of my lungs again, but thy holy spirit moved again, and with my spiritual eyes, I can see white light particles floating in through the doors of church, incompassing themselves around a giant throne behind the pastor seat in the bullpen, then one of the particle of light that floated in from outside when I first notice the streams of particles of lights, that one particle that had floated out of stream of particles had stopped at the end of the row of seats I was in, flash into rays of divine lights turned into a little white boy, who looked no older than 12 years old, said fear not little one Thy Lord your GOD will not let you forget about him, then with divine breams of lights that flashed from the empty throne that lit up the whole church, I saw a giant white man with Head full of Graysplender, a nine inch Graysplender Beard, a White robe with a golden rope belt around his waist, golden shandles of divine light!!! Then GOD winked at me and I finally fell asleep!!! This seen happened over and over again for the month of December, then finally for first Sunday of the year thy pastor told my grandmother to stop bringing me to church for interrupting his sirmonds everytime, so me and my grandmother went back home that Sunday and stayed home every Sunday after thy banishedment didn't return to Grate of St. Luck baptist church until I was about six years old, then thy long way around happened a few times!!! Thy first time it happens thy fivth person was added to the grand siblings and that person was Randall Keith Bradford who was originally supposed to be my son Randall Armon Lucas!!! (reasons why: Randall was supposed to be my son was that he was born spiritualy to my rib who is my aunt who refused to wait a whole life time to constamate her existence, [ GOD always told me sence I was seven years old to be careful with what you think about doing because what you think about doing your soul is actually doing] so when I was three years of age for thy past way around {Thy past way around: is the prisent past or when thy long way around becomes the past} when my mom was in her feelings, it just so happened to be the aniversouary of my mother's first two pregnancy, she had two misscarages on the same day of thy year before my sister and I, and on this day she felt she had to spend this day with her two kids and her mother and the rest of her family, and this time for thy long way around for thy past way around it just so happened to be the day my original aunts left thy realms of mortals to go to the middle heavens as evil jenns [Evil Jenns: is genies that are evil, who possessed cosmic priority to use conscience to create discord in the planes of space for negativity, because they are jinns who is free to do what ever they could do with their cosmic priority that's possible!!! according to thy Egyptian evil jenns are humanoids or beast spirits who failed to become alcons, as thy last step to become a God is to wear fire and light upon thy skin to become a living star, these jinns let the fire consume them thus becoming a elemental living spirit star of fire in humanoids or beast shape!!!] and then my aunts used my rib as an rib-wand {Rib-wand: is a sex rib of thy first man or last first man of a person used as a wand to use the spirit of the sex rib crushed into spiritual particles by a woman why'll she uses her own body as an mold to form the spirit of the sex rib into a exact copy of her self as thy spirit buds off turning the spirit into flesh to create a man's rib into their own image!!! [Sex rib: is thy thirteenth rib on the left side of thy first man ribcage, and spiritually thy same for thy last first man to be manifested upon its purpose of use, thy extra rib is used by GOD to create thy first woman or thy next first woman to mother All humanity!!!{ reference: holy bible in book of Genesis}] {Last first man: is thy Man with thy GOD given right to be the soul survivor of a end of the world sineario or reality of humanity population to repopulate humanity in the world of GOD's creation!!!} [Next first woman: is thy woman created out of thy last first man's rib to mother All humanity in thy world of GOD's creation!!!] and the reason why my aunts used my rib as a rib-wand was because of convenience for them, long story short to save thy convenience storyline for later, they turned thy spiritual dust of my rib into exact copy of them selves and had thy rib copies of them selves zip up like a zipper through time, thus giving my rib thy identitys of their mortal lives, and on this day for thy past way around for thy long way around, my ribs who's my aunts who was surrounding my mother trying to comfort her, why'd my mother holded two ultra sounds of my would have been older siblings in her hands and with an olive green shoebox on her lap, she whept, wondering what could've been!!! As my mother sat there and cryed my sister and I inter the room, then my mom plasted on a smile, she still has tears streaming down her face, as she looks towards my sister and I she tells us to come here, after we obliged her she scoop us up into her arms hug us and kiss us then we asked Mom what's wrong and she told us today is the day I had two miscarriages you would have had two older brothers or sisters and she cried saying the doctor told her she would be burying for the rest of her life but God had other plans and bless her with two gifts from heaven Armonie Lamontea Lucas and Annalyshiah Latrice Lucas (two ALL LEGACY GODS) [ On this day my original aunts and my original cousin Loraina Amber towns and my original sister Annalyshiah Latrice Lucas Left thy mortal realm and accented to thy middle heavens, my aunts and sister became evil jenns why'd my cousin Loraina went back to being Loraina Solomon thy guardian angel!!! and it was a battle in the middle heavens thy armys jinns verse GOD Thy most high and his army of archangels, and when they left they created my rib from a rib-wand into their image and zipped them up like a zipper through the timeline so that they can have their mortal lives and identity, so my aunts, cousin and sister mortals identities became my ribs, and according to GOD Thy most high, thy Lord of Christianity they are my wives like Eve is to Adom!!! So they left the mortal realm and did this after we (GOD and I) time jumped to 1993 A.D. from 1996 a.d. and thy timeline reached 1997 A.D. afew times to time jump from there, on the third time thy timeline reached 1997 A.D. my mother created thy first rib I witness being created for me, her name was Tatiana A. White, she was created from a face plate of my great grandmother; face plate 19 to be exact!!! With the face plate as thy mold for thy face my mother used my rib as a wand to use her 27 years old body as thy mold for my first rib's body and thy face of great grandmother if was fifty or sixty years younger as thy mold of her face!!! Thy creation of the first rib I wittness being created for me happened around the second or the third time around 1997 A.D. came around, so when I finally time jumped to 1993 again, normally my aunts would get carnated to pesver their existences this time was different, when my uncle's generation failed to trick my mom into natching my sister and I latin marks from us so we wouldn't inherited our inheritance beyond Thy heavens, as Elohim's heritage of Elohim's black face heritage!!! now that I think about it on Aug 5 2023 A.D. that it probably was a ploy to say that I was not thy Prince 40 King 40 of GOD, but going back to the story at hand to why Randall was supposed to be my son in the first place, my original aunts was evil deities such as evil jinns, my uncles also are evil jinns; they were failed alcons because of unrighteous faith work's against destiny, but that's not doesn't matter here nor there, thy reason why Randall is supposed to be my son is that when my aunt first saw my ultrasound declaring that I was a boy, her fanistcy was that I would constamate her existence when my manhood was first created!!! Many of my aunts, great aunts and cousins had the same fanistcy to constamate their existence of being created from a man's rib to be a woman!!! That's why Randall, Shannon and Leone was supposed to be my sons!!! After Randall was begotten through a zipper through time thus my aunt begot Randall Keith Bradford through Randall kieth Bradford loins, some one that my uncle Quincy created for the corruption of my son even before he knew what thy kingdoms of GOD was!!! So it was Jr. who stole my face to steel my carnation window (Carnation Window: is thy window of opportunity to create a scout into a extension of your existence through rebirth into a person<{as in reincarnation but instead of reincarnating, you reincarnate a unit of your spirit or soul into a person weild you still alive instead of the source of the soul after life ended which is to carnate and reincarnate !!!}) to steel my would've been and still is my carnation, Saun Cox reason why uncle Saun and uncle Jr. have thy same face shape!!! At the same time uncle Quincy did the same thing with my would've been and still is my carnation Leroy Towns and at the same time he carnate himself into Big Randall!!!

Now back in ancient times before my uncle Quincy was even thought about, thy face plate image original image of Quincy's image originate from the first face of God's king 3 face(King 3: is Thy second born son or Thy crown grandson!!!) and in ancient times when Myres Lucas Sr. mirror coded his life and existence to match all Thy blacked face dieties, my uncle Quincy became Thy creation set free of Thy original Armonie L. Lucas' king 3 making his image that of God's perfect son!!! (Creation Set Free: is thy image of a creation who is created outside of being created as an carnation or reincarnation thus giving thy creation it's own existence!!!!!)(Perfect Son: is a son who's image is the mirror image of his father, likewise for perfect daughter to mother!!!) So sence Quincy's image is that of God's perfect son and I am GOD's adopted begotten so called perfect son, my Uncle and I have similar faces we can carnate into similar beings!!!

(Multiple Beings Person: is to carnate into thy same timeline of the same lifetime timeline thus creating yourselves into a controlled mob by thy original being with mind control!!!)

So Quincy tried to carnate into some of the beings I would have eventually carnated into, thus inspiring constalvercy and discord for either he or his brother steel my fate and destiny or he tries to trick GOD into thinking I'm a fallen God or my kingdom is full of fallen gods so GOD destroy me and my kingdom with my evil dieties family, but GOD gave me a choice to make either to be a evil perverse demon to get raped, robbed, beaten and inslaved in hell or to choose his ways and to come to the heavens, to exist with him and to receive All existence at my fingertips to call my own!!! What do you think I chose!!!??? I can tell you right now that it's wasn't to go to hell!!! So going back to the story at hand, thy carnations my uncle chose to take was Leroy Towns and Big Randall on the surface of the conspiracy to get my kingdom destroyed, even before it matured in the logic of faith!!!(Thy Logic of Faith: is Thy knowledge and ideology of two Faith's and four fates; Righteous Faith, wicked faith, Light Fate, White Fate, Black Fate and dark fate!!!)(Righteous Faith: is All things Holy, All things Righteous, All things Honorable, All things Justified, and All things with Thy Hope that Righteousness Prevails under the Righteous Laws of Creation for All living things to Obide by for Thy Righteous Purpose that Thy Omega-gated GOD as in Alpha and Omega Thy Creator and Destroyer as in the beginning and end of Creation through the veil of Light which is the veil of Righteousness!!!)(wicked faith: is all things that goes against GOD and Thy Will of Righteousness, it is all things viel and evil, it is all things perverse and unrestrained defielness, it is all things weak and void of strength deprived by Black Light, it is thy wages of sin called death and distruction, and it is thy veil of darkness which is the veil of wickedness!!!)( Light Fate: is Thy Divine Living Creatures Obiding under the veil of Life which is privilege of Thy veil of Righteousness which is Thy veil of Light Obiding under the Laws of Creation!!!!)( White Fate: is Ordain Holy priest weither Ordain Minister or Divine Monk in a human world, but in a world of magic, witchcraeth and sorcery, some are Light Elf's, White Wizards, White Witches, Holy Beast such as Solar and Lunar Creatures and HOLY Dragons Thy Guardians of Mythical Creatures!!!)( Black Fate: is thy Ordain counterparts who has the permission of GOD to weild the black arts; such as black magic, granted the permission comes from thy acknowledgement of thy holy scriptures that says we are princes and princessies that shares in Thy throne of Prince Jesus, to where black fate is black priest as Ordain Minister or Divine Monk that practice the black arts in a human world, but in a world of magic they are anyone who practice the black arts that serves thy lesser light; as in thy righteousness of the dark, as in black light called Yang{ Yang: is an yin and yang in it's own right; to where it's has two parts of itself, black light and darkness!!! Thy black light castes shadows in Thy dark voids of space thus creating existence and proving what exist in the dark wild darkness causes death, decay and destruction!!!} This type of Yang is a tool used by GOD to prove his words true by saying: "Thy wages of sin is death!!!" Thus those that believe in Thy Lesser Light knows that Thy Sun's black light casted off of Thy Moon on Thy World, which is Thy Lesser Light; black light being Thy veil of Righteousness in the dark wild siners are thy servents of darkness that spread wickedness into Thy World in thy dark which is thy veil of wickedness!!! Black Fate is also Thy Forces GOD use as Destroyer spirits to destroy thy forces of darkness in a apocalyptic world of eternal darkness!!!!)

(dark fate: is those who lives for the opposition of the veil of Righteousness and the veil of life through the faith of Righteousness, they are spirit and Beings of death and distruction, servents of thy darkness through wicked faith!!!) After Lil Randall was born thy time when GOD and I timed jumped to 1993 A.D. my aunty Veronica Lucas (my rib) it was around the time my family knew my destiny and my Legend of what GOD called me, and he called me one of his many faces that's Thy creation set free, and sence I was mortal to learn Thy ways of Thy Most High GOD, GOD called me Adom, and sence Adom is the first man, GOD also called me Thy Last First Man, and as Thy Last First Man it was said my Legend is GOD Blessed me with 7000 vergin ribs as wifes!!! So my family took it upon themselves to start making my ribs, sence spiritually in 1997 A.D. my mother Stephanie C. Lucas pleeded with GOD asking "Sence He's my son a gift from heaven that you gave me, Let me be Thy one to Bless him first!!! And that creation was Tatiana Anthanette White!!! She did that before we, GOD AND I timed jumped to 1993 A.D. Thy second time around in 1997 A.D. after my rebirth to reclaim my life, existence, and destiny back from my uncles and granddad after GOD and I timed jumped to 1993 and 1991 A.D. from 1996 and 1997 A.D. to stop my uncle Quincy from challenging GOD with my face and destiny Thy first few times around for 1996 and 1997 A.D.

So after the first few times in 1997 A.D. GOD Thy Most High finally let me rebirth to reclaim my life and existence and destiny!!! At one years old GOD blessed me with the blessings of appadexdral (Appadexdral is thy blessings of being able to use both hands!!!) because I was playing the drums on the pots and pans wild my grandmother was cooking for my second Christmas!!!! GOD and I had a lot to do for my first six years of life, in those years we had to recapther the blessed memories of my life and expelled thy cursed memories, even thoe GOD Thy Most High aloud me to do so, my family still chose to remember me as the cursed sinful child of which my uncle Quincy lived with my face!!! So GOD declared if my family don't cease to believe that I a blessed child is a cursed child he would distoy the lineage, later on in existence GOD Thy Most High aloud it to be my duty!!! So weild my aunties original sleeves we're plotting with my uncles creating discord between me and my future offsprings GOD THY MOST HIGH was busy creating my freewheel and disconnect from my family of Elohim's offsprings of evil jinn's, because Elohim is the name of GOD THY MOST HIGH as if GOD THY MOST HIGH were of Afro descent, to where's he is Jehovah's black face Thy God that lead Israel out Egypt in Exodus!!! ( For an nother chapter called spiritual LEGEND (Some secret things of GOD!!!) GOD created spiritual vescils to extend his existence to walk along side his' creations these spiritual vescils became carnations of his extended existence for this is why our Lord GOD has many names, and why he said let us make man in our own image later GOD created a physical vescil and called him Jesus Christ who was a carnation of GOD and a likeness of GOD as his' perfect son!!! So GOD THY MOST HIGH have so many carnations and names that their All him so that means GOD is ONE, Even Jesus Christ and his Father in Heaven!!!) So Elohim's carnations from