The next day, Avia woke up early, she wore casual clothes and resume to the study, the work load was much and she needs to finish it in a week so she can focus on the secret she's digging up. When it was time for breakfast, Mary called for her and they went for breakfast. After breakfast, Rhea walks up to Avia

"Avia, I'm sorry about yesterday, was cheated on by the man I gave my entire life so I was angry yesterday"Rhea said faking sadness. Avia look at her and leave without saying a word.


"You must marry him"Mr Cruz shouted angrily

"Sir, this is modern era, you can't choose my husband"Mimi replied calmly

"Mrs Cruz"He called and Mimi's mother rushed down to where he is.

"Talk some sense into this girl skull"Mr Cruz said angrily

"Her husband's family is coming tomorrow, she should act well and be ready"Mr Cruz said and leave angrily

"What is wrong with you Mimi?"Mrs Cruz asked

"I thought you gave birth to me, how can you watch your daughter been married off"Mimi said with tears

"I was married off too, look at me I have a happy married life"Mrs Cruz replied

"You call this happy married life?"Mimi asked rudely

"Watch the way you talk Mimi, respect me I'm your mother"Mrs Cruz said angrily

"Mother? No, you are a boss, I call you Madam not Mother"Mimi replied rudely

"Don't talk to me like that"Mrs Cruz slap her

"Go on and slap me again Mrs Cruz"Mimi shouted angrily

"You ingrate, I did everything for you"Mrs Cruz replied angrily

"What did you do? You were never a mother to me. If people are saying I did something for my daughter, you have no right to say a word Mrs Cruz"Mimi said rudely

"You want us to do it the hard way?"Mrs Cruz asked angrily

"Which other hard way? Lmao Mrs Cruz, you want to lock me up, beat me, punish me, seize my phone which you already did, force me to do things I don't want to do. What else Mrs Cruz?"Mimi replied with anger

"The place you traveled to has gotten into your head and you've become rude"Mrs Cruz said and leave the room angrily locking the door behind her.

"Fuck you all"Mimi swear and fall on the bed with tears.


"Your daughter has become rude"Mr Cruz said angrily immediately his wife enter the room

"I'm pissed too"Mrs Cruz said sitting on the bed angrily

"Do something about that girl or she's going to regret her actions"Mr Cruz said and stand up angrily

"I will. Have you call Dr. Darwin?"Mrs Cruz asked

"About to"Mr Cruz said and bring out his phone to call someone

"My friend"He greeted immediately the person pick up

"Was about to call you"Dr. Darwin said

"Oh! The Lord sees the mind"Mr Cruz laugh

"We can't make it tomorrow"Dr. Darwin said

"Oh why?"Mr Cruz asked looking at his wife

"Have a business meeting tomorrow"Dr. Darwin replied

"We fix another date?"Mr Cruz asked feeling sad and angry

"No. We will be coming for dinner so we can fix the date for the engagement party and wedding"Dr. Darwin said

"That's nice. We will prepare for your arrival"Mr Cruz said happily and end the call.

"What did he say?"Mrs Cruz asked looking at her husband happy expression

"They are coming tonight to discuss every necessary thing. Finally, our business will be saved"Mr Cruz replied happily

"Tell Professor and Mrs Cruz about it, I will prepare the foods before preparing Mimi for the big dinner"Mrs Cruz said and leave happily.


Avia is in the study working on every documents on her table when she received a call.


"Hello ma'am, the Perez group's secretary on the phone, we received the mail from your company to change the location of the meeting back to the States"The secretary said

"Am I the right person to tell this information?"Avia asked coldly and the secretary end the call at the other end.

Avia call Mary after the call was ended

"Hello, why are the Perez group calling me instead of the Chief secretary?"Avia asked confusely

"She's on leave"Mary replied

"I want her back tomorrow, we have tons of meetings to attend tomorrow"


"Call the Perez group to know what they want, they are disturbing my peace with their silly contract"


Avia hang up the call and continue working.


It is dinner time, the Cruz family designed their house beautifully and their dinning table has different dishes on it and was well set. The family is by the door with Mimi who was forced to be there. She was putting on a long free gown that covers entirely all her body, she chose this dress to avoid the guy she was been forced to marry glares and stares. Her face was sad and shows that she has been crying all day. The Family she was been forced into got down from their vehicle and the family walks up to them and welcome them to the house. They enter the house and went to the dining room to start their big dinner.

"You are so pretty Mimi"Dr. Darwin complimented and Mimi ignored him.

"Thank you Dr. Darwin"Mrs Cruz replied with a smile and look at Mimi angrily making sure no one noticed

"When should her engagement be? My son here can't wait to have her in his arms"Dr. Darwin said and everyone in the room except Mimi laughed

"Chris should be patient, Mimi belongs to him"Mr. Cruz said

"She's tempting to have at a go"Chris said licking his lips with his tongue

"Disgusting"Mimi said loudly

"What about next tomorrow?"Mrs Cruz asked trying to cover up what Mimi said

"The engagement party right?"Venessa, Dr. Darwin's wife asked

"Yes, they should do an official engagement party. We can announce the family's alliance that day"Mr Cruz replied

"That's nice but isn't it too early?"Dr. Darwin asked looking at his wife who agreed with him

"Not too early Dad"Chris said and wink at Mimi

"Stop being a fucker"Mimi said angrily

"Mimi seems not to be happy about the marriage"said Venessa who noticed her behavior ever since they got there

"Who? She's very happy"Mrs Cruz replied looking at Mimi

"Let me talk to her in private please"Venessa said, she and Mimi excuse themselves


"You don't look happy, are you being forced?"Venessa asked

"Forced? No"Mimi replied faking a smile

"I thought you were being forced, I would have cancel every alliance and marriage right now"Venessa said after heaving a sigh of relief

"Can't wait for you to join our family, we are nice and lovely"Venessa said and hug Mimi


Don't blame me for not talking, I can't say a word, I'm not afraid of being punished, I'm scared of being their downfall, you heard Venessa, she will break off every alliance which will cost the company too. And come to think of it, Venessa is a really nice person, getting married to her family is like a bonus to leave this sick family of mine. The only problem here is that perverted son of hers, Chris is the most crazy guy I've ever met. He's not interested in this marriage, he just want to get me laid and move to the next.


The others at the dinner were tensed especially the Cruz family and surprisingly Chris was tensed too. Venessa and Mimi walk back to the dining, continue their meal and discussion with the family.

"If the engagement is next tomorrow then the wedding should be when?"Venessa asked and everyone calm their tensed nerves

"You are to choose the date since the engagement date came from us"Mrs Cruz replied happily

"Next week isn't bad, I can't wait to have Mimi as my daughter in-law"Venessa said and others laughed except Mimi of course

"Next week Wednesday for the church wedding, Friday night for bridals night and grooms night then Saturday for reception"Venessa explained

"I will pass the bridals night, I have no friends to invite"Mimi said eating her meal

"As you wish"Mrs Cruz replied not minding whatever she wants

"Then I guess we are set"Venessa said the elders agree.

The dinner went on for a while before Dr. Darwin and his family leave the house.


The next day, Avia dress in her office wear to attend the meeting she has at the office. She left the house early with Mary, she went to the conference room waiting for the Perez group. After an hour, the president, vice president and secretary of the Perez group enter the conference room.

"One hour late"Avia said as they walk in

"We are sorry Miss Simpson"They chorused

"Let's begin"Avia said and they all sit down. The Simpson secretary shares a document to everyone present and the Perez secretary did same. Avia check the Perez document and she laughed all of a sudden, everyone look at her.

"You are bitting more than you can chew Darwin Perez"Avia said and drop the document angrily

"There's chance for correction Miss Simpson"Dr. Darwin replied hiding his fear

"Chance for correction you say?You could have corrected this yourself with your board members of course"Avia said angrily

"Miss Simpson, the corrections can still be made"Dr. Darwin said trying to be calm

"What correction do you want to do to this?"Avia asked looking straight into his eyes

"Miss Simpson"The Perez secretary called, Avia looked at her and it was easy to read that she isn't just a secretary

"Yes Mrs Perez"Avia answered and everyone including the secretary was shocked

"Say whatever you want to say to defend your husband Mrs Perez Venessa"Avia said looking at the secretary in the eyes

"Fine, now you know who I am. What deal do you want exactly?"Venessa asked

"I can see you are smart, read the document with you"Avia replied and the Perez read the document given to them by the Simpson secretary.

"No way I'm giving you this percentage"Dr. Darwin shouted angrily

"The door is open to leave. Ms Hart, call the next company for a meeting"Avia said looking at Mary

"Not up to that Miss Simpson"Venessa replied calmly

"As you are a busy woman, I'm a busy girl"Avia said putting emphasis on girl

"I understand Miss Simpson, can we make a proposal?"Venessa asked and Avia nodded

"Can we give you 40% shares instead of the 51% you asked for?"Venessa asked hoping she will say yes

"On what contract?"Avia asked looking at the smart Venessa

"On a signed contract of after seeing the desired changes in the company, we will give you the 11%"Venessa replied

"What changes?"Avia asked

"We want our company to be among the country's top 5"Venessa replied

"I don't want to laugh because I can't laugh. Mrs Perez Venessa, I know you are a very smart woman and that's why I chose to listen to you but this is absurd, your company is not among the country's top 50, sitting here and having a meeting with you is disrespect to my name and company"Avia said coldly

"When you have a better deal and contract then you can come for the meeting again"Avia added and look at Mary to get the next company.

"Okay Miss Simpson. Tomorrow is my son's engagement and I brought a VIP invitation for you"Venessa said giving the invitation card to the secretary.

"I will be expecting you"Venessa added and they leave the conference room.

Avia watch as they leave and collect the invitation card from the secretary, she look at it and recognize the name on it immediately.

"Mimi Cruz? Mimi is getting engaged?"Avia asked herself.

"Mimi is not the only Mimi in this world, this is definitely someone else."Avia concluded.

She had two more meetings and they all had shady deals for her, she told them what she told Venessa.


Finally the engagement day, the preparation was on, Mrs Cruz was in Mimi's room getting her ready for the day and two security guards were on standby incase she plans to run away. Since she didn't tell Venessa about her being forced to marry Chris for the family's company, they suspect she has a plan, they don't want to take a chance. Mimi was quiet through out her getting ready, the make-up artist sent by Venessa, the hairstylist brought home by her family they were all praising her beauty and she was looking at them through the mirror with sad face. Her mother didn't care if she was smiling or not, all she cared about was the engagement party, wedding and their company of course.

It was finally time for the engagement, the soon to be bride Mimi Cruz walks out in her sweetheart chiffon gown, silver suede heels, red croc lacquered bag, silver thread mesh gloves, cute silver dangle earring, cornrow high bun styled with silver Laurel wreath and her mint chocolate makeover, she's the most beautiful in the hall, obviously it is her engagement. As she walk down to the hall, she could hear people praising her, she is not happy about the engagement but their praises made her smile.

"Venessa's fashion choice is top-notch"She said to herself. She finally got to where her family and the Perez family were standing, she greeted the Perez family ignoring her family and Chris of course.

"The Perez daughter in-law is so beautiful"Venessa said looking at the beautifully girl.

"I'm stunned"Chris teased

"Thank you Aunt Venessa"Mimi replied with a genuine smile

"Call me Mother from now on"Venessa said happily.

Everyone were chatting, eating, drinking and dancing to the slow music.

Avia alighted from her Benz and walk majestically into the hall in her off-white summer wrap dress, diamond studded heel, white pearl sphere clutch, pastel diamond gloves, simple diamond studs, precious diamond necklace, Jennifer big waves and villanelle makeover, she looked magnificent. Everyone that she passes by looks at her and compliment her beauty, some insulted her for wanting to outshine the soon to be bride, as the boss lady that she is, she didn't stop walking majestically towards the Perez family that now noticed her arrival.

"Hello Mrs Perez"She greeted with a smile

"Thank you for honoring our invitation"Venessa said with a smile

"Chris, meet Miss Simpson the owner of every Simpson company"Venessa introduced

"Thank you for coming Miss Simpson"Chris said with a smile

"Congratulations on your engagement"Avia replied and she was shown were to sit.

"My daughter in-law will be here soon, she followed my husband to greet some of the guests"Venessa said trying to be friendly with Avia

"I will love to meet her"Avia replied

Few minutes later, Mimi and Darwin walk up to them, Darwin was the first one to notice Avia, by the time Mimi recognized her, Avia already saw her.

"Oh here they are"Venessa announced

"Hi Miss Simpson"Dr. Darwin greeted

"Hi Dr. Perez"Avia greeted acting like she hasn't seen Mimi

"Thank you for coming"Dr. Darwin said

"Mimi meet Miss Simpson"Venessa said pointing to Avia

"Hi Mimi, congratulations on your engagement"Avia stand up and hug her

"Thank you"Mimi said with low cracked voice

"You are so beautiful"Avia complimented genuinely looking at her dress

"You are more beautiful"Mimi complimented avoiding Avia's eyes

"Enough of the flattering, let's start eating. Where are your parents Mimi?"Venessa said

"Oh there they are"Venessa replied herself before Mimi could talk. She called out to the Cruz and they walk up to them, exchange pleasantries with Avia. They ate and talked while eating which pissed Avia off a bit, Mimi know she hate what they are doing so she decided to help Avia.

"Mother, Mrs Cruz, don't you think Miss Simpson is uncomfortable with the way we are talking during our meal?"Mimi said looking at Avia who sighed heavily

"Apologies"They chorused

"Mrs Cruz? Is that her step mother? No they introduced her as the mother not a step mom, is Mimi in some kind of trouble? Let me observe she and this her groom"Avia thought

The real engagement was about to start, Mimi and Chris walk to the front of the hall so everyone can see them and witness the supposed love.

"Thank you all for honoring our invitation, it was a short notice, we picked the engagement date the day before yesterday because Chris can't wait to make Mimi his wife. We are really grateful"Venessa said and the guest clapped

"We are happy our relationship with the Cruz family didn't end in friendship, it extended to them giving us their beautiful daughter to become our daughter in-law and not only that we are happy and proud to announce to be one of the highest shareholders in the Cruz company"Venessa added and everyone clap again

"Cheers to togetherness"Venessa raise her glass of wine

"Cheers"Everyone chorused and raise their glass of wine

"Now let's get them engaged"Venessa said and everyone laugh

"Before then, there's a special guest of honor here, let's all clap for Miss Simpson Avia pka the great Avia"Venessa said and Avia stands up, walk majestically towards her and everyone claps

"Thank you for this Mrs Perez. May the Lord bless their union"Avia said and cheers to Venessa, she was about to drink the whiskey when Mimi stopped her

"You know this is bad for your health"Mimi said as low as possible

"Why do you care?"Avia asked angrily

"Let's talk outside"Mimi said dragging Avia out. Everyone was stunned, they don't know what is happening.

"Do they know each other before?"Venessa asked the Cruz family

"I don't think so"Mr Cruz replied

"So what was that? It had better be nothing because Miss Simpson is our last hope for our company and yours too"Venessa said angrily and her husband try to calm her down

"I knew something was wrong since the dinner but Mimi is not saying anything, probably Miss Simpson figured out"Venessa said angrily

"Let's continue partying till the bride is back" Chris said distracting everyone's attention from the family's fight.


"Stop it Mimi"Avia said angrily

"Avia please I'm begging you not to ruin this party, it is important for my family, this is their last hope. You know I can't see you drinking whiskey and that's why you chose it, there are other things to drink please Avia."Mimi pleaded with tears

"This is the arranged marriage you are talking about right?"Avia asked waiting for Mimi's answer

"Yes Avia, I really don't want to get married to Chris but after I and Venessa's discussion during the dinner, I feel like it is better to get married to their family than stay in this family that doesn't care about me or my feelings, all they care about is respect, reputation and company, very selfish family. So I'm not seeing this marriage as arranged and forced anymore, I'm seeing it as a way to escape this selfish family"Mimi replied with tears

"You are not getting married to the Perez family and you are leaving this house, I can't let you get married if you don't love the man you are getting married to"Avia said and take Mimi back inside the hall.

As they enter, Venessa run to them and slap Mimi hard, Mimi look at Avia and Avia nodded her head, they heard everything they discussed inside.

"What's the slap for?"Avia asked looking at the hurt Venessa

"For lying to me to save her family's ass"Venessa said angrily and was about to slap her again when Avia held her hand

"That's enough, you can slap my best friend once but not twice"Avia said and take Mimi with her

"You ingrate!"Mr Cruz shouted and walk towards Mimi and Avia

"Who do you think you are to meddle in my family's business?"Mrs Cruz asked angrily

"Don't say a word if you don't want to rot in prison"Avia said and take Mimi out of the hall.

The Perez family leave angrily too then the guest leave one by one gossiping about how selfish they are.