Mimi could not sleep throughout the night, her identity and the lies she lived in for years were taunting her.


They know they are not my parents and everything that belongs to me is what they own and sustain on, the least they could have done was to treat me right. Even if they don't want me to have the parental care because they are not my parents, they could have at least treated me well because they are living on my parents wealth. What could have happened to my parents? Who was after our lives? Who killed them? Or are they involved? They can't be that heartless? What am I saying...they were ready to marry me off, so they can do worst. Even Grandpa and Grandma pretended with them, shameless people. First I need to get my parents wealth and company from them, I am ready to work hand in hand with Avia to get everything I deserve.


The next morning, Avia woke up very early to work, she walked around the house checking how massive the house is.

"For one reason I miss you Granny"She said as tears drop from her eyes. She walked past Madeline's room, she stopped and stare at the door for awhile before walking away. After few minutes of surveying the house, she went to the study to start her work for the day.

Mary woke up few minutes later, she saw that the study light was on so she went inside the study.

"Good morning Avia"Mary greeted

"Good morning Nanny"She greeted back stopping what she was doing

"Why are you up so early? It's past three in the midnight"Mary said looking at the wall clock in the study

"It will be morning soon, I have lots of things to do"Avia replied as she continue working on her laptop

"Thought you finished it yesterday, you should have ask me to do it"Mary said

"I could not finish it, Mimi needed her best friend"Avia replied

"You left work for Mimi? This is unlike you Avia"Mary said with annoyance

"What am I like Nanny? The girl that only cares about her business and no one else?"Avia asked suppressing her anger

"Not like that Avia. I know you don't joke with your work and will never leave work to attend to anyone, you always do it after work"Mary replied

"Nanny, I don't want to say you've start to annoy me, you question me a lot recently"Avia said looking into her eyes

"You are saying this to me because of someone you met few days ago?"Mary asked with pain in her voice

"Nanny, you are overthinking and I don't like the fact that you show it to Mimi you don't like her. If it was Rita I left work for, you definitely won't have a problem with it"Avia replied calmly

"Rita is your best friend Avia"Mary shouted angrily

"Rita is not my best friend! Mimi is my best friend! Accept it I and Rita have fallen out"Avia shouted back angrily

"You stopped being friends with Rita because of that thing and here you are insulting me "Mary said angrily

"What's your obsession with Rita? If you like her so much, go and become her Nanny, let me have peace of mind."Avia replied angrily

"Now I'm not letting you have peace of mind? No problem, I guess my service is over in your house and in your company. It's your life, live it the way you want"Mary said and walk out of the study angrily

"Gosh, I hate all this! Why is she making everything an issue? Mimi did nothing wrong to her, if she loves Rita that much then she should go and stay with her"Avia said to herself


Mary walk angrily inside her room, close the door with a bang, she carries out a blue suitcase from the top of her wardrobe and start packing her clothes inside the suitcase angrily. By the time she was done packing her stuffs, everyone in the house was awake including Mimi. She walked out of her room to the big living room with two suitcase, Madeline was in the living room drinking coffee.

"Are you off for a business trip or you were sent out of the mansion?"Madeline asked teasingly

"Did cat cut your tongue Ms Hart?"Madeline added when Mary ignored her

"Mind your business"Mary finally said

The servants that saw Mary leaving try to talk to her but she ignored them.

"Farewell Ms Hart"Avia said from behind and left for the study angrily. Mary saw her leaving and tears drop from her eyes

"Oh! Rhea seems someone was sent packing after being a nanny for years and interim CEO without shares in the company"Madeline said mockingly

"That's bad Sis, Avia can be so ungrateful but what can I say Mary is not even her family"Rhea replied with a mocking smile

"What if she was sent packing because of Mimi?"Madeline said immediately she noticed Mimi's presence

"You know Mary can be so hating, she didn't show me love even if I'm more of a family than her"Rhea replied knowing Mimi was eavesdropping

"The worst is Mary thinks she can control Avia's decision, you know I heard her telling Avia to send Mimi packing or she will leave"Madeline said using her side eye to see if Mimi was paying attention

"Oh really! Thank goodness Avia doesn't listen to her, you might be out of the house by now"Rhea replied and Mimi leave angrily. The two sisters smile mischievously at each other after Mimi left. Their intention was to annoy Mary but Mimi was seen eavesdropping on their conversation so they added her to the game. Mary look back at them and she realized Mimi heard everything they said.

"I have a lot to say to you two but I will rather not waste my time talking to people that won't understand"Mary said and leave the mansion without looking back

"One man down Sissy, Dad needs to hear this"Rhea said happily and they leave for their room.


Mimi walks into the study calmly, all her anger subdued when she saw Avia working angrily on the computer.

"Why did she leave?"Mimi asked sitting on the couch opposite Avia

"She will love to work somewhere else"Avia replied still working

"You didn't stop her? I thought she was your Nanny since childhood and interim CEO for your company"

"Yes she is all that but if she wants to see the outside world except the walls and world of Simpson then who am I to be selfish?"

"I heard she left because I stay here"

"Anyone who is not comfortable with my guest can leave my house"

"Avia you know them before me so you shouldn't talk like that"

"More reason they should accept my guest"Avia looked up at Mimi

"When are we going to the office? I want to follow you"

"My meeting is by noon, you can dress up now and have breakfast"

"Won't you come for breakfast?"

"I will after I'm done with this"

"Alright"Mimi said and leave the study


Rhea and Madeline are the next to leave the house, a mistake from them will cost their accommodation. I know the saying goes 'Keep your friends close and keep your enemy closer' I don't want to keep them close to me, I want them faraway from me and everything that concerns me. Keeping them around me will make them cautious of their movement and plans but when they are far they will slump and fall in my trap.


Mary booked an hotel close to the office, she called someone after settling down in the room. Few minutes later, someone rang the room's bell, she opened it and Rita walked in.

"Hi Aunt Mary"Rita hugged her

"How are you Rita?"Mary asked

"I'm good Aunt and you?"

"I'm not fine Rita"

"Not fine? What's wrong Aunt?"Rita asked checking her body

"Let's seat down first"Mary said and take Rita to seat on the couch with her

"Rita"Mary called sadly

"Yes Aunt"Rita replied with fear

"I'm done for! Avia sent me out of the house and company"Mary said with tears

"Why? What happened? Did you two have a fight?Avia can't do that!"Rita asked with confusion

"I did nothing wrong, I only advised her on her relationship with Mimi Cruz"Mary replied wiping her tears

"Mimi? Does she stay with you now?"Rita asked

"Yes, Avia brought her home few days ago and today she sent me packing because of her"

"I'm so sorry about that Aunt Mary, how do you want to live now?"Rita asked with worry

"Thank goodness for savings and the little fame I got when I was the company's interim CEO."Mary replied sadly

"So what do you want me to help you with? New apartment?"

"No Rita, I want you to go back to Avia's life"Mary said holding Rita's hand in hers

"No Aunt Mary, I can't do that"Rita replied removing her hand

"Why Rita? Is Avia not your best friend anymore? Why did you fall out?"Mary asked with tears

"Aunt, I told you the last time that she doesn't want to see me or talk to me, I promised to stay away from her"Rita replied with tears

"You can still try your best, I'm not there with her and I'm worried about her"

"Why are you asking her not to be friends with Mimi? She's seems like a good person, she cares about Avia alot and I'm sure she will be a better friend than I am"

"My heart keeps telling me she's there to harm Avia"

"Keep calm Aunt, Mimi seems like a good person and if Avia likes her to be her best friend so be it. You know being with Avia all this years, you should know her by now. I'm pretty sure she has been expecting you to accept Mimi is her friend now and not me. Pushing it too much can ruin what you've shared for years"

"Are you saying I should accept Mimi as her new friend?"

"Yes Aunt. You don't have to force yourself to like her if you don't, you also don't have to pretend to like her but be cool with her"

"How can I be cool with someone who wants to harm Avia?"

"It is all just in your mind Aunt and if that's the case then don't you think you need to be beside Avia instead of making her angry to the point of chasing you out of her life"

"You have a point but I can't stand seeing Avia leave work to attend to that girl when her usual character is to finish work before attending to us who have been in her lives for so long"

"I'm glad Avia is doing that. Mimi needs her more than Avia does right now"

"Why is that?"

"Seems you didn't read the news few days ago, Mimi parents tried to force her to marry someone she doesn't love for business purpose"

"Really? No wonder Avia is giving them the contract"

"That's so nice of her"Rita's phone rings, she knows who is calling before looking at it

"Excuse me Aunt"Rita walks away from Mary to pick her call

"How may I help you?"

"Rita, please let's talk"Carl said from the other end

"We have nothing to talk about"

"I only gave you space to think and not for you to move away from me"Carl said authoritatively

"Who are you to decide what I do with my time?"

"I am your boyfriend Rita"

"Ex-boyfriend who dated me for selfish reason"

"I'm sorry, let's talk for a while"Carl said calming his nerves after realizing he's wrong

"I am currently busy, we should see in a week"

"One more request please let's see tomorrow if you can't make it today"

"I clearly said I was busy"Rita shouted angrily forgetting Mary was with her

"Are you fine?"Mary asked after hearing her shout. Rita looks back and nod while smiling

"Fine, where do you want us to meet?"

"I will send the details to you and is it today?"

"Yes today"Rita replied and end the call before Carl could reply. She touched her temple angrily, calm herself before walking back to Mary who seems to be worried about her.

"I'm fine Aunt, just some pest bothering me"Rita said smiling

"Okay, I think you should go now, I will think of how to go back to Avia"Mary said noticing the anger on Rita's face

"Maybe you should go to the office today"Rita advised, Mary nod and she saw Rita off to the door.


Avia and Mimi alighted from the car that took them to the office, they walk inside the office majestically in their office wear, every staff that met them on the way to the private elevator greeted them with respect. Soon the elevator stop at Avia's office, Mimi looks around and realized she didn't notice the office was a whole floor and no other office except the interim CEO office which is Mary's office, the conference room and the secretary's cubicle, they all occupy almost half of the floor while the remaining one quarter and half is Avia's office. The secretary voice greeting them brings her back to their midst, she smile at the secretary who just bow and swiped Avia's office door with a gold card, that's when it occurred to her that the last time she barged into Avia's office she didn't use a card or press a code to open the door. She followed Avia and the secretary in still in her thoughts.

"Mimi"Avia called bringing Mimi back to their midst

"Huh?"That was all Mimi could say

"Will you like to have anything ma'am?"The secretary asked a question she seemed to have asked earlier

"Water is fine"Mimi replied feeling embarrassed and the secretary entered another door which doesn't look like a door but a wall

"The meeting was delayed to an hour later, are you sure water is the only thing you want?"Avia said looking at the list Mimi

"An hour? When did the delay happen?"Mimi asked not pleased

"Few seconds ago and if only you were listening"Avia replied making Mimi embarrassed

"Sorry, the last time I was here I did not get a chance to look around or notice things"Mimi said still feeling embarrassed

"You want a tour while we are waiting for the conference room to be prepared?"Avia asked

"Not at all, the last time I came here, I did not use a card so I'm surprised how I could enter"Mimi finally voiced out

"I saw you coming and the door also works with a remote so I opened it, it takes ten seconds to close when no one enters"Avia explained

"Ohhh!"Mimi said

"The meeting was delayed because Ms Hart did not tell them to prepare the conference room and it takes few minutes to get everything ready"Avia explained knowing she needs an explanation

"It's fine, I will surf the internet while waiting"Mimi said

"The Cruz I mean Mr Manuel and his secretary are here"Avia said seeing the anger in Mimi's eyes after she called them the Cruz

"Can I have a word with him?"Mimi asked trying not to break down

"You can't, they should not have the idea that you know about their secret, I can't let them clear traces of them involved in the crime"Avia said coldly sending shivers down to Mimi's vein

"I understand"Mimi replied not looking at Avia anymore

Avia was working on the computer on her desk while Mimi was surfing the internet subconsciously, the secretary brought snacks , juice and water out from the door she entered earlier.

"Enjoy ma'am"She said dropping it on the centre table in front of Mimi and left the office.


Rita walks into the restaurant Carl had sent the address to her earlier, she walks up to him. He stands up to greet her and she rejected.

"Let's get done with this as fast as possible"Rita said sitting

"Can you calm your nerves and let's talk like adults?"Carl asked sitting opposite her

"What should I serve you ma'am?"The waiter asked since Carl ordered earlier

"Water to quench my thirst"Rita said looking at Carl angrily and the waiter left

"What do you want to talk about?"Rita asked noticing the sudden change in Carl. This is their favorite restaurant when they were dating, she always ordered whatever Carl ordered and that's why he placed order before she arrived.

"Katy's child is mine"Carl said after the waiter left. Rita's throat became dry, she pick up the water the waiter just brought and drank it all.

"How is that my business?"She tried to hide her anger, disappointment and sadness

"I won't marry her but I can't deny the child its right of having a father"Carl said trying to read Rita's emotions

"I still don't understand how this concerns me"Rita said angrily

"You are going to be my future wife so it concerns you"Carl said making Rita choke and laugh at the same time

"If only you know how you sound right now. You sound like a clown! What the hell Carl? You want me to come back to someone who doesn't trust me, someone who played with my best friend's feeling, someone who dated my friend, someone who shared intimate moments with my best friend, someone who impregnated my friend, the person that made me lose my are definitely joking you bastard"Rita said as low as possible. Carl looked around and realized her voice was loud, he immediately regretted inviting her to the restaurant to discuss, he thought they could talk like adults without yelling at each other but he has forgotten he's the adult here and she's not nineteen yet.

"I know you are trying to talk as low as possible but you are loud. I'm not expecting you not to get angry but let's talk like adults"Carl said as calm as he could

"I'm no freaking adult Carl, we can't talk like adults, I am a teenager"Rita said angrily not minding if her voice will call attention which it did, she look around her then take a deep breath.

"What do you want?"She asked calmly

"I want us to come back together, I love you so much, I can't do without you"

"You did without me for more than a month"Rita said more to herself than Carl

"I was not myself, I was hypnotized and I still can't tell how that happened or how it is possible, the only thing I remembered was breaking up with you after Katy told me numerous lies, they were all connecting to the current situation at hand. My father was not giving you rest of mind and I've seen you end calls when you notice my presence, Katy also said you've not been coming to her place, what was I suppose to do?"Carl explained

"Benefit of doubt Carl, you let those events get into your head and believed Katy instead of the lady you claim to love"Rita said angrily

"I know I'm wrong, all I want now is your forgiveness, I want us to leave the past behind us and continue from where we stopped. I really love you and can't do without you"

"Only on one condition"Rita said trying to hide her desire for him

"Anything sugar"

"Avia will have to bless our relationship or we can't be together"Rita said noticing the change in Carl's emotion

"Is that going to be hard to do?"Rita asked reading his reactions

"I haven't face Avia since the proposal day I tried to talk to her"Carl replied

"That is it! Face your problems and stop running away from it, if only you faced and talked to me about Katy's lies probably we won't be here trying to solve things"Rita said as calm as she could before she yells angrily at him

"Fine, let's schedule a time with Avia"

"Figure it out yourself and when you are ready, chat me up"Rita said and leave the restaurant without waiting for a reply. Carl watch her leave and he picks up his phone.


Avia and Mimi walks towards the conference room when Mary showed up at the office.

"Good afternoon Ma'am"She greeted Avia professionally

"Good afternoon Ms Hart, you are late"Avia replied coldly

"Apologies ma'am, had something important to do"Mary replied smiling

"You did not prepare the conference room I asked for Ms Hart"Avia said walking inside the conference room

"Apologies ma'am, forgot the meeting was still on"Mary replied walking behind Avia

"You are suspended Ms Hart till further notice"Avia said coldly leaving Mimi, the secretary and Mary surprised

"I can't question your decision ma'am but may I know why you suspended me"Mary replied hiding her sadness

"Firstly, you delayed a meeting that was meant to take place an hour ago because of your negligence. Secondly, you are at the office late acting like nothing happened"Avia stated,Mary was about to say something when Mr Cruz and his secretary entered the conference room.

"You are free to leave now, my meeting is about to start"Avia said to Mary and she left angrily more of sadly

The meeting started, the Cruz's secretary gave Avia a contract for their agreement making Avia laugh.

"Mr Cruz, you don't call the shots here, I am helping your company not otherwise"Avia said coldly

"Any money the company earns goes to the company's account, all of it. If you want to earn money then work for the company anything otherwise please leave"Avia added pointing to the conference room door

"You can't do this Miss Simpson"Mr Cruz said more to himself than Avia or anyone in the room

"Let's look at it professionally, someone wants to take over a company you couldn't restore its old glory or a company that ruined under your reign and you want 70% of the profit to come to your personal account, is this how you run the company? No wonder it is not flourishing."Avia said professionally then she noticed Mimi's uneasiness

"Let's have thirty minutes break, brainstorm on whatever you want to do because I'm sure the board won't be happy hearing 70% of the company's profit has been going to your personal account instead of the company's account"Avia said more like a threat than advise making Mr Cruz break a sweat. Avia, Mimi and the secretary leave the conference room.

"Check on Ms Hart if she's still here or she left"Avia said leaving for her office and Mimi follows.

"Avia why did you suspend your Nanny?"Mimi asked immediately they settled down in the office

"She's being careless, she really needs to see the outside world"Avia replied with a smile

"Is there more to this that I don't know?"Mimi asked suspiciously

"No, I need her to breathe fresh air, the walls and world of the Simpson is suffocating trust me"Avia replied smiling. She noticed an envelope on her table, she wonders when she received a letter and didn't read it. She opens the envelope to read its contents.

I will be back soon princess,

It's for better, for worse.

Enjoy your time breathing a air without

your sweet nanny.

Avia breathe heavily after reading the last sentence, it has a lot of meaning, it could be sweet or bitter. Mimi noticed her change of emotions.

"What's the content of the envelope?"She asked

"Just sweet nothings from my nanny"Avia replied trying to convince herself that the second sentence has the sweet meaning and not her interpretation

"That's cute, may I have a look?"Mimi asked stretching her hand out to collect the sweet nothing. She read it and smile

"Your nanny is so cute, just forgive her already"Mimi said looking at the letter again

"She did not offend me as I have said a fresh air away from the walls and world of the Simpson is what she needs right now"Avia replied

"Let's talk about Mr Cruz offer"Avia said diverting the topic

"I never knew this is how they run the company, that large percentage in their personal account and just 30% to the company's account, that's greed and nothing else"Mimi replied angrily

"I as the CEO of a well flourishing company, I collect salary and some employee benefits"Avia said more to herself than Mimi

"That's how a company can flourish and not what they are doing"Mimi replied

"I'm not accepting their request and no percent will go to their personal account, he should work if he wants some money"Avia said coldly

"What about five percent?"Mimi asked feeling sorry that they will lose their source of income

"0.0001% no negotiation"Avia said coldly

"Avia..."Mimi called but stopped talking after noticing Avia's anger

"I'm only giving them that percentage because you feel sorry for them. If it is left to me they will starve"Avia said coldly and Mimi did not bother negotiating. The telephone rings and Avia picks it up

"There's a call for you ma'am from a certain Mr Gordon"The secretary said

"Mr Gordon? Put him through"Avia replied wondering which of the Gordon's it is.

"Hello"She heard the voice she never knew she was craving to hear

"How may I help you?"Avia asked not losing her guard

"I will like to schedule a meeting with you Avia"Carl said from the other end nervously

"Miss Simpson please"Avia replied not wanting to hear him call her name

"Apologies! I will like to talk to you about somethings not related to work but us"Carl said still feeling nervous

"Us? Was there ever a us?"Avia asked trying to control her emotions

"Just the past Avia...I mean Miss Simpson"Carl said trying not to sound scared of being rejected

"Schedule a meeting with my secretary and it has to be in my office"Avia said finally caving in, she end the call at her end before he replies. Mimi who was listening to her side of the call looks at her curiously.

"Just some pest"Avia replied knowing she demanded answer, all Mimi did was nod, she didn't want to pressurize her.