Soon as we got off the plane, I got jet lag. Hey are you alright, Ryoko? Bryan asked. I am fine, dad. I replied. A young man appeared. Mr. Bryant, I am glad you came back safely. Gray replied. I had such an aggy feeling soon as I saw that guy. Could you stop kissing my dad's ass and help us bring our luggage to the car? I asked. Ryoko, could you not? Bryan replied. Not my problem that he is trying to gain brownie points with you. I replied. I am not trying to; I am just doing a kind of deed. Gray replied. I am not stupid. I replied. As he helped bring our luggage, I watched him from the way he walked to his body language.
Soon as we reached the house, I felt like one of those foster kids that go to a new home. Feeling anxious. My dad went to the door and unlocked it. Come inside. Bryan replied. Are you home, Henry? Layla asked. Yeah, I am back with Ryoko. Henry replied. Really, I want to meet Ryoko. Charles replied. As soon as I walked into the living room, a girl with long Aubrey brown hair. She ran over to me and shook my hand. Hi my name is Amber-Rose Bryant. Some people call me Charles. Charles replied. Why are you called Charles? I asked. I really have no clue where the nickname comes from, to be honest. Charles replied. You and your brother Aiden have your late Uncle Charles eye color. Henry replied. You look more like him, too. Layla replied. Now that I pay attention, your eyes are a mixture of Russian Violet and silver. I replied. My eyes are just the color of *Kobicha. I get my eye color from my mom, not him. I replied. Dad just has a regular eye color of gray. Jonathan replied. My name is Jonathan, by the way. Nice to meet you Jonathan. I replied. Jonathan walks out of the room. Hey out of curiosity, is that Gray kid try to earn brownie point with dad? I asked. Yes, and no. See, he has feelings for our older sister, Amaryllis. This school year she is a senior. He doesn't want to mess up. Charles replied. I knew I was right. I replied. Let us wish him the best. Charles replied. He is going to ruin his chances. I replied. Think positively about Ryoko. Charles replied. Should we truly? I asked. You should have more faith, Ryoko. Charles replied. I see you two have become close friends. Henry replied. How about we call each other by our nicknames? My name is Ryoko Hirano. Everyone calls me Ryo because of my nature. What does Ryoko mean in English? Charles asked. Ryoko means excellent child, but Ryo means fact, reality, understand? Distant; defy. The meaning Ryo I am called is to defy. Ryo replied. That's a cool word to play. Charles replied. Thank my mom for that. Ryo replied. I will call you Ryo. Charles replied. I will call you Charles. I replied. As I smiled.
My dad had a flashback. He thought of my mom naming me. "Let's name her Ryoko." Airi replied. Why name her that? What does that mean? Henry asked. Ryoko means an excellent child. I feel she is going to be cocky but a respectable to an extent. Airi replied. She will be defiant as hell. Henry replied. I feel she might have some of my defiant nature.
Things are going great for me right now. Little did I know we were going to be friends dealing with troubles. Even with my problems and hers.
Stay Tuned.
Kobicha means "brown nosing'