Chereads / What?! I have two classes?? / Chapter 7 - Maeliv

Chapter 7 - Maeliv

E looked up in his stupor. Half processing what what happening in front of him.

" Hey! Put him down!!"

" AWWWW He's soo Cute!!! I just wanna squeeeeeze him!"

E's quicken heart beat sobered him just barely enough for him to understand the situation. His fist unfurled. Bean was wedged between to large breast, hugged tight by a large orc woman who must be just under 7 foot tall. Bean squirmed at first and then gave in. He didn't dare move and his surprised face quickly turned into a chilling grin.

" Uhm Hey excuse me ... Can you" E fell silent, Bean passed over at look at him that rang forth a feeling he would never forgive him.

" Where did this little guy come from?! He's just the cutest. Where's his mom? " The orc woman spoke out glancing down at Bean then E.

" Uhh his mom's dead...." E noticed the woman must be extremely drunk she tottered from heel to toe holding Bean.

The orc lady sat down in beans old chair and extended one hand off the hug. " Hi, I'm Maeliv, You sure are brave taking in an orc child like this. You must have a good heart." Maeliv's shoulder length black hair

tickled the top of Bean's head and he let out a sly giggle.

" Uhm ma'am, I think you might be mistaken. You see that's.." E was cut off as Jasper came over quickly and placed a new mug of ale in front of the two of them.

" 'Ere Mae a fresh cup for yeh. I see you met my good friend E. He's got a promising future. Just got a Ranger class! Drinks on me!" Jasper let forth a very cringe filled smile as he spoke, then looked to E with a wink.

" Oh a ranger huh that's great. Have you got a party? I'm here to recruit some members, my last team kicked me out so I wanted to start my own." Mae began to guzzle down her drink.

E wished he could activate his Surveyor Skill so bad right now but he was out of MP. He did a quick once over. Bulging muscles, freckled green skin darker than Beans. Small tusks out of the bottom lip, leather clothes with beads and tassels, and a pleasant demeanor. He couldn't see anything wrong. " Why not. I'll just go for it." he thought.

" Yeah I'm a Ranger. Unfortunately I do have a party but we would totally accept you, you seem like a nice person. What exactly is your class? You're obviously quite fit, let me guess a Warrior or something?" Mae Blushed a little and drank some more.

" Hahaha no. I'm actually a Barbarian. I kinda want to start my own party though, people don't keep me around long and I need steady coin. I'm in need of a healer like a Cleric or the like. I tend to get a little carried away. So unless you and a cleric want to join me I'd have to respectfully decline."

E panicked he didn't want to let her get away he really was bad at negotiating. He needed Beans skills. Either the drink hit Bean or he gave in to bliss his head rest against Mae with a glee riddled face. Mae kept drinking whilst looking at E pondering the situation. Her eyes grew large and she stood up obviously pissed. She slammed her mug down.

" YOU SNEAKY BRAT!" She spoke as she grabbed E by the collar lifting him from his chair. Spitting a gold coin on the counter.

" YOU DARE CONSIGN ME IN THIS MANNER?! I'll Have your HEAD!" her eyes beamed in fury as she stare down Everest inches from his face.

E didn't understand what was going on what did he say? He tried to speak out but just stuttered out nothing.

Jasper came running over. "MAE! I'll have you know I saw what happened. You spat out the coin. You must adhere to the rules or no one will join your party. Don't go killing anyone in my bar! Unhand him and take it outside!"

E got let go and so did Bean. They hit the floor and stood up as Mae huffed outside. E look back to Jasper. " What the hell is going on Jasper?!"

" You slipped a coin in her mug you sneaky bugger. You signed her to your crew once the coin touched her lips. Can't believe you would do that. Best bring her first pay to her or it falls through, might want to sweeten the deal or she might break you." Jasper retorted as he slyly, but enough for E to notice, slid the gold coin off the bar into his palm. " Go on" He pointed to the door.

A few patron's and parties watched the scene unfold. And slid some angry remarks at E. Many onlookers look appalled and turned there gaze away from E in disgust. E left the bar with Bean to meet Mae outside.

" Hey look I'm sorry..." E was cut short.

" Listen here you little shit! I'm going to hold my end up but after 3 Quests I am free you got me! You better watch my back cause if I go down on some dumb bullshit quest I'm clawing you down with me!" Mae turned to leave. Then quickly turned back noticing Bean this time. Her senses back to her noticing he was just a large goblin she huffed then spoke out again. " MY PAY!" she yelled with her palm extended. E quickly went into his coin purse and grabbed out a gold piece. And gave it to her. She stormed off towards the guild party inn.

" Wooowee what a woman she is. Damn E your a sly bugger. How come you didn't give me a gold huh? huh? Just kidding, but man good choice. She squished me so tightly I about passed out. I Loved it." Bean slapped E's back and went back inside. E stood there, dumbfounded.

Bean and E ate at the bar and left. They were getting some odd looks as folks began to get more and more drunk. They went back to their room and went to sleep.

The following morning the two of them awoke to a knock at the door. They got up and E opened the door.

" Hey..." E said to Mae. She stood there arms crossed with a disgruntled expression. " Come in and let's chat?" E had to diffuse the situation.

" Listen I didn't mean for you to be pissed. But if three quests is all I get I promise I'll give you support and a fair share. Hopefully you'll choose to stay after that."

E handed over his guild card.

Mae grabbed it and stare for a bit. " Hmm you're not even level one yet but you have three skills? And you got low light vision. Not bad I guess. What about you little imposter?"

Bean handed over his card. " Haha eat anything that's classified as a skill? What'd you grow up on eating crap?! Well whatever. You two pick them off from my rear and just let me slice them down. You better pick the right quests or we're not doin anything. Everythings high risk in this formation. Here." She handed their cards back and gave over hers as well.

Maeliv Miek


Class: Barbarian Lv1

Skills- Power attack, Rage

Racial feat - Orc ferocity.

E looked at the card in contrast to his. He and Bean weren't even leveled. Does that mean he's level 0? Power attack and Rage? Sounds like she's a slugger. " Do you use any weapons or have any armor?

" I wield a foot wide great sword. It was my Grandpa's. It's old and worse for wear but it'll get the job done. And armor no I don't. I have these leather clothes.. Armor is why I need money! I've made do with the sword so far."

E thought hard. How could he employ their skills best. Her idea was about a good as it could get. " She's huge though and has a big ass sword? She'll block my sight on the target. I going to have to get crafty. Hmm" he pondered.

" Okay We'll just have to look at the quest board and find the right job. I'll do my best to get you enough for armor before our 3 quests are up. We just need to visit the Fletcher get some things made and we can find an easy quest."

" Whoa slow your horses cause we don't have any. Also the events start today and I'm signed up for the wrestling tournament. I'm not leaving here til these are done. I still have to prospect and plus you can win some prizes and I heard there are some good ones. So you figure out the horses and I'm doing my thing. Upgrade our room to a bigger one for tonight and we can meet back then. See ya." Mae left after that.

E felt his pocket strain. How much do horses cost. And armor for a hulking orc like her? He looked over at Brock.

" What did you grow up eating?"