Chereads / Slave to the Demon Lord / Chapter 39 - Living in The Past

Chapter 39 - Living in The Past

"I see". That was all she said before walking off along the roadside. Although she felt a little guilty for being rude to Vanessa she couldn't exactly blame her ignorance.

Vanessa followed close behind.

"Then those letters are for her?".

Vanessa nodded behind, "Yes, and for my mother. I haven't seen them since I was taken away!".

Laurie turned to meet her eyes for some seconds before finally sighing. "Do you really not know about the war?".

She shook her head.

"Where exactly have you been? Another nation?".

Vanessa nodded.

"I'll tell you a little about it then", both young women continued on their walk. "The neighboring nation, Lingard proposed to marry the second daughter of the king of Thames, Princess Mildred Thames to his third son, Prince Spencer Lingard ". She waved at some old women across the street who waved back with smiles. "The king bluntly refused, accusing Lingard for merely wanting their resources".

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue: