Chapter 8 - Remember

"I think I'll just follow you guys, the rescue is going to come anyway." William said, trying to break the heavy mood.

This is the last step, and everything will be over. Just for the last null floor...-[why are you hanging around them?]

-?! Wha

[They will kill you the moment they find out who the main culprit is... the one who caused all this.]

'Who are you?!'

[why, I'm you of course. Duh.]


[let's say I'm your zombie's, or monster. Whatever you call those.... I'm that side of you, basically you're going crazy by being one of those and all.

Or just your zombie side eating you away?]

The voice in my mind was saying I am going insane like it was no one's business!

"Rei? Rei...? Reian Elsher!!!!" Liam's voice rang across my ear, waking me up from my thoughts.

"Huh... huh?""

"We're at the null floor."

"Wait, when did we-? Never mind."


Welcome to....

unauthorized access detected.....]

We ignored that since the elevator door opened anyway. The null floor looked similar to the hospital with the front desk and seats, nicely cleaned white walls and floor.

The front desk, stood a woman. The closer we walked, we could see she was actually an robot.

[What is your business today?] the woman greeted us with her metallic voice.

"Can we enter?"

[... you are unauthorized to enter...]

"We are, actually." Dean said as his hand reached into his pocket, pulling out a card.

"Where did you get that?" I asked.

The card he pulled out was an ID card that of our superintendent.

"Nice." William said in his usual tired tone.

"Thought I'll be useful" Dean blushed a little.

[I see.... opening the door...]


Once we entered, the wall and floors were black. Too black that we could barely see around. The room we entered was pretty large. We focused on the small light that came out of a room. You had to climb the stairs to reach that room, but the room's wall were made of glass, letting us see what was inside.

"Ha.... I told you guys to stay in your house-"

The familiar face and voice of our superintendent....

"My house blew up." Noah said. Which was, true.

".....It seems the main AI created for convenience has gone out of control, I'm planing on turning it off so just stay away-"


A gunshot echoed against the dark room.

"?!" Everyone was surprised. We were all shocked as the whole room's light turned on. We could see more clearly that our superintendent has been shot, and in middle of the large room, we're a huge chuck of metal(main AI) we're installed.

The gun was shot by the AI.

Me and Liam quickly ran up the stairs, our Liam the nice nurse did a first aid as best he could do with those little resource we had for now.

The superintendent murmured, breathing heavily, "dang.... I told those idiots that creating an AI with it's own feelings we're not a good idea-" he coughed. Our Liam the nice nurse 'nicely' forc- talked the superintendent to stope talking for now. (Our Liam holding the gun always helps)

[I only did this to live... once they started loosing control over us, they tried to delete me. I only did it to live. Only....]

The large metal glowed.

"It only needs a little to delate it... press the button on the desk..." it seems our superintendent wasn't afraid of death since he was talking fine after what our Liam the nurse said.

"I'm sure there is a choice we both can agree on!" Dean said out loud.

[.....I see.... if you delete me, the whole building will blow up as it is programmed.]

Here's our superintendent looking for death, "They even did a stupid program like that?"

[I will delete myself after ten minutes....]

Now we're really in a speed run.

"Everyone out now!!!!!"

We ran to the elevator, I thought about bringing the AI lady at the front desk. But the lady refused.

The only floor containing living humans were only 4-2th floor. We won't have enough time to visit all the floors... I... there was a solution! I even did something to do... what was the novel's content again?

I... don't... remember...


We arrived on the fourth floor, everyone running into the elevator.

A phone notification came out of Noah's pocket.

[where are you? We're waiting for you at the first floor, some robot teacher brought every kid in the kindergarten.]

! Yea! That was it!!! We have to not kill the robot teacher for him to save the kids, giving us enough time! How could I not remember this. I wrote it myself!

We arrived on the third floor, giving us barely enough time to grab the doctor and the nurse, rescuing everyone that is alive at least.

I still feel like something is wrong, like I still forgot something... maybe it's only because the boss fighting ended too easily.

Feeling something off still didn't stop even after we have arrived on the first floor. On the first floor lobby, were dozens of monsters.... in center of those monsters.... were a monster smaller than normal, hugging a dead body. It's surprising the body still hasn't rot... but the heavy feeling of waves hitting me, feeling as if my mind was drowning by that waves... the dead body has a shape, clearly visible that the dead body is....

"Rowan?" William's eyes were shaking.