Chapter 14 - Forgot you existed

(Liam's POV)

Judging by how those blackies can attack me... meant I'm not seeing things wrong... no way I can fight with this leg... but it doesn't mean I'll go down quietly of course.

Who knows, they might rescue me.

"Retreat! Go back to our camp and we'll come back later!"

"That dam- ha.... "

A gun shot... and a hand grabbing my wrist.

"....why are you here?!" I asked to the figure.

"Of course I would be here." The dude grabbing my wrist probably never wash his clothes... because he was still wearing the same navy adi*as jacket.

William seems to have a hard time dragging me.


(William's POV)

Why did I do that?! Ah dang it! F it all!! The happiness of meeting the rescue team soon disappeared when they yelled "retreat"

And left just like that! That fine, I can just wait a little more... but why am o dragging this Liam guy?

After the rescue team retreated, I went down to see... dozens more of dead monsters and Liam standing in the middle of it... how can he kill that many without any weapon, and a twisted ankle??


(Liam's POV)

I hope Liam isn't... you know.

I stepped down to the lobby to see that the rescue team has returned.

I let out a relieved-

"We had to leave Liam there since it was too..." one of the people said with their head down...

How could I forget this! The rescue teams leaves Liam behind, William rescues him, than... I'm sure he dies... but I... can't remember how... or why...

my knees gave up, making me collapse to the floor.

"Rei!" Noah hurriedly grabbed me.

I could barely make out few sentence as my eyesights were getting darker and darker, "room... bring me to my room... close the door-" Noah lifted me up and did exactly that.

[ don't have much time]

'I know.'


(Noah's PO- but before that! Some details the author forgot)

The monster, mutant, black-virus-monster (aka: BVM *not a car logo), last but not least... blackie. Or whatever you call them... their body is all black. Their face, holds some white rune like things drawn around.

How they look as they slowly turn into one: from their right side, black marks keeps moving to the left.... covering bit by bit(unless they are an extra. If they are, they will turn into one in a second).... their eyes glowing yellow.


(Noah's POV)

Rei looked as if he was suffering.... the moment I let him down after I closed the door, he scratched his nails across the floor.... I couldn't do anything... Rei, suddenly looked up, his eyes were glowing yellow? But in a second, it was back to normal.

I must've seen it wrong....

I grabbed Rei as he fainted. Gently laying him down to his bed, I rushed out to get a doctor.