Truth felt he would not get the whole story at the house so he asked, Ladies can you all give my officer your names and we will contact you each in a timely fashion to interview you for this case. He then looked at Honesty and ask is there anyone else in the house like…... your husband maybe? Honesty said no, I live alone. Truth felt a little joy for some reason but did not show it on his face so he said you can come with me since you have been through such an ordeal, and I'll bring you back after the interview. Honesty agreed because she was still too shaken to drive, and she really didn't want to be alone.
Truth was not super rich, but he made some great investments when he was young, and he achieved a health saving, so his car was not government issued. When Honesty saw Truth walk to the car she was surprised because coming from a big city she was used to seeing fancy cars like this but never seen anything like this in this small town in the three years she lived here. Truth opened the door for Honesty, and she looked at him for the first time and realized how attractive he was. She blushed a little and said thank you Detective Grier.
Truth saw her blushing and his heart stirred a little he then said no problem. After closing her door Truth ran around the car to head to the police station. On the way the music that was playing on the radio was Heather Headley's "In my mind". Honesty loves this song and finally relaxed a little. She laid her head back on the head rest and started humming the song. Truth looked at her and admired her beauty and the harmony coming from her. Can you sing, Truth asked, and Honesty stopped immediately and looked embarrassed and said I like to but it not up to me to say if I sound good to others.
They both smiled at her answer but were quiet again after that. Honesty started thinking and she wondered since she was going to the police department now was, she was under arrest. She sat up a little and said Detective Grier, am I under arrest? Truth looked at her surprised, hurt face, and said no right now we just need to know the facts and we are just going to question you. Honesty relaxed again and Truth said you can call me Truth if you want instead of Detective Grier with a comforting smile. Honesty was flushed with emotion that she had not had I so long or ever. She was drawn to him and for some reason he felt the same even though neither was willing to admit it. That is a cute name Honesty finally said and Truth smiled.
He said I really like your name as well. Do you know why your mother named you Truth Honesty asked out of curiosity? Truth giggled a little at the question because he was used to this question after all. He said my mother was pregnant with me when she saw an old lady one day walking down the street. It was hot so she walked slowly and looked as if she were about to faint. My mother could not let that happen, so she stopped to assist the older lady. She took the older lady home and talked to her for a long time. During this time, the older lady said she had something for my mother to thank her for kindness and gave her is necklace. She said this necklace was from her great great grandmother that was taken from Africa.