The arrival of the larger, more aggressive dog quickly escalated the situation. Whereas before the crowd was simply curious, now they were afraid. And when humans were afraid, people and animals got hurt. Sometimes severely. Sometimes permanently injured or even killed.
Kira desperately wanted to prevent that. Her thoughts flashed back to when she met Valder. He had helped her rescue her pack members that were being tormented by humans. She wished he was here with her now.
However, she had Wraith. And that was good. Although she didn't know what he was going to do. And she was a little worried about his safety.
She felt the lessening of the pressure on her shoulder as Wraith leapt away. He was off to cause his 'necessary trouble.' Whatever that meant. She chuckled to herself. He must have heard her tell her pack that they couldn't go with her so they wouldn't cause any 'unnecessary trouble.'