Valder always had a soft spot for animals although no one else but Killian knew it. And he could see that, despite their strange and even frightening appearance, the dogs – for lack of a better term – were actually terrified of the humans. They were just trying to protect themselves and rescue their trapped brethren. But what exactly were they and where did they come from? And, for that matter, who or what was Kira?
He laughed at himself as found himself referring to people as 'humans' as though he was something else. Of course, he'd never been much like most of the humans he knew. But he didn't believe he could be anything else.
He'd always felt apart from others. He never enjoyed the things they did. And rarely wanted to spend any time around them. He felt that he was missing something that all other humans had. That he was lacking something fundamental in his makeup that everyone else possessed. So, he could never fully join them. But he didn't mind. He preferred solitude.