Chereads / Book Of Secrets (History Of Rising Kingdom) / Chapter 10 - Welcome Qi Wen (2)

Chapter 10 - Welcome Qi Wen (2)

Star academy

Next day

"Let's go surfing"Min said

"Yeah should i call chen?"Yan asked

"No need,he's already there"Ling said

"Really and you couldn't tell us,let's get ready quick so that we meet them there"Yan said

"Calm down girl,he's not running away"Ling said

"It's not your fault it's because you see yi xue every day"Yan said. and ling threw a pillow at her

"You guys have to fast we still have to catch up"min said and ling ran into the bath room

"Ling,come out"Yan said

"Come out"Yan said again and ling started laughing

"Don't worry,i will come out after two hours"Ling said

Thirty minutes later

"Come in let's go"Yan said,she was dressed in a pink flare cloth

"Wow you look cute darling,but we are going surfing not to a party"Ling said looking at her from the wardrobe

"You were the first person to come out,why are you not dressed yet?"Yan asked

"Come on,i just came out ten minutes ago"ling said

"Anyway I have seen what i wanna wear"ling said

"What are you wearing?"Yan and min asked with keen interest

"Crop top and mini skirt"ling said and they looked disappointed

"We are going surfing not shopping"Yan said

"I am also taking a swimming trunk"Ling


"Now I get it,but do you have a swimming trunk?"Yan asked

"No but yu has two she will give one"Ling said

*Star Ocean*

Ling,yu,yan and min walked and saw the boys already leaving they ran to them

"Ling,why are dressed like this,you look like you wanna go for a war"chen said

"This isn't the way you dress for a war plus I don't need your compliments"ling said

"You came late we are done surfing"xue said

"Then what should we do?"min asked

"Ice skating"wen said

"Okay let's go"zhen said,they all walked to the ice skating park

"Yan take this and I will take this"min said passing the skating board to her

"Wen,what is this?"Ling asked pointing at the necklace on his neck

"It's my spirit necklace"Wen said

"Okay then let's go"ling said and they all started skating with xue in the front and ling at her back trying to catch up

Yu was skating trying to pass wen when she reached his side they glared at each other before she passed him

"Why does he seem familiar?"Yu wondered

"Wait"ling said to cue and he slowed down a little and she was able to catch up

"What's wrong?"xue asked

"Nothing,i just felt like telling you to slow down"Ling said and xue started skating fast again

"I just joking please slow down"ling said but xue didn't listen and continued skating fast

they all soon stopped skating and went to the school

*Star Academy*

Next Day

"What do you think we should do today?"Yu asked

"Do we have a competition this noon?"min asked

"Yes,but i will go to the library before it is time for the competition"ling said

"I will also go"min,yan and yu chorused


Yan,yu,min and ling got there and they saw xue,zhen,chen and wen already there they took their various books and went to sit down beside them

"You guys are here"zhen said

"Yeah,we just felt like killing time here till the com starts"min said

"Xue,are you participating in the competition later?"ling asked

"Yes"xue said "I give up"ling said and she focused on the book she's reading

"I would like to test your skills"Wen said referring to yu

"I will also like to test your skills"yu said and smiled and they kept on staring at each other

ling raised her head from her book and stared at them but they didn't shake

Ling tapped min,min tapped yan,yan tapped chen,chen tapped zhen and zhen tapped xue

they kept on looking at them until when Qi wen looked away from yu and saw all of them looking at him

"What's wrong?"wen asked

"What's going on with the two of you?"Yan asked

"Nothing"Yu said and they all shrugged and continued reading their book when ling suddenly started opening and closing her book ,soon yu,yan,min,wen,zhen,xue and chen were looking at her

"Ling,stop it,if you keep on doing that we would be sent out of the library"zhen said

"I'm sorry,i'm just surprised"ling said

"Surprised about what?"wen asked

"Did you know we could change our powers as we like?"Ling asked "No,where did you see that?"Yan asked,l Ling showed he the book in her hand

"Rising Kingdom"Yan read

"The king of rising kingdom figured out we could change our power when he was in danger and he wanted to teleport,he said that our powers were represented by colours,he also said you can only not change to future eyes and time travel which were already owned by royals and you can only change once in a while"

"Blue is teleportation,punk is seed grower,green is superspeed,you just have to think of the colour then use the power for whatever you want to use it for"ling said

"For example"ling said,she thought of green and she superspeed round their table

"Let me try"Min said,she thought of blue and teleported to the shelf,yu also thought of blue and teleported out of the library and she soon came back

"Where did you go"Yan asked