"No,too girlish"Yan said,wen looked suprised but he looked around and he went were swords were sold
"Please give me your best sword"wen said
"This sun fly sword,it was made by a thousand blacksmith"the shopkeeper said
"Okay it is good enough I will take it"wen said,he collected the sword from the shopkeeper and paid for it,he went to meet yu and showed her the sword
"Do you like this?"wen asked,yu looked suprised,she collected the sword from him and looked at him in wonder
"Is this?"Yu asked but was interrupted by wen
"Yes it is sun fly sword"wen said
"Wow,it's good"Yu said with a happy look on her face
"Who did you get it for?"Yu asked with a cold face
"For you"wen said
"Me,why?"Yu asked looking suprised
"I hope you can forget whatever I did to you in your past life and be my friend"wen said
"Okay I will consider forgiving you"Yu said as she looked at the sword happily as she walked out side with wen,they met yan,min,ling,xue,chen,and zhen already waiting and they continued their trip to mixing academy
*Night time*
Ling gathered some fireword and started a fire,yu sent up the tents for everyone
"Does anyone have any thing to use to entertain us?"Ling asked
"I do"min said as she stood up
"Go min"Ling cheered her
🎶When I looked at you all🎶
🎶I saw happy smile on your face🎶
🎶When I looked at you all🎶
🎶You all so happy🎶
🎶I wish I could forget🎶
🎶All those past misdeed🎶
🎶Oh how I wish I could forget🎶
🎶And face the present time🎶
🎶You are my happiness🎶
🎶You are my joy🎶
🎶I don't think I can live without you🎶
🎶You are my only hope🎶
🎶I love you🎶Min sang and everyone cheered for her and went to sit,yu also came up and started singing
🎶I know how to play🎶
🎶I know this game🎶
🎶It's all the same🎶
🎶I remember this scene🎶
🎶I remember this place🎶
🎶It's all the same🎶
🎶Now when I look at it🎶
🎶It looks just like my past life🎶
🎶I hope it will,it will change🎶
🎶Now when I look at it🎶
🎶It looks just like my past life🎶
🎶I hope it will,it will change🎶
🎶I love this present live🎶
🎶I like this present friends🎶
🎶I hope it will be like,how i want it🎶
🎶Good at first and good at last🎶
🎶I hope it will how i want it 🎶
Yu sang and they all clapped and cheered for her
"Look it's fire World"min said and they all lokef up to see a beautiful array of fireworks
"It's beautiful"Ling said and xue looked at the smiled on her face and looked back to the sky
*Next Day*
Ling stood up and picked the tents and they all moved on with their journey
"We are half way though let's take a break"Ling said after they walked for whole
"Let's go for a race,so we will be able to have fun and continue with out trip"Yan said
"Good,yu,go get the horses"xue said
"Yes,leader"Yu said,she went back and brought back five horses
"Why did you bring only five?"min asked
"Don't blame me,that's the only amount,i can afford"yu said
"How are we gonna take the horses now?"Yan asked
"Let's do it like this"yu said
"leader and ling will take a horse,yan and chen will take a horsesl,min and zhen will take one,wen will take one and i will take one"Yu said
"Okay,am good with it"Ling said and they all climbed on their horses and started rising it with xue and ling's horse leaving them
"How do you like my plan?"Ling asked
"It's managable"xue said
"Really?"Ling asked
"Fine,it's good,thank you"xue said
"You're welcome"Ling said as she held unto xue's waist tighter
"Let's take a break here"xue said as he stopped his horse at the park and they took it to the horsekeeper and went to the park
"Who has any idea of a game,we could play?"Ling asked
"Hide and seek"Yan said
"Wen, can you please be the one to seek?"Yan asked
"okay,one,two,three*wen counted and they all ran to hide,ling isee invisibility spell,she walked forwards the ferris wheel and she saw yi xue about to climb on it
"Did he also use invisibility spell?"Ling thought
"Anyway"she said with a shrug and climbed on it,she sat sat because xue and the ferris wheel started moving
"Xue,can you see me?"Ling asked
"Yes"xue said
"Did you also use invisibility spell?"Ling asked
"Yes,but for another reason"xue said
"What reason?"Ling asked
"To spy on someone"xue said and the ferris wheel reached the top,ling shouted as it came down,and she held xue who was laughing,the ferris reached down and they climbed off it
"Could you please get me some ice cream?"Ling asked
"Okay,only because i laughed at you"xue said and ran to get the ice cream and he heard a voice which seemed like wen's voice
"Remember your mission,if you can't kill them,l sure them to blue kingdom"a voice said
"Okay I will try my best"wen said
"Be fat about it"the voice said and soon he only heard wen footsteps,he left there,bought the ice cream and went to meet ling
"Why did you take Ling?"Ling asked
"Nothing"xue replied
"Let's gather the test,so we can leave"xue said
"Okay,yoi can tell them through sound transmission"Ling said
"Come to the ferris wheel point we should get ready to go"xue said through sound transmission and they soon came there,they took their horses and continued their journey to mixing academy